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Everything posted by Abbott

  1. No concern. I removed many rows of seats, lots of sheet metal covering the entire inside walls and two large metal framed heaters with 2 fans each and many, many windows. Lot's of weight just gutting the bus. School bus's use a truck frame. The two main frame rails that run the length of the truck are 10" U-channel about 5/16" thick with a 3" lip. The same truck frame is used for box trucks and lumber delivery roll off trucks. The Gross vehicle weight with all of the school bus equipment (that I removed) installed is 16,000 pounds. The max GVW is 24,000 pounds.
  2. Here is my cat saying "Hello" to Seanachai .
  3. Nice (but the fecking forum rulez do not let a person just say nice so) truck! (will have to do) We need pictures.
  4. Vista 64 bit can be a pain but the issue with the old CM titles is DX 10 video cards. With the latest Nvidia drivers for the 8800 175.16_geforce_winvista_64bit_english_whql I still can't get CMBB or CMAK to run properly. This will also likely turn into a nail in the coffin for CMC unless Bruce and Charles are making arrangements to handle DX10 issues. The only 2 things Vista 64-bit has done for me is force me to purchase a new printer, scanner and FAX machine, which worked out because I bought a Hewlett-Packard machine that does all three chores at Office Depot. The second improvement is 4 Gigs. of fast RAM which runs new stuff pretty darn good but Windows operations themselves seem a bit slower then XP did, which was slower then Windows 2000. Windoze itself keeps slowing down and their included Internet tracking software keeps growing.
  5. I insulated the shop (24'X36') and sheeted all the walls with Oxboard (what they call it here). I left sheetrock on the lid. Everyone who walks into the shop says "Wow, I should of done that!" It beats the heck out of drywall walls in a working shop.
  6. Good morning Lars, Both of those trucks belong to one of my boys and they are both for sale. He wants $1400.00 for the F-150 with the work-topper, both side windows open as long reach-in lift-up doors. The Bronco he wants $500.00 for because the interior is poor. Both run. He parked the F-150 last year when he purchased a newer truck. The Bronco was parked (at about the same time when construction screeched to a halt here) when one of his older brothers left to go back to Southern California in a new truck he purchased so he gave his off-road truck to his little Bro. Would you buy a used truck from these guys?
  7. Yes, it is knotty pine and I absolutely love it. I thought about buying a planer and using all cedar throughout the bus but I like the pine much better.
  8. Hey Joe...you stop posting here...or stop crying like a beotch! Hope you choke.
  9. I could always strap a Bigduck to it, maybe right over the front fender.
  10. 1% of demand and that worldwide demand keeps growing exponentially. I doubt if wind towers could be built large enough and fast enough to supply more then a miniscule amount of the planet's energy needs but it looks good on paper.
  11. The world could build wind farms the size of Texas and only supply a miniscule amount of the energy we use.
  12. They be gone johnson...(they did not import to Vb). How's the new truck?
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