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Everything posted by mike8g

  1. DeanCo, if you like to host the files on your (great) site, do so. Yes, it is darkened. I cut 50% of the original line width, taking away the bright side, so that the brightest part of the new line was a middle one on the old one. Sorry, but I don't think this is possible. If you take a look at the structure of the #2020 bmp, you will see many small color patches. For the creation of a single line, one color patch is taken and expanded. The expansion will be used until a discrete length is reached. If the line has to be longer, another patch will be attached and expanded. Because of that, you cannot create a direction line without changing the program routines. Sorry. Gordon, your idea should work. It will require some intense testing to identify all those color patches, but it can certainly be done. Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null. [This message has been edited by mike8g (edited 02-26-2001).]
  2. Here's one regarding a well-known fellow on this board (name changed, of course): A GUNNERS FATE Somewhere in France, a conversation between a Firefly crew. Tank commander (TC): he gunr, fyer at tzat hause ovr their. enimi truups r init. Gunner(G): What ? Tank commander (TC): Fyer at tzat hause ovr their.Fyer! Fyer! Fyer! G: Okay sarge. -whooom- TC: Yu hitt. Fery vell. G: What ? -whooom- TC: Ogod, luk ther. An enimi pun-zer-cheque in ze top flor! kill him! G: What ? -whooom- TC: He iz aimink et uz. kill him! G: What ? TC: Kill him! Fyer! Fyer! Fyer! G: Sarge, I'm already shelling that house. I'll continue.. -whooom- .. incoming Panzerschreck round... -KABOOM- G: AAARGHH! Wounded! TC: We ar hitt. Leaf tze tank. It vill explote. G: What ? TC: Leaf tze tank. It vill explote. G: Okay Sarge, understood. My orders are to stay here and cover your retreat. Good luck, Sarge Rob/2 *) TC: I will gif ordrs to ozers to help yu aut. Tzey shell com too yu suun. .. TC climbing out of wreck .. G: Yep, as soon as they understand you. *) Name changed
  3. Kekk, the tankman unit profile picture is from one of Sinpoet profile-sets. You can get them at Madmatt's CMHQ: http://combathq.thegamers.net/mods/interface2.asp The one you are looking for is from the "allportraits.zip" (886k). It's inside the Axis subfolder and has the designation 1102-2.bmp Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.
  4. Sorry Tris, but I think I'm not. I've just downloaded the file for testing purposes - it works fine with the method described unter point 2. BTW, I've e-mailed those files to you, so you won't have to worry about Geocities anymore... Hope that helps, Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.
  5. MikeE, file sent via e-mail. Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.
  6. Mr Clark, you can see the use of your Kübelwagen in the picture as some kind of saying thankyou to you. If I recall correctly, you've used my 3D faces set on your pictures when promoting your mod on this forum. Regarding the "V for Victory" neutral flags: I don't know where I d/l this bmp last december or who the author was, but I've sent you the file via email. Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.
  7. Sorry Tris, but I can't follow you on that. Sure you need a password for uploading something, but not for downloading a file. 1. Geocities has prevented direct linking to hosted files from outside its server. Therefore you will get an error message if you click on the link. 2. If you copy the URL and paste it into a new browser window (or type it per hand), this securing-mechanism does not work - so you can get the file. 3. I've send the files to Tom's CM Headquarter and another site for easier download. With regards, Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null. [This message has been edited by mike8g (edited 02-25-2001).]
  8. sbg2112, you've convinced me. THe URL for the broken-line variant is posted below the picture a few post upwards (on the first page). Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.
  9. sbg2112, regarding the dashed line idea: I've tested it and the results were not very satisfying. Have a look here: Some color lines show an annoying blurry effect (for example the green ambush line from Marder II to the truck). Personally I don't like this one very much, but if anyone wants to have it, here's the URL: http://www.geocities.com/mike8g/brokenline.zip (copy & paste the URL into a new browser window - required due to Geocities) ------------------------------------------- sitzkrieg, when using the TARGET command, the program uses it's LOS routines. As I've mentioned in my first post, those routines and its color effects are hard-coded and cannot be changed. Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null. [This message has been edited by mike8g (edited 02-26-2001).]
