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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. That brings up a question to my mind. Was the MG-42 in production in the time period that CMBB will be? And if so were their production numbers ? I'm hoping there were only 5 or 6 of them in this period. I realize I may be the only one here hoping that but one can hope, can't one?
  2. You know I had forgotten about the M26 but now that you mention it Michael I wonder where it is? Hmmm? :confused:
  3. Quoted By Andrew: Now, when you mention "Allied winter uniforms" are you specifically referring to white camouflage? -------------------------------------------------- Andrew I am not referring to white camouflage because I didn't think that they had white winter uniforms back in WWII at least not the American's. If so then I would certainly love to see what you would come up with as well as using them in the game. Actually I am still very happy and satisfied with your current ones but white one? Hmmmm, sounds kind of neat and plus I really enjoy seeing what you guys come up with when you do a mod. It really is fun seeing you guys create mods and what the finished product looks like.
  4. Yes some winter Allied uniforms would be nice but Andrew is busy right now I hope trying to finish the Pershing that he is working hard on.
  5. OH, oh wendebourg. After reading your post I went back and reread mine to see why you were taking my post the way you did and yes it does kind of sound that way doesn't it? Sorry, I should have reworded that a little better so please excuse my poor choice of words.
  6. oh I don't know about that Al. I certainly will buy and play CMBB but I for one will continue playing this game and while very interested in seeing what the new one will be like and all the improvements, changes, grapic's, vehicles etc. I for one love this theatre and will continue playing it. My dreams are CMBO part 2.
  7. I personally don't see why we ( guys that hang around this forum all day every day ) couldn't have a heads up about when the game is likely to be released. It would maybe stop a lot of these posts about it if we had something to at least go by. I don't ask about it myself but can understand why all the questions since we don't have a clue if it'll be August or December or even for that matter next year - Heaven forbid! I don't think anybody wants it to be released before every thing that can be in it is in it but hey we're excited about it and until we know something I would imagine you can expect lots more posts about it.
  8. I Actually feel that they are too overmodelled as far as power (killing ability) and the inability to kill them but YankeeDog did explain that this was kind of being addressed in CMBB so I for one will be much happier to see this correction. Now as far as having to live with them in CMBO I guess I will but I don't like it. I also hope that they are more expensive in CMBB as I feel they at least are too cheap presently. Any opinions from those that strictly play the Allied's. I kind of know what those that play the German's all the time will say. but what about unbiassed opinions. I really am interested in getting others opinions as this does bug me to some degree.
  9. Hey Diceman I noticed you are using the same video card that I use. Diamond Viper 770 TNT2. I was wondering what you think of this card? The reason I ask is that it is a rather old one according to my local computer guy and he's kind of talking me into getting a newer one. Since I have no knowledge of other cards to evaluate it to I was just wonderings what you thought? It seems to get the job done however and unless these's a big improvement by upgrading to a newer one I may upgrade something else and not waste the money on this. Any advice or opinions?
  10. Thanks Ted for the update. Yeah, the new faces really make a difference. Much more realistic looking. Boy those German guys sure are a mean looking bunch.
  11. Excellent job Andrew - again. I've been looking forward to these ever since you showed them some time back. Thanks. We do appreciate all your work and time devoted to making mods. Now lets see how cool they look in the game. I do believe it'll be something in the winter tonight.
  12. Do you really think they'd do some mods? Maybe if you would ask since you pull more weight? I'm not calling you fat or anything. Just a figure of speech you know?
  13. Well welcome to the forum. So you too found the best game ever. Nice post by the way. Yeah, there are some really great guys that have helped this game alone as far as I am concerned what with all the sites, scenario's , mods etc. Take care.
  14. Sorry Rob but I can't help you. I have actually been putting this off myself ( CMMOS ) as I'm not too good at all this zipping, unzipping, putting this over there and that over here stuff myself. Hopefully someone will come by and help. I know it's complicated and while Gordon has done everything in his powers to make it easy it's still overwhelming for some of us. Let me know if you figure it out - hell I might even take a try at it.
  15. Boy, what a bit of luck you had. :eek: Yeah, while the King Tiger is a hard nut to crack it can be done. That lone bozooka man just saved your bacon. You might want to check his pants however? Good show!
  16. So when you're pretty you don't have to be smart too, do you? Yeah, Ted I just looked and was shocked that it wasn't a mod but then you do have a point about a mod at scenario Zone. I'm sitting here about to fall asleep so it didn't register. Oh well, my first sentence explains it all. Thanks never the less. A scenario is good too. Actually I have been looking for a good one. Perhaps this is it. I'm going to bed now. Got to get up at 5 AM for a stupid wedding. Man, don't guys ever learn or at least listen?
  17. Thanks Ted I shall go and take a peep. Sure hope it's a mod? Is it? Is it?
  18. Just thought I'd drop by here to see what was going on. Runyan99 posted July 04, 2002 02:55 -------------------------------------------------- Uh oh. Not the mannequin again. -------------------------------------------------- AndrewTF posted July 04, 2002 03:02 PM -------------------------------------------------- Sorry, couldn't resist. -------------------------------------------------- So, you too Andrew?
  19. Well, before somebody tells Mom let me just say that due to being an insurance agent and as everybody knows we don't ever work. I am Off! I am fixin to start a game and I'll blow a panther away for you. Hope that helps a little? No really my wife had to go in too and she wasn't all that happy about it either. Sorry. It was nice of Michael to say that all of Canada feels for you. Did you even know that all of Canada knew you? I'm impressed. Well, at least don't work too hard. Take it easy.
  20. Have you tired Combat Missions HQ? http://www.combatmission.com/ There's a nice M18 by Marcus Bloess dated 10/01. It's in the Temprary holding area button on the left, 4th button down.
  21. Well I think it would be great myself. I certainly would love to have the ability to toggle the grids off and on and that's with me using a grass that does a pretty good job of showing elevations. It's still difficult to see without grids but I really don't like to have grids all the time so don't use grid mod. So good idea as far as I'm concerned.
  22. All I can say is that they are very effective against my Sherman's. I fear them as much well almost) as much as German armor. You really have to stay away from them and I mean by at least 200 meters or it's curtains for any lone tank. As far as your question goes, I can't answer that as I always play the Allied's.
  23. Oh we know it's not done yet. I'm not blowing away Panzer tanks yet am I? I just didn't want to take for granted that you would include unit #'2 and such we aren't trying to hurry. Heck I'll be leaving town until Sunday night anyway so even if you did get it done I wouldn't see it till then. I even asked my friend if he could put the wedding off until next weekend but seems they kind of planned it and stuff and something about having already sent out invitations and stuff. Yeah I know, that what I said, what's one week going to hurt I've got a Pershing tank mod that may be coming out.
  24. Sounds like a good idea Panzer Leader I'll have to try that. I hate spliting my troops up normally seems they get chewed up too much but like you said if they can make it back in one piece that sounds like it may be a good tactic. Thanks for the idea.
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