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    Gpig reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Bakhmut report on 16:30
    I retell brielfy long post
    Northern and southern flanks outside the city without changes - there was some quietly today. 
    Main clashes are inside the city - especally heavy fights in city center and near railroad station. Russians have some success west from railroad station and now intensive skirmishes are going for grain elevator and along Chaykovskoho lane (from railway station to elevator) and Kolpakovoy str.  (embracing elevator). Russians used on this direction Wagners from Syria and VDV. Situation is very fluent for both sides and changes every half-hour. Both sides don't give opportunity to gain foothold for opponents. 
    The video just as illustration of small-arms intensity in Bakhmut
    And some combat work of 1st mech.battalion of 3rd assault brigade "Azov". Pay attention of small tunnel (drain pipe or under pass ), where soldiers could deploy two pick-ups until Russians shelled them with arty
  2. Upvote
    Gpig reacted to Fenris in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Check-mate   (note is visegrad so pass the salt)
  3. Upvote
    Gpig reacted to Maciej Zwolinski in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    He would be Legolas if he used an ordinary dumb round. With SMArt it is more like a mage taking down two opponents with Melf Rancid Arrows or somesuch
  4. Upvote
    Gpig reacted to DesertFox in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Masters of mocking the Orcs:
  5. Like
    Gpig reacted to dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Well, sometimes promotions can be quite rapid, but that is pretty much never good news.
  6. Like
    Gpig reacted to alison in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Sorry for off-topic, but this proposal keeps coming up on this thread so I feel I should address it from perspective of someone who lives in Taiwan.
    Something most "put a bunch of marines of Taiwan" takes are missing is the voices of the Taiwanese people.
    Even though most Taiwanese do not consider themselves Chinese, also most Taiwanese do not favor changing the status quo. The country is in a bizarre place because it's plainly evident to everyone - including China - that Taiwan is already an independent country with its own government, laws and military... but nobody can actually say that out loud. Any time other countries try to engage with Taiwan, politically or militarily, both that country and Taiwan gets punished. Which maybe doesn't faze the US, but they're the richest and most powerful country in the world! Taiwan is a small island located right next door to the second richest and second most powerful country in the world, who also happens to be their biggest trade partner - the ultimate frenemy.
    Putting marines on Taiwan is just moving a chess piece for America, but for Taiwan it is a major change to the status quo, something that could affect the lives of everyone in the country - potentially for the worse. As a democratic country, there are a lot of different opinions on this, and with the presidential election coming up in 2024, no candidate wants to be shown as the one who let the Americans mess up the economy. This is probably why the meeting with Speaker McCarthy happened in California and not in Taiwan, because the Taiwanese government doesn't want to escalate tensions, especially not ahead of a political campaign.
  7. Like
    Gpig reacted to chrisl in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I think he was referring to the relative involvement of the Chicken and the Pig in a bacon and eggs breakfast.  The Chicken is involved, but the Pig is committed. It's not all that common of an analogy, but I've heard it come up a few times. Except many of the NATO Chickens are committed to support because they're worried that dinner will be Chicken & Waffles.
  8. Upvote
    Gpig reacted to NamEndedAllen in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    My brother in law just died a needlessly horrible drawn out death, today. He fought for decades in a variety of ways to defend the USA. One person was directly responsible for how it went down. My sister is heartbroken, and enraged at what happened. I am in more than a foul mood. So my thoughts right now are colored in a certain way by this tragedy. Not particularly with distance, nuance and diplomacy. What happens when you are inside the box, not outside. My apologies if you don’t like them. I don’t either.
    Lot of talk lately about Ukraine has GOT to produce big battlefield wins, now. Trying to put myself within Ukraine’s box:
    1. Your country was suddenly invaded by one of the largest monsters in the world, ravaging your cities, raping and killing civilians. That is awful. We condemn it. You will collapse in three days.
    2. We are NATO. We are a hugely powerful military alliance designed  to defend ourselves against that very same horrible monster.  Because we all fear trying to do so alone. Like you. Too bad you aren’t in NATO.
    3. There won’t be any cavalry coming to your rescue, on land, sea, or air. But good luck, we support you brave people. Here are a lot of supplies and defensive short range weapons. You go fight the monster. We’ll cheer you on. 
    4. OK, you have been doing a great job! Well done. Even with most of your cities and power grid regularly under missile and drone attack in the winter,  thousands of casualties, and smashed into rubble cities, you are still standing! Great job! Here are some more weapons, and one with a little longer range. It works really well so you can continue to not only survive but make some progress. Not too much progress though. Might be dangerous. So, no to your other requests for planes and long range weapons. We can’t risk getting attacked by the monster.. But we will open war crimes investigations into the massacres, rapes and civilian killings and targetings.
    5. Hey, you haven’t won yet! We don’t think you can win although the monster has obviously already lost. You have really fracked up his army good. By the way, our patience is growing thin and you haven’t defeated one of the world’s largest military powers yet. After a whole year.  We are the richest group of countries ever on Earth.  We have awesome military capabilities beyond belief. And lots of nuclear weapons. If we lose interest and get tired, you probably will have to negotiate away big chunks of your country you fought and died for. If you only achieve a stalemate against the monster. Unless you defeat that monster, real soon now. Here’s a few older tanks we made a long time ago. And a handful of rusty old Soviet/Russian jets, some don’t work though. Please don’t complain. It’s ungrateful.
    6. Oh, hey. Go out there as soon as the ground is firmed up and really tear apart the monster, the monster we are definitely not wanting to get any madder at us. No pressure, but if you don’t defeat the monster right now, you are pretty much up a creek because we’re tired and have real problems here in our nice undamaged, heated homes. By the way, we are worried about you defeating the monster. What will happen to the him? He might hurt us. But don’t forget, the monster has already lost.
    7. I mean, yeah, the monster just threw a few hundred thousand troops at you and you survived and all. Well, most of you. But hey, they weren’t well-trained. And we all know the monster has already lost (as far as threatening us over here in NATO - yay).  So you better defeat this monster by yourself, Right now. We gave you a LOT of equipment so you should be able to do this on your own. We can’t get involved. But here are a few more old jets. Don’t work so good right now, but…
    8. We just got Finland into NATO!  Mostly thanks to you!). Now we are even stronger, and NATO makes sure none of us have to try to defeat the monster on our own. Like you. Because we don’t think we could. We can’t give you more powerful offensive weapons because it would have taken you all last year to learn how to use them. And then you might have defeated the monster. And we are really really worried because that might be bad. For us. You understand. So go out there NOW and defeat the monster. Or we will probably have to reduce our support for you. Like, if things get really bad for you. Not winning. We might not be there. As much. Or something. Hard to tell. But go win. Now. OK? 

