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Everything posted by Emos

  1. Congrats to MadMatt and Kwazydog! ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  2. Matt, I hope that your contractual difficulties get ironed out soon so that you get the compensation you deserve....the work that you've put into CMHQ is fantastic! ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  3. Great work as always Tiger! BTW, did you receive my pics of KT 332 from the Patton Museum? ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  4. Ahhh yes....that T28 is really awesome! ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  5. Heh....when do the Mods for that tank and color uniforms come out? ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  6. I visited the George Patton museum over the Labor Day weekend and had the pleasure of checking out all the WWII armor exhibits there (it's a must see if you happen to be in Kentucky). The highlight of the museum IMO is the King Tiger that has one side cut out to show the interior. Now for my idea....how about a Mod based on the color scheme of King Tiger 332? I took about eight pics of that beast. Some of them ARE somewhat low quality because of the lighting conditions (it was a rather dark museum) however I think I got all the neccesary details. If any of you Mod making personnel (Tiger this means you ) would be interested in giving it a shot just leave a post or send an e-mail and I'll e-mail the pics to you. ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  7. Excellent work as always Tiger! I may have a project for you... ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  8. I wish to congratulate BTS for making a game that will more than likely remain a permanent fixture in my hard drive. ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  9. I played Risk as a kid. In college I really got into this boardgame called Supremacy (think of it as a modern-day Risk with six superpowers, nukes and the Market to purchase and sell supplies for your war machine). Modules came out for the game that included armor, boomers, NBC warfare and military leaders among others. Computerwise, I cut my teeth on the original Panzer General, Conflict for the original NES (a real gem of a game for its day) and Military Madness for the TurboGrafix 16. Currently addicted to CM ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  10. Sherman Easy-Eight ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  11. Tiger. It provides good bang for the buck plus it's the coolest looking tank in the game IMO. JohnS, your grey Tiger mod is GREAT! It makes the Tiger look even MORE menancing than it already is ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  12. Maybe BTS's newest simulation could be about eating breakfast or something.... Heh....how 'bout Combat Mess Hall Mission? ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove-- [This message has been edited by Emos (edited 08-26-2000).]
  13. Best service I've seen from a software company to date (You've REALLY earned my business)! Kudos to BTS ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  14. Heh.....how about US vs the Confederacy! You could have a Civil War II (Maybe have an Alternative History scenario similar to a Harry Turtledove novel). Maybe Tiger or KwazyDog could slap on the 'ol Stars & Bars on some Shermans and Pershings! ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  15. I just want to congratulate Tiger and KwazyDog on their excellent work (Hmmm...which Mod to pick....which mod to pick?) ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  16. I first found out about CM about a month ago in the GameSpot reviews. Downloaded the demo that night and ordered the game a day later....had to wait for the 3rd printing though! ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  17. Heh....plus they just SOUND so intimidating too! (Kudos to BTS for the battle sounds) The climatic battle scene in Saving Private Ryan has a 20mm flak tearing into soldiers attempting to knock out a Tiger (or was it a Panther?). Very wicked in the anti-personnel role it appears... Speaking of intimidating sounds, is there a WAV file in CM of a Stuka in a dive pattern? Where the Stukas obsolete by 1944? ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  18. I've had Sprint FastConnect (ADSL) in my area for several months now....needless to say I was one of the first to sign up! The cable company here has been DRAGGING their feet providing cable modem service (another 18 months they say). Well they lost one customer to DSL.... ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  19. Thanks for the recent insights on Soviet armor PzKpfw 1. I had forgotten about the early versions of the M1 and the Soviet "Reactive" armor would add more protection against HEAT projectiles and missiles. ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  20. Ohio Army National Guard for eight years ('85 to '93). My specialty was a 57F....Graves Registration Specialist! (UGH...yeah I know!) I had originally planned on becoming a medic but I wound up flunking the color blindness test (THAT was a surprise discovery)! Since close to 90% of the MOS's were unavailible to me I decided to go the coroner route (next best choice was Laundry & Bath). Oh well....at least I had a hell of a section (lots of twisted people)! ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
  21. Wow....I was thinking of posting about the VERY same topic (glad to see someone beat me to it). I think that some fantasy scenarios between NATO and Warsaw Pact forces would make for a wonderful game! As mentioned previously, the distances involved on the modern battlefield would be a programming and gameplay challenge (depending on terrain). Another potential problem would be the technological gaps between NATO and Soviet military hardware (witness the utter annihilation of Soviet armor in the Gulf War) In spite of that, I would still love to play with modern hardware in a CM game! Potential scenarios could take place in the mid to late 80's with the Warsaw Pact invading Europe or Korea. Ahhh.....I would love to see Hind-Ds, BMPs, BRDMs and T-80s being reduced to scrap metal on the battlefield Or go even further and think of scenarios taking place five years down the road with possible prototype equipment (like Peoples' General). BTW, I just received CM and absolutely LOVE IT! How soon before I'm assimilated I am a newbie when it comes to wargaming of this caliber....my previous "wargaming" experience has been Panzer General, Conflict for the 8-bit Nintendo (a real gem of a game for its day) and Military Madness for the Turbographix 16....nothing "realistic". Once I cut my teeth on the AI a bit (I'm being humbled right now) I'll have to have some of you grognards show me the PBEM ropes! Cheers ------------------ "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" --Dr. Strangelove--
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