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Everything posted by Abbott

  1. As I am becoming more Green, (not because I care about the planet)but because I care about you guys here. I have decided to try and add a bit of mileage boosting H-Y-D-R-O-G-E-N to aid in my quest for GREENER transportation. By mixing a bit of H-Y-D-R-O-G-E-N into the intake mix of my 5 mile-per-gallon bus I may decrease my carbon footprint (yuk,yuk, like I give a ****te if you guys breath) and do my bit towards setting an example for us all to live a Greener lifestyle. . . . . . . . . . Oh and I may increase my mileage up to 30%. . . . . . . . I don't have much hope for this actually working but what the hell I like to make stuff.
  2. I know the Merkins, they live down under that hill out yonder..
  3. It is going well. I have framed in a flat ceiling at 6' 11" and the walls are framed. I am beginning the electrical wiring and the cabinet work. As soon as I get this new computer system running Photoshop I will update the Bus Conversion page with photos of the recent progress.
  4. As much as I would like to send a set-up along Mike I cannot oblige you at the present time. If you could be bothered to scroll up a bit you would find out why, exactly. But if scrolling is a bit to difficult for you I will go ahead and tell you. My video card 8800 GTS does not like CMBB nor CMAK. I am waiting on a friend to send me an XP disc that may remedy the situation or I may have to update drivers. Or neither one will work or sumfink.
  5. Are you out of your feckin' mind? Never have those words been spoken sober. </font>
  6. On the tech. Forum Rune says that my Nividia 8800 GTS may be the problem. So I don't know if I am even going to be able to run CMAK with a dual-boot to XP. I may be done with CMAK and CMBB. He syas try to update the Nvidia driver..I may give that a try but everything I run now runs excellent with my current driver. I will still setup a dual-boot to XP because I still want to run Photoshop, maybe that will work for Combat Mission as well. If not then I will just purchase the newest version of Photoshop and wait for CMX2 WWII or sumfink.
  7. Well from the Tech. forum it sounds like my Nvidia 8800 GTS is the culprit coupled with Vista 64.
  8. Dale before I can run CMAK I need to set my machine up to dual-boot Vista 64 and XP. I think I have located a Win XP disc and seriel# but they are about a week out.
  9. Bud, the KING of beers! I enjoy an ice cold Bud on occasion myself, sometimes there is nothing better.
  10. Is anyone PBEM with the Vista 64 bit operating system? Thanks.
  11. