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Robert Olesen

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Everything posted by Robert Olesen

  1. Sergei, perhaps that is a question of how Acrobat Reader is set up. I don't have that problem - it shows one page at a time.
  2. As I said, I have no quarrel with the inclusion of a pdf manual. I just want to be able to print it, and I can't understand why it wasn't designed with printing in mind. It's obvious that a lot of people are going to want to do that.
  3. Just bringing this to the attention of any new onlookers. This is a very good way of being sure to get news on ROQC releases.
  4. Just bringing this to the attention of any new onlookers. This is a very good way of being sure to get news on ROQC releases.
  5. Just bringing this to the attention of any new onlookers. This is a very good way of being sure to get news on ROQC releases.
  6. I didn't call those shots, but as I understand it there is no campaign mode because the developers wished to spend their efforts on other issues (better AI, more vehicles, more realism etc.). I don't know whether they actually disapprove of the campaign concept (they might), but I can understand the priority issue. This topic has been debated several times in the past, I guess mostly in the CMBO forum and also to some extent in the CMBB forum. A search should bring up something, though it's probably a time consuming task to filter out the interesting parts. That said, there is a campaign as I have made one. It should be just what you're looking for. But you may know that. Check my sig. My campaing is currently for CMBB, but I'm working on a CMAK version together with a few others. Check this thread [ December 18, 2003, 04:18 AM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]
  7. I can understand why the manual is included as a pdf instead of a book. But I simply cannot understand why it is formatted so that I have to pay more for the ink that goes into printing it than I'd have to pay for getting the manual with the game. When getting a pdf manual I expect to be able to print it. Reading a 213 page manual online is extremely impractical and isn't going to happen. And don't tell me it's because you want to protect against copying - who in his right mind would want to have the manual without having the game? And even if you did get hold of the manual without the game - wouldn't it help sales and in fact be a good thing? You can't play the game having only the manual. :mad: This is so stupid :mad: I guess there's not much that can be done now. But PLEASE don't do this again :mad:
  8. You can now subscribe to ROQC release notifications using this mailing list: http://pgpl.net/mailman/listinfo/roqc_release_pgpl.net The list is kindly supplied by John Morrisey (I'm not sure what his handle is here). You'll get notifications of releases of both the CMBB version and the CMAK version (when it comes out). I'll notify about both official and test versions, as you may be interested in a beta version even if you aren't an "official" tester. There won't be that many notifications anyway.
  9. You can now subscribe to ROQC release notifications using this mailing list: http://pgpl.net/mailman/listinfo/roqc_release_pgpl.net The list is kindly supplied by John Morrisey (I'm not sure what his handle is here). You'll get notifications of releases of both the CMBB version and the CMAK version (when it comes out). I'll notify about both official and test versions, as you may be interested in a beta version even if you aren't an "official" tester. There won't be that many notifications anyway.
  10. You can now subscribe to ROQC release notifications using this mailing list: http://pgpl.net/mailman/listinfo/roqc_release_pgpl.net The list is kindly supplied by John Morrisey (I'm not sure what his handle is here). You'll get notifications of releases of both the CMBB version and the CMAK version (when it comes out). I'll notify about both official and test versions, as you may be interested in a beta version even if you aren't an "official" tester. There won't be that many notifications anyway.
  11. I suspect the kill stats are simply wrong. I have noticed that they tend to change once the game ends - presumably because the stats take Fog of War into account during the game. I expect that Retreats are only appropriate in North Africa, perhaps also East Africa (I could be wrong - but the geograhy of Italy is quite different from the open steppes of Russia). I'll give it some thought. It's a nice concept that adds variety, but it's really a bit too complicated. one option is to simply remove the Retreat battles. Or perhaps turn them into a much simpler exercise - if I can think of one.
  12. Thanks, Urban! I agree Drop me an email if you want to be added to the list of testers. I expect to will be ready for test sometime in January.
  13. Managed to get beta version 1.01f done tonight. Here are the changes from 1.01e: That should address all of the issues raised. I'm sure you'll correct me if I missed something I'm tempted to remove the Force Purchase Handicap completely, as this is the one generating the negative support force allowance 88mm is complaining about (and I do see the point in being able to play around with a support force of a reasonable size) but I'm not going to do a change like that on short notice, so I settled for a reduction in the size of the modifier for now. I'll take errors on this and start working on the replacement issue. Next official release will be 2.0 - don't know exactly when.
  14. 88mm, I got that spreadsheet but haven't had time to look at it yet. I'll consider that support feature you're proposing, but I won't promise anything as I have a few other things in the pipeline: 1) A beta update with some adjustments, mostly minor stuff. like the rarity and negative support force issue. Hopefully tomorrow. 2) A real nailbiter: Replacing men and equipment. I have been avoiding the latter, but it has been sneaking in on me lately. I think I can do a reasonable solution that doesn't involve too much bookkeeping. And I'd like to get stuff like this done before doing a lot of work on a CMAK version. As to your 88's: You can use Favor to modify the rarity die rolls. Have you tried that?
