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Posts posted by -E

  1. I believe that is not such a good idea for many reasons... all of which boil down into ultimately discouraging modders. (how many budding modder's want to run a public gauntlet or be inundated with "requests" or ways to "improve" their work?)

    Unless there is a massive problem, I say just give modder's encouragement! (they're _sharing_ some really great stuff with us!)

  2. If you look several threads down you'll notice the Title 'CMC Cancelled', as sorry as I am to say that, as I was much looking forward to this also.:(

    Due to the age, that thread is probably not visible to most with default forum settings. But the question should still be...

    Is this game still cancelled?

  3. I say go for broke:

    "Of course that pair of jeans makes your ass look big. Anything you put on is going to make your ass look big. That's because you have a big ass. Huge really. Absolutely enormous. Walking behind you is like following one of those pickups with dual wheels on the back."

    I mean, do you really want to live forever?


    Not forever, but I'd like to have some semblance of just a chance of reaching an average life expectancy. Your honesty method would guarantee no chance of/at that.

  4. I find I must take issue with the rather extreme formulation of your sentiments, sir. Certainly without the lubrication of an occasional tactful lie, or even a diplomatic silence, the gears of society would soon cease to turn and none of us would dare to emerge from his fortified domicile without an armed escort. That should not be construed to mean however that no place whatsoever exists for the naked truth.

    That's not taking issue. That's restatement/agreement.

    There inevitably arise those moments when one must put one's cards on the table and stand or fall by them. To do otherwise would cast one as a weenie as well as a back-stabbing snake in the grass and unworthy of the company of real gentlemen.

    I must admit to showing some prejudice as that particular aspect of human intercourse did not spring to mind. If one were so inclined, the minimum standard specification factor of one and a half times, would not in all probability be successful. However, when dealing with the assumed forms of human intercourse, the spec factor should be always used, again as an absolute minimum (note that factors of 3 and higher could lead to overpressure of the cognizance capacity of said partners). Not to mention the feedback/response angle. I shudder to imagine if all cards were laid on the table in that aspect. That in and of itself could and would invariably lead to the utter and total collapse of civilization. YMCA's would be overburdened and overflowing. I don't think that even sending the overflow to Keystone could help. No sir. You must not take the easy way out and use honesty. One must stand up for their country and civilization... "Yes dear, you look great in that dress!!!" is the only answer that can save civilization as we know it.

  5. The 'like' word must be instinctively in every teenage girls vocabulary just for them to repeat over and over again like a skipping cd.My friends and I used to laugh every time and laugh even harder when we heard, "like whats so funny guys".

    I always ask her what is [whatever] like? She gets a blank look... so I often explain... "you said 'he/she/it was like,' but never said what he/she/it was like?" It's gotten so bad, it's rubbing off on my wife.

  6. Are you a politician by any chance Michael? That sentence is straight out of Sir Humphrey's handbook: it makes sense but is entirely unhelpful.:P

    "Unfortunately, although the answer was indeed clear, simple, and straightforward, there is some difficulty in justifiably assigning to it the fourth of the epithets you applied to the statement, inasmuch as the precise correlation between the information you communicated and the facts, insofar as they can be determined and demonstrated, is such as to cause epistemological problems, of sufficient magnitude as to lay upon the logical and semantic resources of the English language a heavier burden than they can reasonably be expected to bear."

  7. My biggest letdown was B-17 II. Highly anticipated multi-player game. Each player could crew a position on the same bomber, while other players crewed escort planes or enemy fighters. It was released with zero multi-player capability.

    As for Patriot, you guys are nuts. I recently (no kidding) picked it up for $8 delivered, so I could finally see what all the crying was about back then. It's a great game! You can move arrows a little bit and hit play! Then you can hit pause and move the arrows back and hit play again! And the graphics (for the day), just blow away it's predecessor! (Pong) Face it, you were all just spoiled by Donkey Kong and Miss Pac-Man, and too shallow to appreciate the depth of arrows you could move a little (in Patriot).

  8. To answer your original question, there are no mods that will change any 3D models within the game. All "mods" are just for looks/paint jobs/grass/etc.

    To answer your other questions... almost, if not all "mods" are just bmp files that go in the BMP directory. To do your own, grab a paint program and paint away on the BMP files!

  9. Healthcare particularly does rile me as man is born to die and delaying it at huge cost seems to be daft economically if "humane". Analogous to us pouring money into clunkers to extend their usefulness. Wasting assets should be recognised as such.

    That sounds good on paper. ...Until it's YOUR health at stake. (or more to the point... until it's MY health at stake! *grin?*) I always remember the old adage "There are no atheists in a foxhole" which is most applicable to this subject.

  10. Sometimes you have to bide your time.... this is an older thread but I just re-bought a pristine Over The Reich off of Ferrengi-bay, I mean E-bay for $10.00 (I still don't know what happened to my original... it wasn't next to my Achtung Spitfire as it should've been!). And yes, it did take me a bit to get both working on XP at version 1.15 without resorting to virtual machines running windows 3.1 or 95. But they are more fun than I remembered for quick dogfights.

  11. I forgot Red Dwarf. You know what? I'm not a fan.

    Red Dwarf is like White Castle hamburgers (the one's where you get a dozen mini-hamburgers for 1$). Everyone says you have to try them. You do and you say/think "So what?" Then you try another order. "Nothing here." Another order... "I still don't get it." 50 orders later you're telling people they have to try them. Red Dwarf is stupid, childish, nothing there. But it does grow on you. Although there is one scene where the robot's hand is running around and then climbing up the main character's leg, that I challenge anybody with a sense of humour not to laugh at!

    Sometimes I forget how old you pricks all are here ;)

    Two and a half decades ago i probably just learned how to pee outside a diper :D

    You sell yourself short. I'd bet you could pee outside a diaper much younger. Your aim was the real problem I'd guess.

  12. Wow, I wonder how the guy sleeps nights with such a glaring lack of accomplishment in his life. Oh, you forgot to mention that he has written, directed and produced movies as well as acted in them. Of course that still doesn't make him a Combat Mission player now does it? In spite of this wasted and futile life he bravely goes on. Poor miserable Billy Bob. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    That's just the point... he may not be able to continue 'bravely going on.' It's obviously eating him up inside to the point where he sounds like he's high on something and it shows up in his anger and his resentment of Tom Petty. His lack of CM ability is slowly killing him from the inside out. He is doomed to a lifetime of RTS mediocrity.

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