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Everything posted by Fishu

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The other big factor you gloss over is that US forces don't have the crappy Kar98k or Enfields. They have the 8 shot, semi auto Garand. Arguably the best battle rifle of all times. It was still in service 10 years later too. If SMGs were so superior, why is it that the SMG was *not* chosen as the primary weapon for all infantry forces? Availability? No, not even during the war (and certainly not for the US after the war). Even the Germans and Soviets, who used such forces regularly, saw that they were speciality troops. They could do some things better, and many things not as well. That is why no modern army uses SMGs or Rifles for their every day soldier. Instead, they use a weapon, which the Germans pioneered, that combines the best of both worlds for the most part. You can ignore this real world knowledge, and testimonials from people that acknowledge their limitations (both German and Allied players) if you like.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'd like to differ here a bit. Kar 98K isn't that much of a crappy rifle as you'd think of when you hear about bolt action and a semi-automatic rifle. Garand still uses same .30-06 that springfields, which still does contain alot punch for creating quite a recoil. When you hear about 'semi-automatic', you might think that you can just blast off with those, but in truth you still have bit too much recoil to do that. Although it does still have higher rate of fire than Kar 98K or Lee Enfield. What comes to accuracy, the Kar 98K is more accurate than the Garand per shot. (so if you'd be a sniper, you would probably either choose purpose made semi-automatic sniper rifle or Kar 98K rather than the Garand) In close combat, SMG is far better than a rifle, but at a distance it gets worse. In dense woods, SMG is alot better than a rifle. Though, MP43/MP44/SMG comes more handy in short distance fights, where rifles would still rule in long range and SMGs in very close combat. Ps. MP44 can be fitted with a scope without modifications to the weapon itself. Also MG42's has had scopes attached. Not to forget FG42 either. One interesting thing here is theres no rifle grenade for germans at all, which they used with Kar 98K's AND was also possible with MP44. (of course with proper grenade launcher attachment attached) Oh, by the way, M1903 Springfields are in mechanics alot similar to Kar 98, which for US armory had to pay royalties to germany. This ended when the first world war broke on.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Emrys: Technically true, but a little misleading for the uninitiated. The MG34-42 fired a 7.92mm round. The Kar98 (the standard issue Wehrmacht rifle) fired a 7.62mm round. They were not interchangable. No doubt this must have caused some regrets among the German infantry from time to time. Michael<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> During World War 2, germans had rifle caliber of 7.92x57mm (also called as mauser 8mm) They didn't have a single weapon of their own that would have accepted any sort of 7.62mm ammunition. 7.62mm was used by americans and soviets. (.30-06 is 7.62x63mm) Brits used 7.7x56mm. (.303) and im almost certainly sure of these figures, after all the study on this subject in the past year. Kar98's were rechambered after the war, just like Springfields or Garands. (ie. for NATO rounds) Turning from Sten user to MP40 was fairly simple, since Stens were most often made to accept captured ammo (read; german 9mm). Specially nice thing for resistance groups who were using stens. Alot of PPSh 41's were converted to accept 9mm, which were often used by the germans in the eastern front. For example, it was alot better for clearing trenches than the MP40. (MP40 has ~500 rpm and PPSh 41 ~900rpm, plus possible to fit drum.. although, most 9mm conversions I've seen, has been with curved stick magazine) I doubt there were much of ammo supply problems either for PPSh 41, since large groups of soviets were armed with this type and alot of rounds also stored for them. (capture one position and you'll get PPSh 41 for yourself and plenty ammo ) Btw. PPSh 41 is partly based on more expensive (but better quality) Suomi M/31 submachinegun.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nick: British Sten and German MP40 uses same caliber of ammo. 9x19mm SMG bullets. For instance also pistols does use 9x19mm; like Browning hi-power (actually both sides used Browning HP 1935), Luger P08 (9mm), Walther P38, Walther PP and more.. (although, not so recommended to use SMG bullets in a pistol ) But rifle calibers were different (MG42 uses rifle caliber), so there were little supply problems. Russians did also have their own 12.7mm heavy machinegun, called DShK. There were also some german MG131's converted to man carried machineguns, what I've heard of. (probably mostly in the late war)
