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Col Deadmarsh

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Everything posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. Well, his question is answered in the manual. Mine...isn't. If you look on p. 108 under Main Weapon, it doesn't seem to mention anything about "L" meaning "barrell length." So there! Okay, I'm done with ya.
  2. And apparently I wasn't the only one either. I guess my charter membership on this forum denies me the freedom to ask such stupid questions... Don't worry Emry's, one day I'll reach grog status and be as contemptible as you. Botd, if you read the manual, you probably saw the tutorial mission instructions in the back, no? [ November 30, 2002, 03:11 AM: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]
  3. Yeah, the tables are great and all but I don't think it has armor penetration values and some other stuff. BTS really needs to allow access to that info when choosing units.
  4. Surrendering to the enemy that's 50 or more meters away is ridiculous. That's not the answer here.
  5. I don't know how to code a single line of C++ if that's what they're using for this game but I'd really appreciate it if BTS could explain in layman's terms why a solution hasn't been figured out for this. The scenario I was playing was "A Deadly Affair." ***************SPOILER************** When I came upon the partisians in the forest, opposite of the town I was headed toward, I brought my halftracks over to get rid of them and found it quite easy to do so. After being pinned by the mg's for a couple of turns, they decided their best bet was to run back towards town, right in front of the 4 halftracks who were shooting at them. The better alternative would've been to sneak away through the woods in the other direction--towards my side of the screen. So, why is this not possible? Why can't it be coded to have infantry units stick to this cover to get away, headed away from the danger? It seems so simple. I'm sure it's not that easy to code for some reason but how can their only option be: Run away from cover, out into the open towards the unit that is firing from you? How can the only option these guys have in this situation be the worst one of all? Can BTS please explain why this is? Is this indirectly related to the Shooting Gallery Bug which causes infantry units to go back and forth in open terrain before they are all gunned down to nothing?
  6. No Pak, I guess I never bothered asking about it before. I find it funny though that when I ask a newbie question on here, I get reamed from the vets of this forum on why I don't know these things by now...like a teacher disappointed in my inability to learn what she's teaching. Now the next question is, does the longer barrel provide a higher muzzle rate? Is that why the 75/43 has better penetration than the 75/23?
  7. I was thinking guns too, but even in meeting engagements they would be a hassle to move around. I can see buying one and towing it along as you head towards the flags but to rely on multiple guns to kill KV-1's and 2's in meetings just seems silly.
  8. In starting a new PBEM where I'm the Germans and the date is July 1941, I noticed that the Axis powers don't have much in the way of tanks in the early years. The Germans just don't have the firepower to match up with the KV-1 or KV-2. It's not until they get the Panzer IVF that they have a tank with a gun that can penetrate the heavy Soviet stuff. They're also not known for their flanking ability because of their slow turrets. So how do you win with the Germs playing on these early dates?
  9. Like on the Panzer IVG. It has a 75/L43 main gun. What's the L43?
  10. Are you seeing what I'm seeing? I'm playing a scenario now where some Russian Partisians were pinned down by my halftracks. It stayed that way for a few turns, but then instead of crawling or moving away to get deeper into cover, they turned and ran back towards their side of the map which turned out to be right in the open of my halftracks. Is this some kind of engine problem where the units can't be programmed to use appropriate cover to do so...or better yet, just sneak away in the opposite direction of incoming fire? Are other people seeing this type of behavior from their men and why is this happening?
  11. I can't believe anyone is lobbying for a change back to 1.0. Why would anyone want a game in which 1 mistake costs them an entire squad in 1 turn with no opportunity to do anything about it. Cause that's how it was back then. Still not sure about the changes in 1.01 since I've only played 1 battle since the patch, but it seems that the men are less brittle. With all the other stupid things infantry do out there like run out in the open only to be cut down by MG fire, why would you want to make thing any harder for the infantry? [ November 28, 2002, 03:45 PM: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]
  12. I'm glad it was changed because I want infantry to be an important part of the game. A game that is dominated by tanks and MG's doesn't appeal to me.
