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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Hi Petes-24 glad to hear you got the game. You lucky dog you. I don't know what is already in the special edition so can't answer that question but can say that the mods replace the current ones. Now you can go the way of getting CMMOS but I personally have not yet as I am pretty happy with just changing mods as I feel like it on rare occasion when I get tired of a certain one but overall I stick with what I currently have. Course I have changed them around over the years as I discover new ones or new ones are introduced. It's really a matter of taste as to what you personally will like or dislike so it's impossible to recommend a certain mod to you as there are so many out there. You will just have to look around and pick what grabs your fancy. Anyway hope this answers part of your question and so yeah the beach mod would replace the current one. What I do is place all my orginal mods in a new folder that I have created on my desktop so that if I d/l and install a new mod that I don't like I can just get rid of it by reinstalling the orignal one. Well, good luck and have fun.
  2. I really don't see why we even let half-wits post, but I see we do. HI SCHOERNER.
  3. Here's one that just happened recently. I had this 6 man squad ( yeah had been reduced ) advancing toward their objective and they happened upon this 5 man abandoned gun crew. Well, I thought I'd just gain myself some points by jogging over and eliminating them real quick like. You know, a no contest type of thing, after all they only had pistols to my BAR, Tommy gun and 4 semi-auto M1's. No problem right? Yeah right. Anyway, I ran my guys over to within 9 meters when the abandoned gun crew opened up on them. My guys stopped of course and returned fire. Well they fought for a while and the gun crew wiped out 5 of my 6 guys - WITH PISTOLS! for the love of God. My guys even threw 3 grenades. I may have killed one of theirs but I don't think I even did that. How weird is that? I couldn't believe it and ran it over and over but nope it was true. So I guess you never know. I wish I had kept it because I would like to look at it again because I still don't believe it.
  4. Gosh, I guess they all pasted away. What a shame. Oh well we all can't live forever.
  5. Is anybody working on a new Chaffee tank? This is the one tank that really could use an update. It really pales to most of the mods that we now have and it sure would be nice to get an improved one. I would do it myself but of course I can't so have to beg and plead with you that can. Anybody up to it? Just think you would probably have anyone using your mod if you did one. Well unless you screwed it up and it looked like one I would do. Don't make me offer money.
  6. Looks like somebody liked it. Is CMBO really that much fun?
  7. Hey no problem Klapton I really enjoyed it a lot. Thank you and all the other scenario designers for doing them for us in the first place. I really really feel this game is as much fun as it is due to in part to you guys and the modders. God love them too.
  8. Dandelion I do use the markers but they do clutter up the map and interfere with the game to a degreee but I don't know I'd go that far as to mod them out completely. Too bad there's not a button to change betwee off and on. I can't imagine playing the game for very long, anyway at those low levels that you did. Now that would take a lot of the fun out, at least for me, but like you said to each their own. But nope nothing wrong with it if you like it that way.
  9. Man I don't want to get in the middle of this and it wasn't directed at me for sure but I just have to say one thing. If BFC is crappy or greedy I sure wish all the others would follow suit. Now that would be great. Maybe just somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
  10. Oh that's what keyholing is. Thanks for the info guys. Yeah it would be kind of wastefull if something didn't come by and your gun crew just sat there smoking or napping.
  11. I guess it's because I started out playing Partial from the start years ago but I just can't get used to or enjoy full and I have played full in all my Pbem's so far so I have tried getting used to it. I realize it's not as realistic but I don't really play this game for that reason I play it to have fun. It's the same reason I guess that I am having trouble buying CMBB. I realise it's more realistic but do I want to trade that for fun, I don't think so. I can see however times where maybe full would be necessary in certain scenario's for example but overall I don't like it.
  12. Bad time to ask many on this board if they'd like to play the fall of France but hey ........ No really it would be cool but I don't know how much fun it would be having cavalry charge German tanks, well unless of course I was playing the German's. Besides BFC can't do horses or realistic bazooka's for that matter.
  13. Well thank goodness I have never encountered a bad opponent yet. Everyone I've played has been very nice, helpful and courteous and we always have ended every game 1. by me being beat and 2. happily and satisfied. Well, except for that one gamey guy and you know who you are. Just kidding of course.
  14. OK I know I'll get a lot of flak from this but I just have to say it. I think partial fog is way more fun then full fog. Enough so that I really don't enjoy the games nearly as much when playing full fog. Now this post wasn't to start a fight or even heated debate just wanted to see if anybody else and I mean anybody else agrees with me or is everybody fully behind this full fog thing? If you are a 100% full fog believer don't you at least agree that partial is more fun? Come on tell the truth. :cool:
  15. Well Dandelion I see my friend that you haven't played me. I tend to lose way more then my opponents do. :mad:
  16. Just out of curiosity why did you wait for it to come out in retail stores? Man if you only knew how much fun you missed all this time waiting you'd kick yourself. But having said that I'm happy for you and know you will get so so many hours, weeks, months and years enjoyment out of it. Have fun and see you around.
