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Everything posted by Slapdragon

  1. Sorry, but the Capt just made my list of the top 10 most annoying people in the universe. Thankfully, he is unlikely to reproduce, and thus his particular strain will die with him.
  2. By the way, Seanachi is a twirp. I would have more to say, but I am concealing a busted elbow from my wife right now and the pain keeps me from going on indefinately about his lack of character. You will be happy to know that as of September I stop being a Fed.
  3. My god, Kitty is back? I sent you an e-mail Kitty asking if you were dead. No answer, assumed the correct answer was yes, and thus bought you a brick in the local community colleges campus right out front of the Vet Science building. Of course then I found out what they do to Kitties there and felt horrible, so I bought a brick in front of the humane shelter and felt better. Glad to see you are back!
  4. What, and none of it penetrated said door and collided with your vital bit(s), thereby ending your miserable excuse for an existence? Next time tell them to use AP until they get a clear sightline on you.</font>
  5. Might I suggest that each of the old timers with a small amount of spare money and a desire to say thanks to BTS e-mail WindCape on the side and offer to subsidize a single bottle or part of the bottle of wine to BTS. I assume he will give us a nice deal of course, but this could be a community expression of thanks.
  6. Just a little crosspost. By the way, I hear they are going to grow some Tasmanian Tigers from the cells of a stuffed animal. I understand the goal is to give the Aussies a chance to be the only people to cause a single animal species to go extinct twice. Think of it, an Aussie park where each week a new Tiger is born, and you can pay good money to fire a .577 Tyranas Rifle at it and be added to the list of people who have cacked the "last living member of a species". Along with the goofs who they found ate the last carrier pigeon and the sailor that clubbed the last Dodo to make a hat band.
  7. My major complaint is the complete lack of modelling for flatulence in the game. Flatulence effects all soldiers because of the poor food they consume, effecting accuracy, causing fellow soldiers to become casualties, and giving away positions to the enemy. I have never heard an audio track with a fart in it at all. Lots of damn bird, but no good crack butt horns. I suspect BTS, especially Steve, are just out to screw us all by ignoring how human produced gas effects the battlefield. Every unit should have a "flatula" level that acts like a morale level, and effects all aspects of the unit's performance. Plus there should be a chance for a "critical injury" from flatulence in enclosed places. Imagine this -- the commander of a tank is standing in the turret and lights one off right into the face of the loader and gunner. This could conceivably wound or kill both men, and possibly cause the fuel or ammo to go off. The unit can break from stench, and would then need to rally. Of course, there is no way the author of the stench will effect a rally, so it will have to be a non-farting member of a higher echelon.
  8. My major complaint is the complete lack of modelling for flatulence in the game. Flatulence effects all soldiers because of the poor food they consume, effecting accuracy, causing fellow soldiers to become casualties, and giving away positions to the enemy. I have never heard an audio track with a fart in it at all. Lots of damn bird, but no good crack butt horns. I suspect BTS, especially Steve, are just out to screw us all by ignoring how human produced gas effects the battlefield. Every unit should have a "flatula" level that acts like a morale level, and effects all aspects of the unit's performance. Plus there should be a chance for a "critical injury" from flatulence in enclosed places. Imagine this -- the commander of a tank is standing in the turret and lights one off right into the face of the loader and gunner. This could conceivably wound or kill both men, and possibly cause the fuel or ammo to go off. The unit can break from stench, and would then need to rally. Of course, there is no way the author of the stench will effect a rally, so it will have to be a non-farting member of a higher echelon.
  9. So many Idiots. So little time. ps. My Lord, my original path to Knighthood goes well. The forces of AJ do almost be auto-surrendering in the awfull joust. pps. Yeknod, how do you get your legs shaved so smoothly...? or was it wax ? Noba.</font>
  10. One thing someone may really want to do is write their idea, have a trusty application programmer work on the game, THEN submit it to BTS. In my game The Magenta Onion, one of the players has been hard at work at an application which will control the GM side of a metacampaign. Perhaps this fine programmer will come up with something that shows promise. So maybe I will ask if he would not mind sharing it with BTS, first sending a letter to BTS asking if they have an interest in an unsolicited application. I will write this letter on paper. Now, maybe BTS sees a market for our product. The market has to be big enough to justify time spent providing the hooks to the gentlemen with the programming knowledge. Of course, by this time I will be a third wheel and will have long since back off the project -- leaving the original programmer and BTS to work it all out. All I want is an appplication to do the heavy lifting of a GM. I will bet dollars that BTS will be willing to listen to someone with some code in their hands.
