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Posts posted by russellmz

  1. Originally posted by Miles.Osborne:

    Some more statistics

    for the diiferent age ranges

    0-10 0 (surprisingly wink.gif )

    10-19 13

    20-29 27

    30-39 53 (I think we have a

    winner here wink.gif )

    40-49 22

    50-59 5

    60-69 2 (Henri you're not


    nice normal plot

    nice normal plot...sorta



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  2. Originally posted by tero:

    Jason, PLEASE change your handle to a shorter one. It craps out the view whenever you post your most excellent posts.

    PLEASE, pretty please. smile.gif

    heh, i can always tell a jason post by the extra wide column on the left... smile.gif



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  3. okay, i accept your logic, although it is still weird playing without a squad to rush the tiger or even to just have dig in and defend



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

    [This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 02-28-2001).]

  4. minor spoilers








    hey michael dorosh,

    just finished playing your ramelle scenario a few days earlier...not bad, fun end.

    however, i was wondering why you had so few US guys in town? u had the church guys, miller & friends, the zooks, the mmg in town, and...

    what happened to that para squad that rushed the tank? and the other guys? there were at least a few others: ex) guy in front of bridge who hit the german with his helmet when he ran out of ammo...



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  5. Originally posted by Gryphon:

    Any chance you guys will put up a CM2 section once the new page is done? with some goodies perhaps? biggrin.gif

    Originally posted by Panzer Leader:


    warning: reason to turn off HTML on CM board following(i promise this will be the last time i do this...)

    Madmatt said:



    <font color="FF0000"><big><big>Yes, there is a VERY good chance</big></big>





    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

    [This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 02-27-2001).]

  6. hm...let's see.

    i wasn't here for most of this stuff but:

    board crashed a couple times...


    refresh monkeys...

    ss are overpriced monkeys...


    fionn banned...

    russellmz joins board...

    BTS' staff doubles in size...

    peng thread...

    deanco interface mod...

    subdued vs hypercolored crowds...

    cm hit(drinks)...

    awards 5 or 6 hundred times...

    beta tcp/ip patch...

    i start a list of faqs...




    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  7. Originally posted by The Codfather:

    The scenario is a blast. It took me a while, but I finally was able to kill the KT. Even better was the fact I had a FT team waiting for the crew as it bailed biggrin.gif

    heh. glad to see you liked it( and fired up some sour krauts wink.gif )

    i actually thought that the stuarts had too much going for them when i was designing the scenario...



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

    [This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 02-27-2001).]

  8. Originally posted by Ace:

    Thanks russelmz! Looks much better. I guess going through the battlefront.com home page stuck me with the frames. I can actually see the topic urls now too...

    shift + click on a link to kill frames...hahahaha!



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

  9. Originally posted by Forever Babra:

    OUCH! IIRC, Battleship Yamato used her 18-inch guns against aircraft as well, but the shell was a sort of monstrous shotgun affair, and not a timed burst. Pretty neat idea if ya ask me.

    too bad they didn't work.(actually, it's very good that they didn't work) the yamato used them on her final voyage and it damaged the gun barrels after a while...



    Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

    "They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

    "They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

    [This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 02-26-2001).]

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