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Posts posted by -E

  1. Originally posted by DEY:

    Though I feel if something isn't being all that well received, then maybe it should be killed and dragged out to the backend of the place and buried in the woods.

    And I feel that is a great disservice to many future players. Take my case... I strayed from the path for a long while. Only semi-recently have I come back to the fold and I have been busy trying to catch up and finish collecting all the needed whitewashing and dirtying and camo'ing for my game. Had this been in the future, after you decided to kill files, I'd be out some PZ IIIJ's whitewashing still! Assuming the counters are correct, there were some who liked them enough to get them. What if we wipe our HD's and need them again? Are we destined to lose all our PZ IIIJ's in the snow because our TCP/IP buddies can't help but notice them?!?!? And there may be more new players and modsluts in the future, who would be doomed to the same fate! While you sit there and gloat over your well hidden snowbank tucked PZ IIIJ's laughing at us!! It's just not right. Or somefink.
  2. Originally posted by Moon:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elvis:

    You want to know how I check on progress? I watch the action on the sealed forum. Some beta forums have very little or no action and some have a lot of action. This might be a good gage.

    Actually that's a very bad indication because a whole bunch of stuff is being discussed via email.</font>
  3. Originally posted by the_enigma:

    Ione german luftwaffe officer who was hung in the balkens ... but at the same time was done for other crimes.

    I ask this following question not to be a smartass but out of intrest, what was Goring sentanced for exacttly since he was the head of the luftwaffe?

    Wiki helps out a bit, however Goering never hung. He committed suicide using a cyanide ampule via the help of an American guard. Goering had smuggled the ampule into his second prison within his personal effects (other were found by following his suicide note). He pulled this off hours before the "unannounced" hangings were to take place. The hangings were really botched and gruesome... if memory serves, it took over 20 minutes for Keitel to die at the end of the rope. Just about as long for several others. The most famous of those not to die, yet to be found guilty was Albert Speer... who spent 20 years in the jail (almost all others were pardoned in the early 50's excepting notable Rudolph Hess and Speer) and used his outside time to "walk" around the world. He had figured out the size of the excercise area and computed how many miles he walked per week, while following along with maps etc, He would also research each area he was "visiting" using books.

    Speer's book was very interesting, although it's been a great many years since reading, so take that info with a grain of old salt. Georing's info was more recent in a book I really couldn't recommend to any but the very hard core.

  4. Originally posted by 76mm:

    I appreciate your points very well, but if I had to bet, I would say that--at least until the recent spate of WWII shooters--your average youngish American had no idea that the Soviet Union fought in the Second World War at all

    I sincerely believe that... as an example, I was just watching a documentary about the making of the film "The Battle of Britain," and in it they interviewed Americans who worked at the US Embassy in London. The embassy employees were asked about the (real) Battle of Britain. They looked like the worst of Jay Leno's on-the-street comedy interviews/questioning. The part that makes it even worse, is that the documentary/questioning was filmed in 1968!!! (read: almost 40 years closer to the events!)
  5. Originally posted by ColumbusOHGamer:

    My second Maxtor drive in < 2 years to fail. DO NOT USE MAXTOR!!!

    Odd... I've heard several similar stories, especially about 10 years ago, but I've been using Maxtor's exclusively since the late 80's/early 90's. I've had some try to give up the gun over the years, but none died before a replacement was sent by Maxtor. In fact, I just bought a 200gb external last week (gotta' love Xmas gift certs!), only to read inside the box that Maxtor was bought out by Seagate (who made my first hard drive, that I'd "never fill up!!" ...IIRC, a whopping 5 MEGS!!!)
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