  11. I think one of the problems BTS will always find is a desire to turn a game on small level into something else. For example: Why can't every squad member be independent. Add that and then the requirement would be: Why can't every weapon carried by every squad member be modelled. Add that and it would be Why can't each round of ammo be modelled? Add that and it would be: Why can't the trajectory of each round fired by each soldier be modelled and the entire source code provided so I could predict the landing point of each pistol shot before I fired it (note, this is not impossible, and in a squad level game may even be desireable). Then, one those demands were met in the year 2030, the requests for the campaign would come rolling in: You simulate an hour, but everyone wants a whole day then Ok, now you have days, but I want a week then Ok, now I want the month. then on and on. No one ever explains how this would be done. Ever. But the game they envision would take 780 CD-ROMS and 60gb of hard drive space because there is no limits to what the uninformed want.
  12. Mistress Patch, why do you spend so much time modifying everyone's picture, then leave the donkey's image unretouched? And Noba. As winner of the great legal battle between good and evil, prepare to be knighted young Paduan. Write a nice long and very wicked jab at some idiot here in this slime hole and I will challenge you to your first game. Master Berli, we have a game. Have you sent me the next file? Noodle head Seanachi, I await your taunting of me in reply to my last taunt. Your little trial got in the way of that. I have a file to return to you, but no taunt from you to enjoy it by. By the way, I noticed you did not recognize that the only person to make effective arguments in the trial was Noba. I think you need to swallow you immense pride, admit he was the winner of your little bit of idiocy, and declare the prize, making sure you lay the winning of the price entirely at the very soon to be kniggets door. Joe I think you are a leperous twonl. That has nothing to do with anything really. Not sure if you are better than Meeks, on who I had money as the person most likely to have run off and become a circus clown. But I am sure you are a twonk. And finally Hiram, I await patiently the return of yourself to gaming. Not that I can remember what we were playing. [ May 27, 2002, 09:41 PM: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]
  13. "The decision to drop the bomb was made by Harry Truman, who never regretted his actions. When he ordered the attack, the usefulness of the bomb was incredible. Not only would this device end the war, but it would demonstrate the superiority of the United States over the Soviets. Hiroshima was destroyed by the atomic bomb just a few days after the Potsdam conference in which Truman announced the existence of the bomb to his allies in order to show military superiority. " Unfortunately, Truman's own diary, which this author ignores in his attempt to rewrite history, shows that he was very disturbed about the prospects of the bomb, second guessed his own thoughts on the matter extensively, and only after long consideration and a great deal of plannning gave the go ahead to use it. I am afraid that your thesis here falls squarely into the "Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor" brand of history. That is, the people who think Hiroshima was aimed at impressing the Soviets have to ignore huge amounts of writing and correspondence and accept each other's assements at face value. Again, you need a lot more than an uncited website, a biased historical paper (whose interesting comment "No serious historian today fully believes that the bomb was used primarily as a means of saving American lives." in fact shows how out of touch with historical research the author is. Most historican with no axe to grind and access to the papers of the people involved recognize that the "impress the Soviets argument" was not applied until the 1950s, and then only by a very few people.), and a uncritical piece in Look magazine, to revise the work of hundreds of scholars on a very well documented event. For example, to see how flawed the Oh paper was, one has to only look at how much was left out. Oh does not cite either the Japanese correspondence of the time, or the major American correspondence of the time. They refute the theory and thus seem to have been misplaced. Oh fails to look at Japanese preperations to defend the home islands, the very extensive studies done after Okinawa of Japanese intentions, the internal papers of any person involved in the decision making, or anything of the sort. Very sloppy historical methods. One would almost guess that he first wrote his conclusion, then skimmmed some generalities to support the conclusion from which no evidence could be unearthed. After all, the earliest true threat assessments at the level of the JCS and the President of Soviet intentions occur in 1947 after the British point out provocative actions of the Soviets. In that year only a few Generals were looking at the Soviets as potential enemies, namely Patton and MacArthur. Truman, who Oh calls unrepentent, was very worried before and after about using the bomb. And, although second guessing is easy today, there was no evidence in 1945 that showing a weakness to the Japanese would result in a lasting peace. Certianly experience with Germany and Japan at the start of the war showed that totalitarian states did not easily deal with shows of anything but strength. Appeasement, councilled before the war and by revisionists afterward, would never have worked. I think, when you get a chance to read critically the papers on the subject, that of all the comments spoken off camera and not to the world audience, this one of Truman's is most interesting, (In a letter to Senator Russel from President Truman:) "I know that Japan is a terribly cruel and uncivilized nation in warfare but I can't bring myself to believe that, because they are beasts, we should ourselves act in the same manner. "For myself, I certainly regret the necessity of wiping out whole populations because of the 'pigheadedness' of the leaders of a nation and, for your information, I am not going to do it until it is absolutely necessary... "My object is to save as many American lives as possible but I also have a humane feeling for the women and children in Japan." There is only one oblique reference in Truman's private papers to using the Atom Bomb for any other purpose than to save US lives.