    PS. I really am pleased at how the West has helped out. I just don’t think it’s been soon enough with enough of the right stuff to end it before the political rot sets in. So I’m ventilating how it might feel. While I am grieving.
  9. Like
    Gpig reacted to billbindc in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    And of course, Ukraine was nowhere close to getting into the EU much less NATO. Put another way, you don’t get to invade someone because they fruitlessly aspire to join a defensive alliance that would protect them from you and get to claim that you’ve been wronged. 
  10. Like
    Gpig reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I think a lot of this springs from a sort of ignorant entitlement mentality.  The world is just supposed to keep the US on top because it is the US.  This completely misses the sacrifices and decades of work it took to position it on top - and frankly everyone in the western world should be happy it worked out that way.  But no, the US should be able to simply “Let it be” and somehow the world will keep spinning the way it has - this is beyond ignorant and is heading to dumb.
    Here is a crazy thought for all the Russian apologists, isolationist, Cro-Magnon-adventists who try and frame this war as anything than it is: Some wars are worth fighting, and this is one of them.
    ”Oh if we had only…[insert upside down theory]”. Well we did not. Russia invaded a nation that was minding its own business and is killing innocent people in a naked power grab.  I do not care if Russia wigged out because NATO - so freakin what?  We use our words not poorly aimed cruise missiles.  
    This entire war is not the result of anyone’s foreign policy other than Russia and Putin.  Every nation that joined NATO did so of its own free will - you know, the thing we are supposed to be protecting?  Anyone who suggests that we should live in a world where we let regional dictators pull of nonsense like this war - “to avoid war” is deluded.  Or, as I suspect is in this case, is that kid in the class who is just clever enough to be contrary and get attention but has no real solutions to offer.
  11. Like
    Gpig reacted to Harmon Rabb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    History in the making.
  12. Like
    Gpig reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    More longer and detailed video of eliminating Russian armored advance near Vodiane, Avdiivka area about week ago. Unit of 36th Marines brigade just shot out Russians with Javelins
  13. Upvote
    Gpig reacted to Harmon Rabb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Good to see the newest NATO member state helping out. 🙂
  14. Upvote
    Gpig reacted to Kinophile in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Tom Nichols is flummoxed by the depths of Russian incompetence. Worth it for his description of Russian assault tactics as being "Search & Destroy in Reverse"... 
  15. Like
    Gpig reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    General Zaluzhnyi personally awarded the soldier of 22nd mot.inf. battalion of 92nd mech.brigade Ruslan Zubarev ("Predator") for his epic fight. He received Golden Cross - honorable sign of Chief-in-Command. Also Zaluzhnyi gifted him with name weapon - AR-15 rifle. "Predator" said this was his dream to buy this rifle, but he couldn't do this, because according to the law it could be possibly only in 25 y.o., but he has 22 only.

