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Robert Olesen

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Everything posted by Robert Olesen

  1. Hi JohnCalvin, The campaign downloads are zip files containing CMBB scenario files (.cme) and Excel files (.xls) - none of these are to be opened with the Adobe reader.
  2. farmerch, you're doing something awfully wrong, that's for sure. Let me make a guess. You're probably talking about the .cme file, not the spreadsheet, since the support force does not belong in the spreadsheet. You need to have two .cme files. One for the core force, which is updated after each battle to reflect changs in experience and core force changes. And one for each battle which is copied from the core force .cme file. The latter (battle) .cme file doesn't contain your support force either, but it's possible you misunderstood something here. So, the process is: 0. Create for core force file by buying the core force. Let's call this core.cme 1. Copy core.cme to (e.g.) battle.cme - the .cme file for the first battle. Or open core.cme in the editor and save it under a new name. 2. Edit battle.cme to prepare the current battle (parameters, map, exploiting units etc.) and to remove any incomplete core force units. 4. Start a new QB and import battle.cme instead of generating a map. 5. Play the battle. It's a good idea to save the end game file in case you need to look some info up again. 6. Use the info from the battle to update core.cme (experience, core force changes). 7. Go to 1. for the next battle. If that didn't help then you need to send me the spreadsheet(s) and .cme file(s) you are using.
  3. You would find it difficult to get enough Favor to expand from 3 StuGs to 9 or 10. But you could always tweak the rules and donate yourself some extra StuGs when you rise sufficiently in Rank. But I don't think they were often used in company strength in a battle at the scale of CM. I could be wrong. In any case, you'd get some pretty large battles, but that may be fine with you.
  4. Good advice. I once took a StuG platoon from Barbarossa onwards. Around battle 10 they encounteded a KV1 and was killed all three of them - mainly due to my incompetence. I should have held them back or pulled out.
  5. Yeah, I added it because I felt it made sense, but I also had a feeling that it might not work that way in real life. I've never been there myself. But it doesn't hurt to have the choice.
  6. And you can speed up the pbem process by doing two turns in each email. It requires an opponent you can trust - in other words, one you would comfortably play with even if you knew each other's password. I forget the thread(s) where it's explained, but I guess I could do that if you like. I use it myself. Or a search should turn it up. But the original question is still a valid one, though I expect there is no simple answer. The length also has to do with balance - not just avoding excess turns. It's not just a question of point size, however, the map size and possibly battle type also enter into the equation.
  7. Of course I can. This is my advert from the main ROQC page: That pretty much says it in short form, except perhaps to stress that it is a single player campaign where you play exclusively against the AI. The difficulty is however scalable, so you ought to be able to get a challenge. I have gone to great lengths to keep bookkeeping simple. The rules are long, simply because I made an effort to make them complete, but using the campaign is really not all that difficult, as Alech testifies here It's not painstakingly historically accurate, but does attempt to provide a fair amount of historical "realism". I made it to cater for those players (like myself) who like to play at their own time, pace and place, look for variety and a challenge, like the role playing aspect of tracking a core force and dislike micromanagement and excessive bookkeeping.
  8. I got an annoying error report in the CMAK version, so I naturally had to fix it: - Fixed error in calculation of months to next battle for Italian campaign after 1943 I threw in a small correction of minor significance on the History sheet. Get v1.03 here: http://www.roqc.cdgroup.org/CMAK.html
  9. Vergeltungswaffe, in ROQC I added rules allowing you to transfer men from experienced units to inexperienced ones before replacement, to give the new units a higher experience than that of the replacements. Do you use that, and if not, why not?
  10. That's interesting, Vergeltungswaffe. ROQC is meant to be customizable, as is (was?) BCR. My initial reaction was that with so many battles per month you troops would be veteran or crack a long time ago, but I guess the casualties and replacements take care of that. Did you change the experience system as well?
  11. I really didn't think anyone was using this by now. I'm glad I asked. I have another question if you don't mind :confused: How well do the raids work :confused: They were added towards the end of development and didn't get as much testing and polishing as I would like. But I found it to be a great idea.
  12. Thanks a lot. I had no idea anybody used the paper stuff, so I decided to cut it out of the CMAK version. Tell me if you need some help setting it up for CMAK too, Sardaukar.
  13. Hi there It's been a while, where I have taken a much needed break from mod creation and CM. But I just got a bug report, one of which was important enough to make an update. I then took the opportunity to add a minor difficulty modifier that's already in ROQC for CMAK v1.02 (which, incidentally, does not have that serious error and so does not need an update). Check it out here: http://www.roqc.cdgroup.org/CMBB.html Robert. Btw: I don't expect a whole lot of people are using ROQC. If you are, then I'd very much like to know, just to get a feel for the "customer base". If not, then perhaps you should consider it
  14. [edited to offer a more detailed explanation] I had trouble with it too, but it worked OK after I edited the shortcut properties to: Windows 95 compatibility mode and 256 colours. I.e. you find FG.EXE in the game folder and in Properties screen you change Compatibility to 'Windows 95' and '256 colours'. </font>
  15. pz1a, there's mine (if you like that kind of thing) - it's based on randomly generated maps. See my sig.
  16. I found one problem: Excel uses Visual Basic macros while Open Office uses Java. Some spreadsheets use a lot of macros - I don't know if the chart Chris made does.
  17. Drop me some feedback if you like it (and if you don't) - if you don't mind spending the time typing it up.
  18. I don't know about BCR, but my campaign is available - check my sig. Check it out, it's very good.
  19. I'm having a long period with Diablo 2 (with the Nez mod currently) after having spent a year or to on making ROQC as well as an extensive Civ3 mod (DyP). I have started to look a bit at Morrowind, but my PC isn't quite up to the graphics load so it's sluggish.
  20. First Blood downloads now. It was a missing . in the filename reference. You can paste a range of cells if they don't overlap protected cells, For example C28:C32 in the control sheet, but not C26:C32 - or B9:J17 in the Core Force Sheet, but not B9:M17
  21. The error mentioned above was rather serious, so here is v1.02. I took the opportunity to add a small adjustment to the difficulty die roll modifier. You should be OK if you update after the current battle. Changes from version 1.00 Error corrections: - The date check in the Control Sheet didn't allow campaigns in East Africa to start before September 1940 (was fixed in 1.01) - Use of the "S" Operational Order Table caused a VB script error Changes: - Enemy Force Handicap adjusted to make battles where you defend harder at higher difficulties. Get it at the usual place: http://www.roqc.cdgroup.org/CMAK.html
  22. There's a problem with the spreadsheet once you hit a month with an "S" operational order. "F" may cause problems too, but it shouldn't cause a VB error like S does. I'll post a fix asap.
  23. The spreadsheet for version 1.00 didn't allow you to start a campaign in East Africa until September 1940. This has been corrected in 1.01 (get it here: http://www.roqc.cdgroup.org/CMAK.html) The rules still show version 1.00 as they have not been changed. The suggested campaign are not updated either, as they do not take place in East Africa.
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