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Posts posted by -E

  1. Agreed. I have also seen many threads that did not fall into the "unsubstantiated hyperbole" category. We really could have used a quick developer clarification/comment on these relevant threads. I just don't understand how one could not devote even 15 minutes of their time every week to leaving an informative and helpful comment in a "right sort" and relevant thread.

    Speaking of unsubstantiated hyperbole. (Or do you really think all the posts, in all the threads, could be read and the relevant posts responded to, in 15 minutes per week?)

  2. Vossiewulf... I've reviewed all of the reports, and the number of reporting players, and the scenarios they apply to, are neither "a significant portion of those who purchased the game"

    If these customers are an insignificant portion, at what point will it no longer be cost effective trying to find a cause/fix for said customers?

  3. The real problem with Rugby is that there isn't enough talking. For rugby to ever become a real sport, you have to have an announcer talking about what might happen, what should happen, what will happen, and why it didn't happen and how it didn't happen and where it didn't happen and the history of it not happening. Then you have to have coaches talk to their teams about what to do, what not to do and where to do it while not doing it again. Then you have to have a smaller portion of the team talk about things from the perspective of the actual talking, I mean playing field. Then you have to have one guy on the field talk very loud to everyone else on the field, and you have to have referees talk about stuff, often while waving their hankies (handkerchiefs), and then you have to start the cycle all over again.

    Without discussion, it can't be a sport as it's just chaos.

  4. Yes, I suppose that could be made to work. But firstly, that sounds like it would require an enormous amount of effort (not a pleasant prospect);

    Hence my mention of never having tried it (after no little effort tracking down the publisher and ordering the magazine, based on a rumour). But, if one DID do the effort and planned a s**t-load of raids, I think it would work fine.

    Once I read the article, I seriously thought about including solitaire in my VASSAL module. But I came to the conclusion that raids would probably have to be a bit thin to fit in the number of available variables in VASSAL.

    and secondly, I would prefer to play the US side.

    Actually, after planning, the game is the German side (much like it's more exciting to be the British in any BOB game). However, considering you want to be the US, why don't you do so, plan a million raids, then mail them to me. *grin*

    Is Gary still around? He used to post regularly here, but I haven't seen anything from him in years. About six years ago I sent him several big boxes of gaming magazines, including issues of S&T as he said he wanted to adapt them for VASSAL, but I never heard much about the project after that.

    No. He kind of disappeared on me, about the same time frame (he had met a new gal then... perhaps that went well for him? ...good for him, shame for us). Although, I think he has made some sporadic posts on gamesquad since then(?).

  5. My problem with both games is that it tried to represent a highly 3-dimensional form of warfare in two dimensions. Granted, the more advanced modes of the game tried to represent climbing and diving, but they never came close to what any flight sim could do with ease. In short, while I found aspects of the games interesting, they lacked lasting value for me.

    I found the isometric presentation misleading. I wish Charles had stayed with the straight 2D presentation of Flight Commander 2. However, the underlying mechanics were present. Which helped to offset the presentation for me.

    An air war boardgame that I really wish somebody would translate onto computer is Bomber from the game company Yaquinto. It truly cries out for a computer version and a 2D representation would work fine here. It was a great game that was almost impossible to play solitaire.

    I did a Vassal module of Yaquinto's Bomber* several years ago. I believe it is still available on the vassal site (note: this a completely freeware deal). However, I make no promises as someone saved all the modules I did as Vassal 3.XX modules with no real conversions/allowances being done (just a "load it in 3.xx and save it under 3.xx" deal). (If you want/need the original version under Vassal 2.99, pm me)

    As to the "solitairability (tm)", there was actually an article (which took me awhile to track down and get) on how to solitaire Bomber as the Germans. To save you $15.00 for ordering the out of print magazine... essentially, you plan out a crap load of allied raids, writing each counter's movement, step by step, on a piece of paper. Then mix all the raid papers about and grab one. Then reveal each raid, one line at a time. I never tried it, but it sounds like it might have worked fine if you pre-planned enough raids that which one it was wouldn't be obvious as you played.

    * Mucho credit to GJK for salvaging the map... at the time I had recently dumped my old, old, old, old, old, old scanner (read: that scanner was so old, you could load a c64 program WELL before it would complete a single page scan) and bought a new one that did everything but the dishes. But the new and really fast one, turned out to use a dynamic algorithm when scanning (meaning no scan would match up with any other scan when piece-mealing a map).

  6. The game was based on the boardgame of the same name (as was Over The Reich), and was put out for windoze 95. The last version was 1.15.

    The real dilemma is that the illegal versions will run, but cannot be patched because they are hacked. While the legal version can be patched, but will not run because it's not hacked (the copy protection is incompatible with newer CD/DVD drivers).

    A typical fix is to drag out an old retired machine, reinstall windoze 95 and the original game and patch it all up to 1.15 (many find this fix is great for almost all of their retro-gaming needs).

    If you search the web, I think somebody had some luck "sandboxing" windoze 95 and the game.


    If memory serves, that link you cannot access is not really the whole game, but is only the 1.05 patch (with a badly worded download description. Not to mention that common sense also tells you that BTS/BFC would never give the whole game away).

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