  16. Upvote
    Gpig reacted to cesmonkey in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  17. Like
    Gpig reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A jar with termites will be more effectively ) But in Ukraine they are not common and live only in southern regions  
  18. Upvote
    Gpig got a reaction from SteelRain in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    On the lighter side,

    MITSI studio did a nice little animation on how countries fight their wars. The last one is a great tribute to Ukraine basically smashing RFs. Moskva skinking, turret tossing and drone mastery. 

    Youtube Mitsi Studios

    Also, check out their Battle of the Atlantic video

  19. Like
    Gpig reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    In this day, year ago, on 26th of March 2022  UKR army successfully completed first offensive operation and liberated Trostianets' town of Sumy oblast (about 20 000 of population). 
    Russians appeared on outskirts of Trostistianets' as far as on 24th of Feb, but their columns were advancing further to their priority objectives - Chernihiv and Kyiv. They just set some chekpoints around the town and made probes, which were repelling by local DFTG forces (Volunteer Formations of Territorial Communities - irregular add-ons to Territorial Defense Troops) - Trostianets' hadn't own Territorial Defense battalion and small unit of 93rd mech.brigade. But since 27th of Feb 2022 Russians entered to the town with large forces and up to 1st of March 2022 completely captured it. After Russian troops were unable to capture Sumy and Konotop, they established own HQ and transport hub in Trostianets'
    DFTG unit became partisans and informators for 93rd brigade, which established defense line not far from the town. Formally operation of town liberation began on 21st of March, but during previous week UKR forces destroyed several columns, moving west and since 16th of March conducted several successful artillery strikes on Russian artillery positions. Also was hit command center of 96th recon brigade, which with units of 13th tank regiment of 4th "Kantemirovskaya" guard tank division were main forces, holding Trostianet's and it outskirts. 
    21st of March partisans were in role of pass conductors - they, knowing terrain, brought to the town multiple small assault groups of 93rd mech.brigade, bypassing Russian checkpoints. In this day UKR troops couldn't liberate the town and they withdrew - clashes with Russian troops were lasting on outskirts of Trostianets' up to 24-25th of March, when 93rd brigade entered the town again. Russians couldn't stand and in the night from 25th to 26th of March abandoned the town. Allegedly commander of Russian 13th tank regiment shot himself, being unable to keep thіs crucial point. His regiment also lost many armor in this battle destroyed and abandoned. 
    There are no more detailed information of this operation and number of losses of both sides. UKR side approximately lost about 50 KIA. 
  20. Like
    Gpig got a reaction from JonS in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    On the lighter side,

    MITSI studio did a nice little animation on how countries fight their wars. The last one is a great tribute to Ukraine basically smashing RFs. Moskva skinking, turret tossing and drone mastery. 

    Youtube Mitsi Studios

    Also, check out their Battle of the Atlantic video

  21. Like
    Gpig got a reaction from paxromana in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    On the lighter side,

    MITSI studio did a nice little animation on how countries fight their wars. The last one is a great tribute to Ukraine basically smashing RFs. Moskva skinking, turret tossing and drone mastery. 

    Youtube Mitsi Studios

    Also, check out their Battle of the Atlantic video

  22. Like
    Gpig got a reaction from Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    On the lighter side,

    MITSI studio did a nice little animation on how countries fight their wars. The last one is a great tribute to Ukraine basically smashing RFs. Moskva skinking, turret tossing and drone mastery. 

    Youtube Mitsi Studios

    Also, check out their Battle of the Atlantic video

  23. Upvote
    Gpig got a reaction from Harmon Rabb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    On the lighter side,

    MITSI studio did a nice little animation on how countries fight their wars. The last one is a great tribute to Ukraine basically smashing RFs. Moskva skinking, turret tossing and drone mastery. 