  4. Mortars are handy for bogging down the enemies and then assaulting them, though. Favorite scenario in wooded terrain: bog the enemy down with concentrated mortar fire and then assault them with the infantry. Even better as a killer & suppressor is 81mm mortar spotter - alot of rounds and quick response, which comes handy in slowing down or breaking down an infantry assault. After a minute or two, counter-attack is a must, really wipes every bit of them. (thats why I dont really like of howitzers against assaulting infantry - too slow rate of fire and long response time)
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: PDF = Pascal Di Folco?!! It was YOU that did that PDF Manuals!! The shame is on ye! Just so I know, between Frogs, I do sincerely hope you are not Goebbelsing me either? I report sites, never people. And what I trace back is Sysadmins just so they know they are offering disk space to some people dwelling in illegal thingies. Then, I do report that directly to BTS and do not feed the crowd... Hope you see the difference you Stinking French!! If you got problem with that Frog then I'll have to kick your sorry batrachian butt from here to eternity over a PBEM.?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Umm.. are you joking now or being serious? Just that the "PDF manual" means a format (those Adobe formats, working with adobe reader) PDF format comes handy indeed, I've read few PDF documents (hardware/software specs.. manuals.. etc. stuff... umm like hardware manuals, not CM manuals ) and those are very nice.
  6. hmm, quite interesting statistics.. How do they carry all the rounds with just 3 men, compared that germans cant haul more than 26 rounds with *6* men? (btw. theres 4 smoke rounds too) I looked into the scenario editor, 81mm maximum load was 40 rounds (although, default seems ~26 HE and ~4 smoke) brits 3in could carry maximum of 99 rounds. I think its *absurd* to have 3 men carry that many rounds and keep big 6 man team so low in count. 30 round (26 HE / 4 SMK) / 6 men = *5* rounds each. 66 rounds (60 HE / 6 SMK) / 3 men = wow, 22 rounds per man. This would come even bigger issue when takes into count that these 3 men also should carry the mortar tube and launchpad. (or whatever) I would vote for more rounds for the 81mm team or less rounds for 3in team. (roughly: it takes at least one man to carry mortar equiptment and then it would be 33 rounds per man) At the moment, I haven't had much use for the 81mm mortar due to low ammo count, when I could get more power with same price.
  7. Rommel, Since you're that much against illegal things, I'd like to remind you that publishing others email/icq etc. addresses is illegal in conjuction like this.. (you're almost literally telling people to spam him, which is illegal) as far as i know of.. (just keep the addresses for BTS, they're the ones that can do something, not the spammers) Just that you might also get in trouble if this guy gets spam and find out that you've been telling stuff like that. What is the reason to publish his email for other than BTS anyway? [ 05-11-2001: Message edited by: Fishu ]
  8. My main point was that with 75mm I didn't get the tank killed at all from ahead (once got them to abandon the tank) When I used stuart, it got 5 out of 7 times weak spot hit which knocked the tank out and couple times crew abandoned the tank. When weak point was hit, there was 10 to 50 rounds used. With Sherman, I could of dump all the 75mm, without knocking it out. (crew *might* abandon the tank sometimes) So most interesting is that rate of fire wasnt issue here, since same amount was dumped by sherman as well, even though at slower rate. (I could of drove sherman right up to tigers front and still shoot without effect)
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by redwolf: The Tiger in CMBO is modeled as rather vulnerable against the Allied 75mm gun, see rexford's threads, insofar its price sounds right. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> At least 75mm kills easily its cannon and/or tracks. I tested yesterday with sherman 75 to kill tiger, usually first rounds immobilized it and not much later, cannon was broken too. Although, not a single time I managed to *blow* it up from ahead.. not even face to face. (but crew decided to abandon tank instead and die outside, rather than wait for "helps".. which werent in the test map ) When I tested the same thing with stuarts, I did actually get better results! 37mm on a stuart scored many times hit to a weak point, actually knocking the tank out at instant! This happend to me 5 out of 7 times. (I used range of 100 meters with 75 and 37mm)
  10. I were just quickly guessing that if its the number factor I've read Tiger be bit better than that and it costs alot!
