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Posts posted by russellmz

  1. everyone's right.

    if you have a few squads holding the VL and the enemy plans a well or semi organized attack that throws off the defenders or changes the flag to ?, that is the defenders fault.

    but if the attacker is using formerly routed crews, mortar men, mmg's and the single guy left from 9 or 12 man squads to attack the flag and your guys are burning through the ammo killing them but it takes 2 turns to wipe them out and only 1 turn is left, that is gamey, IMHO.

    the defender could have charged but that may leave the flag open, and the enemy may still have some forces left.



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  2. Originally posted by Space Thing:

    Here ya go guys. A drawing is the best that I can do. A photo would be classified.

    sorry space thing, you need yr pic on a website. try and sign up with photopoint.com or geocities.com, upload yr pic and post the link between the img's



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  3. http://www.forces70.freeserve.co.uk/Waffen%20SS%20Text+Images/116%20Panzer%20Division.htm


    wow, it STILL looks like hitler, but actually it IS a greyhound. it even looks like hitler in this pic. thanks for the info, sgt. fred.




    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

    [This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 02-18-2001).]

  4. http://combathq.thegamers.net/mdmp/mdmp2.asp

    the crossed grille pattern to the left and right of where the gun sticks out of the hull looks similar?



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

    [This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 02-18-2001).]

  5. http://www.combat-missions.net/mods.htm

    there is a little picture of adolf chalked into the tank front. anyone else notice this?


    im wondering if i should be concerned about that chalked symbol/dead body thing underneath. what IS that?



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

    [This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 02-18-2001).]

  6. i think when i re-post the next faq, i'll include how to take screenshot in the title... wink.gif



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  7. Originally posted by Rommel22:

    I posted a pic, second page!!!!!!

    Check it out!!!!!

    Look through the thread before you post something!!!!!!!

    whoops, sorry, i did see it before but forgot.



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  8. aw hell, i'll just toss in all the links i had bookmarked

    Possible source of hamster myth

    Beta or Alpha pic of CM

    More poetry, nothing to do with CM, florida recount

    ever kill your own troops in frustration?

    this one is useful since it has people's favorite posts

    the lawyer's cup

    the test-don't read post i'm still upset it was closed

    jeff's awesome summary of his views on tank destroyers (scroll down)



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  9. i tried to do it but can't be done cause only one side of a "wall" has a texture. looking at it from the inside it is transparent.




    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  10. Originally posted by RokSS:

    Not familiar with eaon flux. Must've been after my time. Actually the Sarge was more like this guy-


    Is that really you Russ? biggrin.gif

    less fur, but the expression is too perfect



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  11. Originally posted by Rommel22:

    Nice pics, wellk for some of you HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!



    no pic, just your word eh? prove it! =)



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  12. Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    They are ACTION FIGURES!!!!! Not dolls.

    i remember a tv show episode where a brother was "torturing" his brother(he tied him up after some offence i forgot) by taking his gi joe action figure and putting a pink dress on it.

    "oh no joe, what would the men in your unit say?"



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  13. hopefully, madmatt will one day release the damn dam scenario =)




    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  14. Originally posted by RokSS:

    My name is a variation on the name of a comic strip character created by me and a friend some 20 years ago called "Sgt Rocksoff: the only real hero".

    My favorite episode was when Sgt Rocksoff straps a mine to the top of his helmet and crawls through the blood and muck and gunfire across the battlefield to intercept the dreaded "haunted ubertank of the SS!". Of course the massive tank runs directly over him and explodes into a thousand tiny fragments. As the story ends you see a closeup of the semi-decapitated Sarge with just his mouth and a stogie in it saying: "Good thing I wus wearin mah helmit!"

    that sounds like a cool comic...did he die in every episode like in the aeon flux shorts? (before the crappy tv series)



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  15. Originally posted by Tiger:

    There is a way to see which units are taking fire already in the game: move around the map and look. Listen to the sounds. Look for the tracers, the cries of your men. Flashing bases has got to be the silliest idea I've seen in awhile.

