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Robert Olesen

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Everything posted by Robert Olesen

  1. sepruda, I don't have that problem in my own copy. My best guess is that yiu have pasted something into the cell directly, instead of using Paste Special > Value. Can you send me the sheet? You might try using a fresh copy, otr pasting the complete cell (not just the value) from the original first. Joachim and ACiA, I understand your problem, but I don't have the time and energy to come up with a good solution now. My best shot for now is to simply ignore those prisoners for experience calcualtion. Tough luck. You get a fair amount of Favor from then anyway In fact, that may be the final solution (oops). It isn't all that unfair.
  2. Hi ICiA (what does that alias mean :confused: ) The number of captured and casualties caused by a unit should show up on the kills page of the unit info screen that you get when you select the unit and hit Enter. Just sum the captured and casualties (you don't get more for captured then casualties when calculating experience gain) and write the total into the core force sheet.
  3. No, those clipboards don't ring a bell. I have no clue why it doesn't work on my PC, but you could try sending the latest version, if you manage that before the phone is cut off.
  4. Version 2.00e gave the German winter modifiers for replacements to the Soviets as well. That has been corrected. As well as a small typo. Get it here: http://www.roqc.cdgroup.org/files/ROQC_Sheets_2_00f.zip
  5. John (JAT), I'm amazed at your ability to extract wins under hard conditions. Anyway, I really need a spreadsheet (or several, perhaps) to give a qualified comment on those Favor values. Do you have some you can send me? Perhaps some endgame saves as well, though I expect they hit the trash can long ago.
  6. I'm in doubt, and would very much appreciate soem feedback. Should Retreat battles be kept? In addition to Relief battles, that is. Are they at all interesting in CMAK? They are no doubt relevant on the East Front, but they have some serious weaknesses: - They can potentially cripple your core force, if you're unlucky (but then, we're not whimps, are we ) - It's difficult to get accurate kill information for the units that move off the map - Bookkeeping is troublesome - It's difficult to handle guns, mortars and some vehicles, as you can't voluntarily abandon equipment. But they are fun in some cases and add variety. I can still re-add them, I have the necessary rules and spreadsheet available. Their frequency would go down compared to version 1, as Relief battles will take some of the previous Retreats. Let me have your votes
  7. I'm certainly interested in this topic, as this feature has potential for use in ROQC. But you don't describe what the actual problem is.
  8. Here is the last beta (2.00e) before version 2 proper, if things go as expected. The main changes from 2.00c are: Error correction: The briefing for your own force would show the axis fitness setting even if you're allied. Change: Retreat battle changed to Relief, which is about passing a number of supply trucks through the enemy lines to a surrounded force. The last change is a bit of a gamble. It simplifies the rules a great deal, but may or may not be a good change. But, as I said, if it goes well this version should form the basis for version 2, and thus for the CMAK conversion. Let me hear what you think.
  9. No, this is not an Operation. They are very different animals. I'm getting used to the feeling, so no need to groan I have tried my best to avoid that confusion. It's apparently not enough. True. Though there are so many modifiers that I'm sure some can be improved. Still, this is the product of upwards of a years work. Yes, you should. But hang on a little while, I'll publish a new beta shortly. No, it isn't. Just be sure to read the section in the rules on how to do it. The History sheet is the only one that presents a problem. The best time is probably just after generating the sheet for the next battle. That's automatically taken care of. Of course Yes it is, for version 1. This has changed in version 2, where core force replacements come into play. It can't be done AFAIK. I had to compromise here in the v2 rules. If a core force unit isn't at full strength, then it doesn't get to take part in the battle. This requires you to shuffle some men around after getting replacements, but the spreadsheet helps you with that. Indeed, it is an excellent piece of work, and my wife doesn't appreciate it too. Oh well.
  10. I'm working on it, but I can't give a date. Check this First order of business is, however, to do an update of the CMBB version, to get a good base for porting to CMAK. That's pretty close by now, meaning that I can publish a beta with the complete feature set one of these days.
  11. There is a small, mainly cosmetic, error in the spreadsheets, all the way back to version 1.00: The briefing for your own force shows the axis fitness setting even if you're allied. I won't publish a new version for such a small change, but the fix is to use Auto!I19 instead of D33 in the formula in cell D9 of the Setup sheet.
  12. Hi Peterk, your handle did sound familiar, and that last paragraph certainly explains why. I did try BiltAid but didn't use it because I wanted to use non-standard rules. I'm glad you like ROQC. You're not the first to report that it has brought them back to the game after a break.
  13. ROQC for CMBB beta version 2.00b updated to 2.00c I found a couple of minor problems in 2.00b, one of which might well deprive you of a few tanks in your core force as time goes by (it did take out one of mine), so I found it prudent to make an update, and threw in a few tweaks of the replacement modifiers along the way.
  14. Beta version 2.00b is out. The main changes are the addition of rules for core force replacements. There's also a lot of other stuff, most of which has already been published in the 1.01 beta versions. The full changelist is available on the web site referenced above. I decided to introduce replacements to be better prepared for the CMAK conversion (I didn't want to do it twice). Also, the Crete region in CMAK only covers a few days, and would be impossible to do properly without rules for replacements.
  15. I think the force purchase handicap was reduced from 1.01e to 1.01f. That should give you a good deal more support at your difficulty level. Yes, please send an updated copy.
  16. Moon, that's good news, and straight talk How about commenting on the request for a feature that exports the status of all units and flags in the game (also those that moved off the map during the game) at the end of the game into a text file? I'd be happy to help specify the request more exactly. It would really be a great help in the existing singleplayer campaigns. Probably also in the multiplayer campaigns.
  17. The original SP campaign was one of my main motivations for making ROQC. I had sooo much fun with that campaign.
  18. I should thank you, JAT, you played an extraordinary number of test battles using ROQC. I have "seen" JAT's support program, but I can't really run it. It gives me a simple "subscript out of bound" error. That's on Win 2000 + Office XP and Win XP + Office 2000. I can't help with this, as I don't have the time, nor do I have enough knowledge of VB to know where to look. It does suggest a missing initialization, but I'm at a loss to tell how, where and what. I'm sure JAT would be extremely pleased if someone knowledgeable in VB could get him past this hurdle.
  19. Yes, that would be a Killer feature, and it shouldn't be hard to do. I'd even be happy (for the first version) to have a generic filename. It doesn't take all that much to help us make our own campaigns. Importing maps into the editor is another example. And allowing the import of reinforcements from the editor into a QB. Wel, those might be somewhat harder to program, but still useful. And finally: the ability to edit the number of men in a unit.
  20. It would be great if it was, but making a single player campaign is a lot of work. I'm sure Scarhead and Biltong will agree to that. A meta campaign is probably also a lot of work, though I haven't tried it. But I guess a single player campaign would be the most obvious one to implement. Salkin, forgive me for being so ignorant, but what is your official status in relation to BFC? In other words, what gives you the authority to present that statement?
  21. I bought mine from BF, though the package came from Ireland (saving me some import taxes ) Mine is 6.087.154 bytes (in the Properties Tab, I'm using Windows) and is called CMAK Game Manual.pdf I don't mind emailing a copy to you, though it's over 4Mb zipped (I have ADSL), if you want it, unless the powers that watch over this forum would rather I didn't (please tell me if that is so).
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