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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. I would like to see the Pershing reworked since you asked what we wanted to see. Great job again Graal on the Tiger.
  2. I guess I was late in getting around to d/l and using the Bulge mod but I did last week and have to say that it is fantastic! I mean it really really makes the battle field look real. I am so pleased with it and the options I just had to mention it here. I really didn;t think it would make that much difference but boy does it. Outstanding job to everybody involved in it and thanks to each and everyone of you. Just superb!
  3. Thanks Andrew for the reply. Yeah sounds like a shame they weren't included in the game.
  4. Well I agree with you CMplayer. It would be cool and I for one demand it in CMBB. So now that's settled. We should be seeing it in the upcoming game. Let me know if BTS pays you for this outstanding idea of yours.
  5. OK so are you saying that the PzKpfw III's were effective against T34's or not - overall? I mean how many of the effective heat rounds were available compared to the other 3 rounds that weren't effective. Any idea?
  6. Thanks again for the info Michael. Yeah, I was kind of wondering why they wouldn't have been used against troops but just didn't know for sure.
  7. I couldn't have said it better or agree with you more YankeeDog. I don't see why everybody just can't agree that this is not gamey and just kind of except it as being OK to do. Now the jeep thing is another story.
  8. All right! Very nice job Graal. This mod will be seeing a lot of action in the game I'm sure. I do believe it's one of the neatest one's I've seen and I've seen quite a few nice ones. Outstanding job and thanks.
  9. Very interesting stuff , thanks MichaelM. I had no idea that any weapon of this sort could actually shoot out to a 1200 ft. even the 1980 period. I bet it wasn't too accurate at that range but still just knowing that it could shoot to that range would bother a tanker. Any idea if any of these type weapons be it German or Allied's were ever used a lot against troops? I had always thought that they were of course used for vehicles but I guess would be effective against troops but not for sure if they really were ever used in that role to any great degree in WWII.
  10. Now that's a tank in the true sense. I guess you could put water in it. Are we going to get this tank in CMBB? Cool site however. Those Russian tanks look so cool. I can hardly wait to get CMBB.
  11. Tanks - you are a clutch type of guy. I really appreciate this help. Now thanks to you I have all my winter stuff and am ready to play a winter battle. Thanks guy.
  12. That is just exactly what I have been looking for. A winter uniform that I can use and still see well in the game. I really like the white winter uniforms but I just have too much trouble seeing them in the game so this will be great. Thanks Andrew.
  13. I cannot figure out what the bmp numbers are for the individual American winter guns. The master bmp list show the German ones but not the American ones. Since nobody made them except for the Winter pack over at CM HQ site and that lists like a million numbers I can't pick them out strictly for these guns and I sure don't want to do the whole pack and then change all the vehicles back to the way I have them now. Does anybody know these numbers? Please, please somebody's gotta help me. Please.
  14. Very interesting posts guys. Thanks for the info even though I didn't ask the question. It really makes the game so much more interesting when you understand stuff like this.
  15. That's exactly what I was going to say what Phillipe said but he saved me the writing. Well plus I couldn't have explained it quite that way. So it's basically magic and will just appear in our computers. Cool! OK, I'm waiting.
  16. I don't know him good enough to call him the bald one so Mr. Madmatt is a litte busy right now with something. but I have observed in the past that he never makes us wait for long so I am sure Mr. Madmatt will get to it just as soon as he can. :cool:
  17. This is great Wolfe. This will give the newbies something to do and well actually was very help to others as well.
  18. Excellent, thanks Captain Wacky. I bet I spend more time changing mods around then I do playing the game. So thanks for another one to play. I really like the color. It stands out pretty good in the game.
  19. To answer your question Offwhite I really have not noticed any difference not that there isn't. I probably just haven't noticed but if I had to say one way or the other I'd say when they are on defense. I say that because I mostly do the attacking like 80 to 90% of the time so I guess when they are defending. I can't stand to sit around and wait to be attacked so I prefer the attack plus I've heard more then once on this board that the AI does a better job defending so I'm thinking it's a better game for me. Doug I can only warn you about the crazy HQ units - watch out for them. They are nuts! Also, I didn't mean they were the only one's taking out my tanks. Like you the other troops get their fair share and that I can kind of understand after all they have the proper weapons but HQ units? And besides I just hate losing tanks to an officer and his 3 buds.
  20. You can now see Saturnin's new Hotchkiss that's pictured above at Tom's site. It's a real beauty too!
  21. I can't believe it, that is one fantastic looking Hotchkiss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a treat. It's got an iron cross, a number, Hotchkiss across the front and the detail is simply outstanding. Great job Saturnin! Way to go. I already looked at it in the game and it's just down right amazing. I bet there will be a lot more Hotchkisses in the game after this. Thanks ever so much Saturnin you did a wonderful job. And as usual thanks Ted for letting us know and Tom's site for hosting it. This made my day!
  22. I am disagreeing with both but I understand that tanks should stand off but in a lot of cases it's not me it's those damn officiers they just charge my tanks for no good reason. Believe me I avoid them whenever possible knowing what they can do but sometimes you don't realize where they are and I've got to get my tanks or tank in position. Now as far as my little test I guess I was wrong. Looks like the full squads came out much better then the HQ units in the 3 tests I did. I had marked off three different distances 240, 160 and 107 yards or meters, what ever the game uses. In all three cases the American's beat up pretty bad on the HQ guys. The funny thing I noticed was that the full rifle squads did the most damage at the closest range. It was a landslide actually. In just 4 turns they killed every one of the HQ units except for the 4 that surrendered compared to their lost of 9 soldiers. At the 240 meters losts were HQ units 30 men to the full squads only 4 being killed after 18 turns and the 160 meter shootout that lasted 16 turns the HQ units had all killed except the 2 that surrendered but that remember was after 16 turns to 17 American's being killed. Anyway, even though I was mistaken about my experiences in the game I found out for sure that the HQ units aren't all that tough after all and to shut up about it already. Interesting though.
  23. Thanks Andrew for the answer. I was not aware that you had made anything other then what was in the I believe Pack 1. I'll shall go hunting. Did I ever tell you how much enjoyment you have brough to this game? I really mean it. I admire the heck out of you guys.
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