  14. This is actually somewhat of a misunderstanding of what was happpening in 1945, since the cold war indeed was not really on in that year, at least for the United States. Churchill was very much more perceptive than the US leaderships of the true desires for an extended hegemony that Stalin had. Of course Churchill was in a position to feel much more threatened than the US and to have much better data than the US on Russian Soviet intentions, his misgiving started as early as 1944 and indeed ran from before the war, and he was receiving information from the colonies that would soon break from England. Truman and most other leaders saw a very rapid climb down from the world stage, as it had seen from other conflicts with the US involved. As to the use of the bomb to scare Russia, the writings of the people involved do not support this at all. Franck Report was against the use of the atom bomb except as a demonstration, and was followed by the personal writings of Leo Szilard. However Oppenheimer, Fermi, and Lawrence wrote in June 1945 “…emphasize the opportunity of saving American lives by immediate military use…” and that “…we can propose no technical demonstration likely to bring an end to the war; we see no acceptable alternative to direct military use.” Truman agonized over the dropping of the bomb. Already, plans were underway to invade the Japanese homeland in order to bring the war to a close. Using the campaign on Okinawa as a guide, a million US and sixteen million Japanese casualties were expected, something that haunted Truman’s mind as much as the bomb. In the case of the Japanese, Okinawa fought without major industry or succor and even completely isolated still did not result in the surrender of the garrison or the civilians. The sixteen million casualties would likely be mostly dead. The bomb represented one of the only two options Truman had to end the war in the next year as his diary shows and as war time studies presented. In some ways Truman was very naive though. When he signed the order to use the atom bomb, he wrote in his diary, “This weapon is to be used against Japan between now and August 10th. I have told the Sec. of War, Mr. Stimson, to use it so that military objectives and soldiers and sailors are the target and not women and children. Even if the Japs are savages, ruthless, merciless and fanatic, we as the leader of the world for the common welfare cannot drop that terrible bomb on the old capital or the new. “ In fact, the order that got to Spaatz did not include the requirement that no civilians be harmed: “1. The 509 Composite Group, 20th Air Force will deliver its first special bomb as soon as weather will permit visual bombing after about 3 August 1945 on one of the targets: Hiroshima, Kokura, Niigata and Nagasaki. To carry military and civilian scientific personnel from the War Department to observe and record the effects of the explosion of the bomb, additional aircraft will accompany the airplane carrying the bomb. The observing planes will stay several miles distant from the point of impact of the bomb.” The reason was that no military target existed that did not also lay in close proximity to a area in which bombing was nominally forbidden, industry was diffused across small shops at this point in the war, and no fleet concentrations existed. The ideal targets, discussed by many planners, where in China, and were nixed completely So the target list was the least of evils as seen at the time. Russia had nothing to do with it.
