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Everything posted by Wallybob

  1. I meant my method of recieving my commission was ROTC. Tho longest I knew somebody to go thru and still get his bars was seven years. RA comission, Infantry, and he managed to go straight to Panama and get blowed up by his own mortars. The guy who jumps into poo and comes up holding roses. Oh well. This has no effect in the thread of Goodale bashing. Pity.
  2. Besides, you are starting to sound like MasterGoodybier. That is bad. Be original.
  3. Get ahold of yerself, Thermo-old-dead-greek-guy. I know you go to Hudson High. Snap out of it, man. Tradition, and all that. I was ROTC myself, Armor, 16 years so far. Don't get mad, get even. Figger out where you can screw up the bugger. Bedford F called it "puttin the skeer on". Don't react, act. A...long...time ago one of my buddies did an exchange with the British Army of the Rhine. Al was running around trying to be a good platoon leader, getting into everything. Finally the Company Sergeant Major (Brit) tells him that what he is doing is Sergeants' work. Al asks what a Lieutenants' job is. The Sergeant Major quietly says "Sir, a leftenants job is to show the men how to die well." Make the other guy react to you. Or die nicely. Your call.
  4. ROTFL! MasterGoodale has outdone Molten TNT flinging! Hardcore! He has called in arty on HIS OWN POSITION! Talk about spewing furious gouts of molten TNT and such! Oh the huge manatees. I taunt him. My Froggie S-35 popped his T-34. He drops HE on himself. This is too...sad. Miller time! Then laughter. Repeat as needed.
  5. Well, Goodybier has...finally...reduced my heroic S-35 crew to a smelly mess on the inside of the barbie. oh, yeah...bump. We canna let the wee beastie loose now, can we.
  6. The last turn I got from you hit me at 5:49 PM Central time zone. Your molotov guys had just flubbed, and I had nailed your T34 with my S35. I returned the file to you as #79. Then I drank a beer and laughed everytime I reran the movie from the turn. And drank more beer. And laughed...a lot.
  7. Just ask GoodyTNTshoes what took out his T-34. A sorry ex-French S-35! His pathetic Rooskie TNT bumblers have failed to incenerate my Marder crew (for now). I cackle out loud! His "Molten Maggot TNT Chucker GGRRs" have so far come up short. Oh, yeah...bump.
  8. Thanks, Lord Dragon. Otherwise we would be hearing all sorts of whiny TNT chucking, GGRRRs, and spewing of...venom. Oh, the humanity. Not only will I play MasterGoodale on this PBEM game, I taunt him with a quickbattle meeting engagement for after. I know he thinks quick battles are...beneath him. For my part, I think that defending a deathcamp stinks. That is the scenario he made for me. Don't get me wrong, I intend to win!
  9. I disagree with the topic of the thread. Because you are reading it, you know I am right.
  10. Security personnel served kind of the role that current (US) Military Police serve, rear area security, local counterattack force, infantry stuff as a last resort. That's my understanding.
  11. On his own designed scenario, I just fed his KV-1 some tungsten. Molten KV-1. Much better than this TNT stuff. Bwahaaahaaa. Gobs of TNT, and such.
  12. At least it is not just me that cannot manuver decently. I thought I had a wonderful mobility corridor, and it...ain't. Love, hugs, and GRRs and such
  13. My above post only referred to Coaxial use by a tank. Loaders, Commanders, and Half-track pintle mounts are and were notoriously innacurate. Today an M2HB machine gun (.50 Cal) on an M1 tank is accurate to 1850 Meters (tracer burnout). The same MG on a M88 recovery vehicle, or on a truck (both using a free mount) max effective is around 500 Meters. I am not sure about the range on a ground mount with tripod. Coax MG on M1 (M240) 7.62 accurate to around 900M. Loaders M240 on skate ring is pitiful. Maybe 300M. On a good day. With nobody shooting at the Loader.
  14. Not correct, You have/had a seperate aiming reticle for Coaxial MG, using the Gunners' Primary Sight. German , American, and British all did. Not sure about Soviet.
  15. ...poke... ...poke... ...bump. Yeah, His KVs, and Plethora of T34s against S-35's, Wespe's, and Pz IVs. He already done kilt mah Kubelwagon. This can't stay on the second page, MG would break loose, and spray the furniture with molten TNT.
  16. Hey GGRRRman, ya gonna post me a turn, or did my flaming kamikaze Kubelwagon scare the molt out of your molten TNT? It's kamikaze because of the not well known Euro-Asian foreign exchange program. Later, GGRR, TNT, and such.
  17. If I lose to Goody, I will be a laughing stock. Needless to say, failure is not an option. Where in the setup were the German Tactical Nukes? Sorry, only the Ruskies get Molten TNT. There are...interesting...things about the scenario, but I accept them. I am not too keen on the idea of defending death camps or mass graves. My Uncle helped liberate one. I GRR on your TNT. I also am reluctant to want molten TNT spewing forth. I am afraid it would be a whitish liquid. Read the previous posts about wiping it off of Goodys' face...makes ya wonder. On a more serious note, Goodale, any more word about your cat? Having three myself I understand your concerns. Best wishes for the kitty. Bad wishes for the Russian Godless Hordes. Later Sorry, forgot to thank Parabellum for his info on how to do screenshots. Thank you. Also forgot how to spell. [ December 13, 2002, 08:05 PM: Message edited by: Wallybob ]
  18. I see that my attempts at Psycho warfare have worked. I'm Psycho. I will play the game as it is, I just enjoy the taunting process. The GRRRs and Molten spews of TNT, and such. Wallybob will either win, or die heroically. (or go to Canada)
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