  15. That shouldn't be possible. Plz send the spreadsheet (but beware I'll be away for three days). Good point. Low rarity may be too frequent. But why haven't you added a couple of 88mm guns ti your core?
  16. Attrition: You mentioned heavy losses. You can fiddle the QB by buying the enemy forces yourself. That's up to you - perhaps only when facing a Combined Arms force. You might invent a rarity table to use for that. I'm not going to ban large hills - they are a useful feature to have when playing. But it's up to you to change them to the next level if you really want to.
  17. 88mm, I didn't tell you to start a new campaign on Hard - I simply thought you had more promotiosn than one since the start of the other campaign. But I'm glad you did, as it gives me some feedback on the hard setting. As to the attrition rate, I think that one really belongs with the game designers. I'm pretty sure it has been discussed extensively in these forums in the past. Yggdrasill, how would this suit you: You get +10% of the Favor Limit if your unmodified enemy handicap roll is 5 and 20% if it is 6 (if you're using 1D6 and version 1.00) - you lose 10% if the die roll is 2 and 20% if it is 1 (the corresponding values for 2D6 and the beta version would be 2-3, 4-5, 9-10 and 11-12 as it uses 2D6). In addition, you get +10% if your own handicap roll is 5 or 6 (this is 1D6 in both rules versions). There's no negative bonus here. Ehat would that give you in your particular case? Perhaps you can send me the spreadsheet?
  18. Hmm, good points Yggdrasill. Perhaps the Favor allocation could be adjusted with the difficulty die roll(s) you get. That's effectively what you're asking for. I'll look into that.
  19. 88mm, Normal ans Oberleutnant may be a bit easy. How about counting the promotions you got already and moving that number of ranks up from leutnant? That should in itself be a good deal easier than what you had before.
  20. Yggdrasil, That's a tough one. And you're not the first to mention it. I think I understand where you're coming from. I'm inclined to let it stay as it is. Let me explain: The force unbalance is used to model difficulty. I wish there was a better way of modelling difficulty, but I haven't found any. It you can't handle the difficulty, then perhaps demotion is in order. The demands from your superior officer don't always have to be reasonable. Even though I strive for perfection, there's always a balance btw. that and simplicity. But I'm open for discussion on the issue.
  21. Ahem, let me make this clear once and for all :eek: I take full responsibility for making ROQC, but not for your decisions and actions based on acquiring ROQC. But I'm happy to hear that I have succeeded in my goals: Making an enjoyable and playable campaign
  22. It's easy if you're careful. Check this. You need to be extra careful with the block of stuff at the top of the core force sheet - I moved a few things around. Probably best to type that part in instead of copying it. [ December 07, 2003, 02:17 AM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]
  23. A "master" of macros is a bit out of proportion IMO. But thanks anyway. That coversheet looks really great. Is that your core force?
  24. I'd like to port ROQC to CMAK, but the job isn't small and I could use some help if there are some volunteers out there. I already have one confirmed and one tentative, but the editing and - particularly - research job is somewhat large and my time is limited. I just ordered CMAK, but I haven't got it yet, but there's no reason why people who have the game couldn't start doing some of it. And I need some testers. More is better. I'd like the campaign to cover all nationalities and theatres from the start. ROQC for CMAK has a lot of potential as CMAK has just come out and most likely is going to live for a couple of years at least. If you're interested, go through the list below and give me an indication of what you'd like to do (or just tell me you'd like to help). You can post here or send me an email (look in my profile). Browsing through the rules, I can come up with the following summary list: - Ranks for the different nationalities (fairly easy in fact) - Start and end dates for each region (easy), and perhaps a bit of history (not quite so easy) - Availability of the different division types for each nationality for each region. This is a big one, but I have a spreadsheet that can be used as a starting point to list the data. I need to paste them into the rules as tables. This is a good one to "outsource". - Operational Order table selection specifying the table to use for each region, nationality and month. This is a biggie too, and it requires both insight into the history of the war and insight into the campaign mechanism. The content of the operational order table reflects the strategic situation for the current nationality, region and month. This could probably be outsourced as well with some support by me. The selection of possible operational order tables may have to be revised along with their effect on operational orders. - Modifiers to various tables depending on weather, nationality, division type etc. have to checked and revised. Shouldn't be too difficult. - Ammunition modifiers in particular have to be redefined, perhaps simplified - or reworked or in light of the difficult German supply situation in Africa. - Fitness modifiers proably need to be changed, perhaps fitness can be simplified. - Battle setup needs to be checked. It's probably mostly OK. I don't know how valid the concept of Exploit and Retreat battles are - perhaps in Africa but perhaps not in Italy and Crete. But that can be regulated using the Operational Orders. - Unit classifications need to be checked for the vehicles with dual armament - and I expect that there are very few big guns in this theatre. - The after battle stuff is probably mostly OK, but still needs to be checked. - Some suggested campaigns would be nice. - The spreadsheet needs to be updated with the new data, and may also need a bit of reformatting to cater for the many different nationalities. And then there's testing. All in all, a fairly large amount of work, but at least two large chunks (division type availability and operational order selection) can be delegated to others fairly easily. Several of the die roll modifiers could as well.
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