  15. I susepct he is in the middle of a mid crisis life. Flamingkinives, challenge one of these ssns to a game and I will find you a place in clan Berli just because anyone who dislikess Seanachi cannot be all bad. I personally feel rather warm hearted to him, as must as I do anyone with a high IQ and not enough sense to pour puke from his shoe before putting it on. But I think from watching some of your posts elsewhere that if you got way down to it, and threw some humor into a good sharp insult, that the board may actually be the place for you. Of course master Berli may just strike you dead with a wave of his cloven paw, but such is the risks we all take. As for my detractors, Seanachi was trying to do a good thing, never realizing that most of my detractors did not have any argument more solid than "wahhhhhh -- you said you were as smart as Jeff Heidman -- wahhhhhhh no fair" sounding all the world like a pendantic six year old whose performance on the monkey bars is called into question by seeing an olympic gymnast. One final note. Brother Noba has indeed done a fine job. Literally he scared my detractors right out of the thread, they never did dare even reply to my posts. I note to you Seanachi in you specifcation of charges the difficulties brought up by Noba for the lone "whine from the wilderness". [ May 15, 2002, 09:15 AM: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]
  16. I susepct he is in the middle of a mid crisis life. Flamingkinives, challenge one of these ssns to a game and I will find you a place in clan Berli just because anyone who dislikess Seanachi cannot be all bad. I personally feel rather warm hearted to him, as must as I do anyone with a high IQ and not enough sense to pour puke from his shoe before putting it on. But I think from watching some of your posts elsewhere that if you got way down to it, and threw some humor into a good sharp insult, that the board may actually be the place for you. Of course master Berli may just strike you dead with a wave of his cloven paw, but such is the risks we all take. As for my detractors, Seanachi was trying to do a good thing, never realizing that most of my detractors did not have any argument more solid than "wahhhhhh -- you said you were as smart as Jeff Heidman -- wahhhhhhh no fair" sounding all the world like a pendantic six year old whose performance on the monkey bars is called into question by seeing an olympic gymnast. One final note. Brother Noba has indeed done a fine job. Literally he scared my detractors right out of the thread, they never did dare even reply to my posts. I note to you Seanachi in you specifcation of charges the difficulties brought up by Noba for the lone "whine from the wilderness". [ May 15, 2002, 09:15 AM: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]
  17. Actually this has turned out more like, as I said earlier, a Salem witch trial than anything else, and I am Giles Corey of the drama. So the proper end would be if I told the court to take a leap and was pressed to death by the crowd. [ May 15, 2002, 10:13 AM: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]
  18. Ye gods ! You could at least read the RULES. We havn't suspended ALL sane things here - yet. Still, the fact that you posted here is an accomplishment... throw enough abuse at someone and they may answer. You do have some "style" I hope... Noba.</font>
  19. Ye gods ! You could at least read the RULES. We havn't suspended ALL sane things here - yet. Still, the fact that you posted here is an accomplishment... throw enough abuse at someone and they may answer. You do have some "style" I hope... Noba.</font>
  20. He was also falsly convicted by people with a grudge who manufactured a case against him in a fit of both paranoid rage and desire to see that people toed the line of their own prejeduice. His primary fault in the community was that he spoke his mind. In essence, he was the tall poppy of his community. Luckily, in your prejudice, you are committing the cardinal sin of a persecution. You are trying to construct truth from lies. You cannot respond to the points made by Noba, and cannot respond to my points. Now, since you do not have anything to prove how you acquired your prejudices, and cannot answer Noba or I on all of our points, it seems time for you to admit that you are wrongly wasting the time of the Peng Challenge Thread. [ May 14, 2002, 08:15 AM: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]
  21. He was also falsly convicted by people with a grudge who manufactured a case against him in a fit of both paranoid rage and desire to see that people toed the line of their own prejeduice. His primary fault in the community was that he spoke his mind. In essence, he was the tall poppy of his community. Luckily, in your prejudice, you are committing the cardinal sin of a persecution. You are trying to construct truth from lies. You cannot respond to the points made by Noba, and cannot respond to my points. Now, since you do not have anything to prove how you acquired your prejudices, and cannot answer Noba or I on all of our points, it seems time for you to admit that you are wrongly wasting the time of the Peng Challenge Thread. [ May 14, 2002, 08:15 AM: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]
  22. ?8tB+riginally posted by Elijah Meeks: Oh my god, it's Hapgood Smithers, local elementary school rhetoric teacher! Please, oh wise master with the vocational degree from Tennessee Junction Junior College, tell us more about fallacies of logic!!!!
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