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Everything posted by curih

  1. I don't think they can do much beyond kill the TC. I tried it once against Panthers and scored dozens of top hits and the only effect was to button them.
  2. In CM, can Armored Cars be given flat tires by small arms fire? I don't recall ever seeing an AC immobolized by small arms, but I would think that a SMG squad could take those tires out pretty quickly.
  3. When the US upgraded the Sherman, why was the gun diameter changed by 1mm? I understand the difference in the gun's capability, but why make it 1mm larger? Was the ammunition different in other ways so as to warrant their not being interchangeable?
  4. Hey, my AIM name is curi hp. Don't leave me out of the game fest.
  5. There are areas of WWI where it could be interesting. Ever read Rommel's book "Attacks"? All the battle he describes were battle of maneauver. And ingenious ones at that, imagine capturing 3 regiments with less than a company. Unfortunately a lot of the game would need to be redone to simulate the different weapons.
  6. Midway Kelly's Heroes The Great Escape and, despite all the inaccuracies Battle of the Bulge (gotta love the chocolate cake scene)
  7. I was there a few years ago. Very cool. They have a 40ft tall German periscope that they used to use to see over trees.
  8. Why is the Super Pershing cheaper than the Pershing? Is the extra armour and better gun considered such a small gain for the small hit to speed and turret traverse?
  9. You said you ordered it to pause, then move? Well there's your problem. It won't do much of anything during a pause order.
  10. You're best bet is usually to use them in ambush. Posistion them with a very narrow line of fire on a key bend in a road. Then it can hit tanks as they pass in front of that norrow firing arc.
  11. My guess is that you're playing with everything enlarged. If so there is actually a lot more room on that bridge than it looks like. Use shift-C to check. But if you send another tank across and there isn't enough foom it'll push one of the wrecks out of the way.
  12. I've seen my name for the commander of a german 88. Of course i didn't send it in, I just have a German name.
  13. These are World War One books, but very good. Attacks by Erwin Rommel does a great job of explaining infantry tactics by using examples from his experience and offering commentary on each. For the beginnings of tank combat and a good explanation of infantry/tank cooperaion try J.F.C. Fuller's autobiography. I don't remember the title. A very good read.
  14. In one PBEM I sent a jeep out on a recon mission. Just driving around the map at full speed. I was followiing it from camera one. When the shell from the pather hit it I almost fell out of my chair. It scared the crap out of me.
  15. I first played this map as the Americans and the reinforcements were ruinous. I had advanced fairly quickly and the tiger came in on the flank and rear of about 6 tanks. I managed to kill one and immobolize another. I ended up having to avoid that area for most of the game. Playing as the Germans yielded similar results. I lost 2 tigers but the other two blasted through the American flank and broke his attack.
  16. I haven't played it as the Germans, but as the Allies it was ridiculously easy. German complete surrender (of like 30 men) while suffering next to know casualties, I think all rifle squads still had at least 9 men.
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