  17. Well I have knocked out many guns in the past but never really paid attention wheather they were knocked out, knocked out or just abandoned. I do agree that with lead bricks ( .50 cal. bullets ) flying all around that they could cause all sort of damage to the gun. I'll be watching this in the future though just to see. Interesting point however Webs. That .50 Cal. was one hell of a gun in sprite of how it's portrayed in CMBO.
  18. Ok,OK what is keyholing mean? I'v seen it several times now and better find out what it means. Anybody?
  19. Interesting Dandelion. As I only have a regular dictionary and these terms aren't even in it except for Kraut which I just looked up after reading the few posts before my last one I wasn't aware that they were meant as an insult, ignorant on my part. Anyway, I will be more careful in the future but it is always interesting to learn new things. Well I am surprised to hear that Tommy and or Yankee was picked by us ourselves. Hmmm, had I picked I would have picked something cooler but maybe you meant Yank was picked by the British and Tommy by us? That's probably what you meant. Althought if correct is not really accurate as Yank which I assume is from the word Yankee doesn't really apply as Yankee is more accurately a slang term for those in the Northern states during the Civil War whereas Confederates pertained to the Southern states. So I can see a Texan not wanting to be called a Yank or Yankee but of course it all depends on how thin skinned an individual is or how bitter he still is over losing the Civil War and not wanting to be assocated with them, the Yankees. But we are wrong as the dictionary states that a Yankee is: a native or inhabitant of the U.S. This of course is not correct as I'm sure the dictionaries are printed in the North and they don't know nothing. Stupid Yankees. Again, Dandelion thanks for the lesson. Always interesting to read your posts.
  20. I'm no expect and not even a good player but until somebody else pops up with some good advise I'll make a comment or two just to take up space which is what I'm good for , but anyway, like you said " pay more attention to the whole board". No excuse to get outflanked like that and that seems to be why you got into the state your in. Had that not happened things might be 100% better meaning you'd have some armor left and then those HT's wouldn't be ruling the game as they are. HT's without armor to control them do seem to get gutsy. They do have an unlimited supply of ammo and aren't afraid to use it on hapless infantry. This game can be going just great one minute and one stupid or careless mistake can cost you dearly. You sometimes can get the initiative back depending on what you have force wise but more times then not it's too late and it's over except for the enemy to just mop up. This is very realistic as this is how it is in combat except here in the game we drag it out instead of getting the hell out of Dodge. Not a good feeling for sure. Anyway, good interesting topic. I don't mean this against you personally but It's nice to see this happens to somebody else besides me.
  21. Excellent topic. I will be watching this one as I too am completely confused or ignorant of what their meaning and duties are. Now if we can just get some Jerry to answer.
  22. Well I'm certainly not a jock, wish I was but alas I'm not but even if I was I wouldn't take offense to the word jock. I am part Irish and I wouldn't take offense to Mick either. I am an American however and don't take Yank or Yankee as an insult. Now I just learned from this topic that Kraut, Bocke, Hun or Fritz is not the playful, kidding term that I thought they were like the way I take Yank. So I've learned something today. If I ever used those terms before and I'm sure I have let me confirm right now that I never intended them to offend or hurt anybody's feeling nor were they meant to be anything other then a light hearted good natured kidding. So there Jerry.
  23. Since writing this post I have played the German's and the British in some Pbem's as well as against the computer and I am growing fond of the Brit's too. That Firefly is extremely accurate and the 2 inch mortar awlful handy since it has no mininum range. They seem to hold up better under fire better then the American's too meaning they don't seem to break as much. Although I have to admit I do enjoy the German's steel toys and so many to choose from. It's taken over 3 years before willing to play anything other then the American's but now I do believe I prefer not playing them. Well, at least for awhile.
  24. Yeah sgtgoody I had a schreck set a house on fire once not too long ago actually. My opponent had even warned me about it being possible and then a couple shots later sure enough it happened. It was funny - well not really.
  25. So Dandelion are the Stuarts still at it? Just an idea and I'm sure you've already thought about it but how about using smoke? That would be pretty embarrassing having two Stuarts win the game. :eek: Especially against SS troops and Para. If you allow that they might just take your command away from you. Let us know what happens this is kind of interesting. Oh and yes I have noticed the amount of ammo they carry. [ May 21, 2003, 09:05 PM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]
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