  11. I stumbled across a website telling of Tiger I development history and there were unit costs: "The nominal cost of a Tiger was 250,000 Reichsmarks. In contrast, a PzKpfw III cost RM 96,200, a PzKpfw IV RM 103,500, and a PzKpfw V Panther RM 117,000; all these figures are exclusive of weapons and radios." whew, Panther is actually less than half of the Tigers cost! In CM, cost for Panther is 195 pts and Tiger I costs 178 pts. I find this quite interesting that Tiger I actually is as cheap as it is compared to the Panther, even though there were alot more Tiger I's made. (I also found out that Tiger VI H prototype had 75L70 cannon and Porches prototype had maximum speed of 30mph, but less maneuverable) http://www.fprado.com/armorsite/tiger1.htm
  12. Zipper, Now when reminding me, I tried something like that few times long time ago and I didn't see much difference myself.. (dumb tanks were still confused about the target order) I could give it an another try, now after many new versions. I think im in need of restudying after all too bad theres no plan list available "after done that, do this and then.." (Well, just literally in short form) Since those AI's are quite stupid on a long term. Would be cool to program your own AI behavior for a unit. (some simple tasks like who to shoot first, where from to shoot targets more likely, instead of turning to another direction, just if another side is covered by another unit etc...) John Kelly, I've been doing those yes. Though, I didn't understand your meaning? Either due to my average english skills .. So could you say that again? [ 05-08-2001: Message edited by: Fishu ] [ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: Fishu ]
  13. it should of seen the tank 10-15 meters before the infantry, when I moved it in hunt mode right towards the enemy tank. It was very interesting piece of map anyway.
  14. I know one thing, I do like mortars, even if weaker shells. Faster response and when uses those, there will be bunch of those coming all around the target, making infantry targets suppress more. (twice as fast call in time than what the howitzers have and more rounds) Though, I like more of 105mm and bigger artillery when attacking, but when in defence or meeting, I like more of mortars due to faster response time (can call in shells faster on rapidly advancing troops, plus suppress them more with quicker firing adjustments)
  15. Closest PIAT (he was brit) was hiding at the another end of a map That infantry bunch was just receiving the merry 81mm mortar strike.. hehe. It was buttoned, although, im just wondering that shouldn't tank be clearly visible bit over 200 meters ahead sitting on top of the hill, rather than infantry in woods and buildings? Because of that, I almost lost first game - luckily after emptying one panzershreck crew, the second one got the sherman leave their tank. Then I saw no option and assaulted with all my infantry against the churchill, running over *very* clear area for shooting. (first down the hill and then up the hill to churchill) Yet I had enough infantry to secure couple buildings, kill bren carrier and manage to drive his troops away. (yay, I won) Although, I still think I could see a tank on top of hill on a road dead ahead, rather than infantry aside at same distance. How about pre-targeting? You can only target when you see, why not to make it possible to pre-target, so you could tell the crew to wait for some unit to appear in their views unless critical danger occurs.
