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Posts posted by -E

  1. Not good enough, this is a horrific attempt to make a off-topic thread back to on-topic. CMx2 games really have nothing to do with CMC, you sir have failed. Good try though! :D

    How about asking for an ETA on CMx2C?

  2. I noticed when the patch was first posted, one of the sites pointed the Paradox link to the same patch as the BFC link. (I have both versions of the game so I tried to get both patches. FWIW, I have two versions, because I couldn't pass up the Paradox version for $7.00 for a backup that needs no internet to install in the distant future, when the web licensing is long gone. I still play and reinstall games from the 80's occasionally, so I distrust the longevity of any online reliances)

  3. Originally posted by Moon:

    (unlike Mr. -E "I am laughing all the way to the bank" who posted here earlier seems to do)

    Not sure what you meant by that or even how you got that out of it, but if you look again, that price I quoted was for my SECOND copy. The first copy was a pre-order price from here. (I will however admit I didn't want to pay the full original price again just for a backup).


    Edit - The above posts (which came in while I was on the phone in the middle of my reply) indicate I may not have been the target of the mud-slinging. However in the context of being the only "Mr. -E" to post earlier in this thread, I believe "Mr. Moon" should clarify which "Mr. -E" he did mean.


    [ May 19, 2008, 09:37 AM: Message edited by: -E ]

  4. Originally posted by flamingknives:

    -E, can you post the results of the survey that you have clearly conducted that shows the target demographic for BFC?


    –verb (used with object)

    1. to arrive at or commit oneself to an opinion about (something) without having sufficient evidence to support the opinion fully: to guess a person's weight.

    2. to estimate or conjecture about correctly: to guess what a word means.

    3. to think, believe, or suppose: I guess I can get there in time.

    –verb (used without object)

    4. to form an estimate or conjecture (often fol. by at or about): We guessed at the weight of the package.

    5. to estimate or conjecture correctly.


    6. an opinion that one reaches or to which one commits oneself on the basis of probability alone or in the absence of any evidence whatever.

    7. the act of forming such an opinion: to take a guess at someone's weight.


    8. by guess and by gosh, Northern U.S. using a combination of guesswork and reliance on luck; hit or miss. Also, by guess and by golly.

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