  13. Abbott, I know we've had our differences in the past but my prayers are with you and your family in this difficult time. Colonel Deadmarsh
  14. 1. Combat Mission -- Hands down the best game I've ever played. 2. Close Combat 2 -- I'm still trying to find time to go back and play this again because I miss that individual soldier aspect of these games. 3. Zork -- Started a revolution for text adventures. 4. Utopia (Intellivision) -- Most innovative console game of all time and a lot of fun to play. 5. Myst -- No game has ever gave you the feeling of actually "being there" like this one did. [ November 26, 2002, 01:31 PM: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]
  15. I mean first you have the 221 which goes 56 mph and only has an MG to shoot with. Then on the 222, they decide to add a 20mm main gun along with the MG and the mph drops down to 53 mph. Okay, makes sense. But when they next make the 223, they decide to get rid of the main gun and go back to just having the MG but the car is slower than when it first started as the 221, going only 53 mph. What's the deal here? Why is the last model in the series slower than the first one and yet has the same specs?
  16. Yes, I'm gonna keep on moving because I'm a soldier! MG fire 20-30 meters away isn't anywhere near me! It wouldn't be such a problem if the suppression modeling wasn't so unforgiving, but the way things are now your support team hits the ground at the first bullets heard in the area and then goes into auto-sneak mode the rest of the game. [ November 24, 2002, 02:48 PM: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]
  17. Not only do I agree with Redwolf but I propose that the area fire suppression is too large a zone. When I was playing a canned scenario the other day, a Russian MG team was suppressing my MG team who had been given orders to move to a different location. The enemy MG fire was aimed at one of my units 15-20 meters away and yet it was suppressing my MG team, causing them to sneak instead of move which in turn tired them out. I mean c'mon, MG fire 20 meters away should not have an effect on this support team. I really think suppression has been overdone in this game and needs to be toned down in this regard. Area fire suppression should be limited to about a 10m radius and no more. It just occured to me after writing this that the enemy was using "direct fire" and not area fire which shouldn't have that kind of suppression radius. So not only is the area fire a problem but the direct fire is too. [ November 24, 2002, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]
  18. Some dude just made a mod for this cause he went mental from them himself. Check around the usual mod sites and see what you can find.
  19. When you begin to view your neighbor's hedge as a good place for concealment...just in case something goes down.
  20. Okay...I need to come to CC's defense here. Well, at least CC2. I won't defend the others because I thought they sucked. Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far is still to me an amazing game. The only reason I don't play it anymore is because CM takes up all my free time nowadays. If I were a millionaire and could sit on my butt 24/7, I'd still be playing both. The real-time aspect of CC2 can't be done by CM because CM works on a larger scale and you wouldn't have time to control all your men. CC also portrays the individual soldier better because it's on a 1:1 ratio. You really feel it when just one of your soldiers dies. I remember having end-of-the-battle skirmishes where it would come down to just a few soldiers on each side. Now those are great battles! Each of those last men has an ammo count and you have to make sure you don't empty it too early or they'll surrender. I think that's what I loved the most about CC2, the portrayal of the individual soldier. Only a RTS game on that small of a level can do that. CC2 had its share of problems though. Tank drivers acted drunk--driving the AFV's into buildings which you couldn't get them unstuck from. Damn that was maddening. I remember many times screaming out loud at the game when this happened. CM's tanks don't do this and they actually go where you tell them to. Of course, the Hetzerflammen in CM just doesn't have the same theropeudic effect on oneself when torching men like the one in CC2 does. God, I used to love those things...
  21. Yes Mr. Smallwood, I'm afraid I never venture into the Scenario forum (who does?) but I did manage to read a few posts on the scenario...which made me want to play it. At turn 18, I'm almost wiped out. I started out by putting my mg's and IG on the left. Took out a building and then attracted too much attention. Moved the IG with the halftrack over to the right where I was going to roll up the flank. Didn't realize that the scattered trees were turning into brush (they look too similar) and got some infantry and my mortars waxed. I then moved up my 222's only to get them taken out by that gun in the woods which I still don't know the caliber of. At that point, I was toast. The Soviets even went on the attack and started rushing up men to try to eliminate my entire force and have managed to take out some squads which are whimpering from all the bullets whizzing by. These are vets too! I just have one question...where is this smoke? I know the IG has a few rounds but you can't advance using that, can you? Did the 50mm mortars have any? They died so soon I didn't have the chance to look. [ November 23, 2002, 01:51 AM: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]
  22. Man...what a tough scenario! How many of you actually won on the first try? Me, I'm gonna need another go at it but I can't help but think that it's almost like a puzzle that needs to be solved...
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