  16. I tried out Combat mission in MP (wow, actually first time) and in first game, I did roll out my Tiger on a road towards enemy two enemy tanks, which were ~220 meters ahead, then there were bunch of infantry 35-40 degree on its left side. When it parked hulldown, it begun to shoot the infantry instead, while took sometime for it to notice & turn back to enemy tanks after they opened fire on it. In next game from that, I was flanking with a panther, a friend sent Jumbo to counter it and I counted on it that it comes around the house, so I stopped my panther on the road, just a slightly downhill, exactly 130 meters away and set ambush marker to there where jumbo would be first seen after it comes around the building. Instead it was all the time having fun sightning the infantry 35-40 degrees on the left side, ~150 meters away. (about 60-70 meters right from the ambush marker) The jumbo came and Panther did nothing but faced the infantry and after Jumbo had got two shots off from 129 meters, Panther got shot off just before Jumbo fired third one. (both going ricochets again) I just find bit interseting that those slow german tanks keeps hosing infantry on the side when theres obviously more visible tank dead ahead. anyone else with this kind of problem? (oh yeah, my panzershrecks, bazookas and panzerfausts works beatiful! my best AT toys..)
  17. Fin / Rus war might be bit interesting also because there you could have seen american made planes fightning together. The Finnish curtis hawks and Brewster buffalos against many lend-lease planes sent to Russia. Weren't french also planning for sending mens to aid finns?
  18. I've had this smoke problem also.. It fires smoke next to the building against some innocent group of enemy soldiers. That indirect fire at building is bit funny too. I did command the same tank to fire at building (StuG 42), but as it got first round off, it turned to shoot some group of guys in the open with MG, but they ran off and then tank was just sitting there.. gee, was it fun when it spent most of the turn just sitting there for nothing and building was still almost intact
  19. I had yesterday 3 stuarts shooting my two JagdTigers and two King Tigers from range of.. hmm.. was it 1100 yards, and they got guns from both jagdtigers and blew up the turret from another king tigers (with one casualty) and another lost tracks and one casualty. All were frontal attacks (and I lost one PZ-II on two shots, one miss, one hit) Quite accurate 37mm and deadly Only casualties from allied side was two stuarts, both killed by 88mm AT-gun which their crew abandoned when they got suppressed and then were left those 3 stuarts that took my panzer army down to their knees. (I would have wanted them to go back after they were up for moving, but they didn't get on the gun, which was intact ) Funny thing is that none of my panzers hit them, but they hit even harder and more.. Forgot to tell, my panzers were elites while stuarts were regular/veteran.. [This message has been edited by Fishu (edited 10-17-2000).]
  20. I am not familiar almost at all how fast turrets traversed in WWII and CM has made up my interest. In CM, most german vehicles has slow turret, even on armoured cars, while many US vehicles owns fast turret or no marker for speed. Now I am interested in finding some more stuff on this (I thought that late war german tanks had more advanced traversing systems than US?)
  21. It is pretty annoying to see StuG 42H firing it's 105mm at one soldier in small woods from range of 30 yards, but still not killing him, even with some 8 rounds.. (and of course couple MG34's firing from another direction within 100-150 yards) I'd guess that in real life situation, that poor guy would been in very small pieces by the time 8 round is fired. or does anyone have good explonation for this? like steel bushes or dud shells?
  22. I didn't read all those messages.. but.. With Panther, I constantly curse TacAI if I know theres a tank behind some obstruction or hill, which I am moving to pass with 'hunt' mode and then tanker sees some lowly halfway dead infantry team at 8 o'clock and then traverses turret there... Of course you all know that by this point it is very close to see that enemy tank, but but, its turret is totally on wrong direction even if nose is pointing right on the enemy! I'd really like to have a way to set turret traverse which would unlock only if seeing deadly target. This would be extremely useful (I believe historical also) when trying to intercept some tank at certain place, where you have to move, what for you'll traverse turret to be ready for a shot when that known tank is visible. With Tiger I this is even more of a problem, sometimes I don't get even a shot off for a long time when turret just keeps traversing back and forth between targets that hides just in time. *again curses TacAI + slow turret combination*
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Johnson-<THC>-: but like I said It seems to get buggier as the add more stuff to it, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You seem to know many bugs, but I haven't seen any email from you telling what those bugs are? Please, e-mail any of those bugs to: fishu@nlm.cjb.net M1919A6 under construction without textures [This message has been edited by Fishu (edited 08-19-2000).]
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