    Youtube Mitsi Studios

    Also, check out their Battle of the Atlantic video

  24. Like
    Gpig reacted to Kinophile in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I sorta mentioned something sideways related to this area previously. 
    Last year my Wife (Polish dad, Ukrainian mom) was involved with a chef Friend in organising a large festival at a Ukrainian summer camp location outside Toronto. They eventually had a lot lined up - bands,  food,  kids bouncy castles,  accommodation,  the works. All Ukrainian food,  musicians etc,  everything in support of UKR refugees here in Canada. Let's call it "Ukrainian Refugee Festival 2022", so "URF 2022" for short. 
    Wife and Friend were working with the Owner of the summer camp. Let's call him Oleg,  Oleg the Owner. 
    Soon they were at the point where a website should be up and running, for Wife to start pointing social media campaigns towards and to start selling tickets. Oleg had a guy attached, a proper website developer,  legit and experienced. Let's call him Dave,  Dave the Developer. 
    So -  Wife,  Friend, Oleg (Owner) &  Dave (web Developer), all working on "URF 2022" . (Ukrainian Refugee Festival). 
    Early on Wife &  Friend ask Oleg re website, pushing a lot, but Oleg is stalling,  not clear why. He's older,  maybe it's a generational thing,  he doesn't "get it",  yadda yadda. W & F know of Dave, want to talk to him direct but Oleg doesn't/won't give contact details. 
    Two months pass of Festival organizing,  busy busy busy. Wife checks in re website Again - nothing's built. WTF.  With Friend she bears down on Oleg,  eventually gets Dave's details and reaches out. Festival is two months away. 
    Wife &  Friend to Dave: Hi Dave! Oleg said you have a site built,  may we see? 
    Dave: Sure!  (sends url) 
    Wife: Hmh...? 
    Friend: Uhhhh? 
    The website domain is not "URF2022.com" The site mentions about a festival but no URF by name,  and not at the Summer Camp location The Summer Camp location is mentioned but purely for 2024 (yes,  '24) summer camps.  The organization that the site is purportedly for my Wife has never, not once heard of. Let's them Who The **** Are These Guys (WTFATG).  It's certainly not "URF 2022 Ltd" .  There's no payment portal -  you email this WTFATG with your tickets request and your credit card details in the email and they process the order and mail you the tickets. Mail.  Not email. Mail. Perfectly safe, legit,  transparent and standard, yup yup yup.  Wife: Ugh Dave?  Wtf all the above? 
    Dave: You, Mrs. Wife &  Mr. Friend,  are as confused as I am. Btw I haven't been paid diddly squat and I'm nanometers from walking away. Your own confusion, as Primary Organizers, is a serious accelerant. 
    Friend: Have you sent an invoice? 
    Dave: Yes. To Oleg. 
    Wife: WTFF (What The ****ing ****).  Not even to the WTFATG? 
    Dave: Nope.  Oleg insisted, plus I have no details of WTFATG - address, accountants, working phone number, etc. Just that email.
    Wife: Dave - get your sneakers on,  the fast ones. I'm gonna talk to Oleg and I have a bad feeling. 
    Dave: Lady, metaphorically I'm sitting in the car with my foot hovering over the gas pedal. 
    So, Wife & Friend call Oleg. 
    Wife: Oleg,  who are WTFATG? 
    Oleg: Oh them,  they're a separate organisation. Nothing to do with URF2022
    Wife: Uh huh. Btw,  no ****ing way we selling tickets in the process described above.
    Oleg: What? But how will we pay for the 2024 camps? 
    Wife: WTFFF* are you talking about?  We're organizing URF 2022 remember? 
    Oleg: Yes,  and they'll pay for the '24 camps in advance,  then pay off the URF2022 people. 
    Friend: Wait a second -  "they"?  The tickets for URF? 
    Oleg: No, "they"  as in WTFATG. But they need to be paid off, which is where URF 2022 will help them out. Plus how else will they pay me for minding the place? 
    Wife: WTFFFF** do you mean, minding the place? Aren't you the bloody owner? Why the hell should URF2022 give any monies to anyone but Festival acts &  suppliers, not to mention the fugees THIS WHOLE THING IS MEANT TO HELP? 
    Oleg: Well they own the place, not me. I just live here. 
    Wife: !!!! etc 
    There are not enough ****s in the worlds to describe her simultaneous Volcanic Fury & Complete Confusion, her mind is in a quantum state of both Horrified (particle) and Enraged (wave).
    Wife: Oleg, your understanding of Space & Time, not to mention Basic Logic, leaves a lot to be desired. I don't know who the hell you actually are (the Janitor!?),  who WTFATG are,  what the hell is going on and why I'm still talking to you. I'm out. 
    Wife calls Dave. 
    Wife: GO. 
    Dave: VROOM
    URF 2022 did not go ahead.
    Website disappeared. WTFATG still exist online. Kids still go to Ukrainian Summer Camp at that location but it is absolutely impossible to find out anything about WTFATG themselves. Not that Wifey cares to bother. Oleg is the Site Manager of the location; Wife never got the sense that he was a Bad Guy, just an older guy glad to have a paycheck who didnt have the wit to sense what was going on.
    True story,  enormous quantity of ****s and all. 
    *What The ****ing ****ity ****
    ** What The ****ing ****ity **** **** 
  25. Upvote
    Gpig reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The man is a saint in my country now.  Well most of it.
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