    I for one don't play with the unit bases turned on. Never have used them. Haven't had a problem knowing which units are under fire. It adds to the immersion not knowing everything flawlessly. A "commander" would not know which units are taking fire unless he was suspended above the battlefield in a hot air balloon or was in radio contact at all times.



    a little harsh dude wink.gif

    i used to play with bases off, but now like the fact i can find my guys easier(plus in my gamey massed tank scenarios, it's cool when in view 8 to see about ten bases "turn off" at the same time). flashing bases should ,of course, only affect those who have them on in the first place...



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  16. i also like the update, although i wish you had made the links go with the text as well as the buttons(hard for me to click the little dots smile.gif) sent you one of my scenarios, hope its weird enuff.

    btw, your upcoming scenario looks plenty weird if it's what i think it is...



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  17. had this little baby on my hard drive:

    Here is the complete Sound Effects map for Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord.

    Hopefully this map will assist someone that is attempting a sound mod.


    Jon Johnson (ncrawler@swbell.net)

    Audio/Video Productions

    Matrix Games


    *** Thanks to Madmatt for his help in compiling this sound map! ***


    00000128 = Selection 'bloop'

    00000129 = End battle song (Taps)

    00000131 = Medium/heavy tank movement

    00000132 = Panther movement

    00000133 = Tank idle

    00000134 = Heavy tank movement

    00000135 = Wheeled vehicle movement

    00000136 = Light tank/HT movement

    00000137 = Wheeled armor movement

    00000150-00000153 = Misc 'clicks'

    00000160-00000162 = House explosion/collapse

    00000170 = Drumbeat

    00000171 = Quit game explosion

    00000200-00000202 = Small explosions

    00000209-00000213 = Medium explosions

    00000219-00000221 = Large explosions

    00000228-00000231 = Very large explosions

    00000300 = Fire

    00000311-00000312 = Vehicle abandoned

    00000320-00000323 = Misc ricochets

    00000330 = Armor penetration

    00000400 = Pistol

    00000401-00000405 = Rifle

    00000410 = Sniper rifle

    00000420-00000421 = Vickers MG

    00000430-00000431 = .50 cal MG

    00000435 = BAR

    00000440-00000442 = MG42 HMG

    00000445-00000446 = MG42 LMG

    00000450-00000451 = MP44

    00000460-00000462 = SMG

    00000470-00000473 = CMG/BMG/AAMG

    00000500-00000510 = Ricochets and screams

    00000600-00000609 = Tank main guns/Inf guns/AT guns


    00000600 = 37

    00000601 = 50/57

    00000602 = 75

    00000603 = 75L/76

    00000604 = 75LL

    00000605 = 88L/90

    00000606 = 88LL

    00000607 = 105

    00000608 = 128L

    00000609 = 150/155


    00000610 = 20mm Flak

    00000611 = 40mm Flak

    00000612 = Flamethrower

    00000620 = Rocket artillery incoming

    00000621-00000622 = Large artillery incoming

    00000623-00000625 = Medium artillery incoming

    00000626-00000627 = Small artillery incoming

    00000650 = Mortar

    00000651 = Bazooka/Panzerschreck

    00000700 = Vehicle bogged

    00000701 = Hatch open

    00000702 = Hatch close

    00000710-00000711 = Small arms ricochet off armor

    00000800-00000804 = Aircraft


    00000800 = Fly over

    00000801 = Fly MG

    00000802 = Fly cannon

    00000803 = Fly bomb

    00000804 = Fly rocket


    00000900-00000905 = Close quarters combat

    00001000-00001147 = American voices

    00002000-00002142 = German voices

    00003000-00003142 = Polish voices

    00004000-00004144 = French voices

    00005000-00005007 = Background weather SFX

    00005010 = Opening video music

    00006000-00006144 = British/Canadian voices



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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