  10. russellmz, yes the Kübelwagen is modded. You can get the basic grey version from MO's CM site: http://www.angelfire.com/ns/mocm/axisvehicles.html (The version shown on the pics is a subdued variant, which I've done for my personal use some days ago - like the subdued Marder II) Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null. [This message has been edited by mike8g (edited 02-25-2001).]
  11. sbg2112 I don't think that a texturized version will look good. If you look at the #2020 bmp, you will see that there is only a small color patch, which is stretched for building the line. A texture will be distorted too much. A transparent version is possible of course, (just fill the whole bmp with pink color), but you won't see anything, which doesn't make sense. sbg2112, you've triggered an idea for me. I've made the lines even more narrow, the new variant looks like this: If you like it, you can get the mod here: http://www.geocities.com/mike8g/slimline.zip copy and paste the URL to a new browser window - required due to geocities) Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null. [This message has been edited by mike8g (edited 02-26-2001).]
  12. Space Thing, have you pasted the URL to a new browser window (as mentioned above)? It works - I've just tested it again. Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.
  13. Shadow, the green line is shown when setting up an ambush (prior to clicking - then it turns red) Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.
  14. It should be fixed now. ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.
  15. With all the vehicles and terrain modified and subdued, I think the movement and targeting lines are a bit too broad and bright now. I've tweaked the #2020 bmp for a little change. This is the old version: And this is the new one: If you like it, you can get the mod here: http://www.geocities.com/mike8g/narrowlines.zip (copy and paste the URL to a new browser window - required due to geocities) BTW: the bright blue line from the LOS tool can't be changed - it's hard-coded. There's another -even more narrow- variant on this thread, just look some posts below. Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null. [This message has been edited by mike8g (edited 02-26-2001).]
  16. Hi Steve, as a scale modeller, I'm experiencing nearly the same difficulties here. While using those symbols in museum, documentation and "historic" films is allowed, any other form of usage and public display is prohibited. All scale models in Germany, for example, are delivered without any "delicate" symbols. (Even Finnish insignia during WW2 or planes from the WW1 period - a German(Jewish) fighter-pilot flying the swastika as his personal identification sign) Never ever try to show scale models on exhibitions without covering the swastikas on German or Finnish planes. As mentioned above, showing of those signs in films is allowed - also screenshots of those movies in newspapers and television guides. Regarding your questions: (I don't have the time to search all my old stuff, but here're some quick answers) 1. 1944-Across the rhine- S/S units mentioned throughout the documentation 2. - used in all kinds of historic museums (too many to mention here) - many historic books and documentations (sometimes blackened out on the front page, but not inside) - scale model books and magazines ( If author/title/scans are needed - I can send them to you) - simulation software (European Air War / Their Finest Hour - documentation) 3. As mentioned above, scale models exhibitions as just one example. With regards, Marcus
  17. You can get Tiger's Hotchkiss here: http://www.geocities.com/mike8g/H-39.zip D/L instructions: Copy and paste this URL to a new browser window. A "normal" click on it doesn't work. (it's Geocities) Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.
  18. As said above: Good for slow computers. For faster ones, it's like putting a Volkswagen Beetle engine inside a Porsche.
  19. Great work! A question for ~Tiger~: Do you plan to make a Comet, since both (even with different bmp numbers) uses the same hull layout ? Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.
  20. Miles, regarding mod switching: While switching of BMPs is necessary, if you want to use different mods for the same vehicles (hence the same BMP numbers), switching for winter textures is definitely NOT necessary. CM uses different BMP-file-numbers, as soon as there's snow on the ground. (1xxxx plus "normal" BMP-numbers) Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.
  21. Tom has two sets on his homepage. Have a look at Toms Combat Mission HQ: http://home.germany.net/101-77027/CM/German.html You can find them under "mods" then choose "axis mods" Hope that helps Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.
  22. Tigers weathered Sherman set (v2) definitely contains the Jumbo (75 and 76mm version). Here's a pic: Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.
  23. 1. Always fire Bazookas and Panzerfaust from inside buildings and try to position another squad behind the firer - they can help him aiming. 2. Use the ROB/1-spellchecker ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.
  24. or said in German terms: >>> die EierlegendeWollmilchsau <<< (the egglaying-wool-milk-pig, it can just do everything) Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.
  25. LOL (some kind of Sherman- Assault boat- Mistel) Slapdragon, I think the Germans must have had your idea in mind when they invented this: (Image from http://www.achtungpanzer.com) Marcus ------------------ Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.
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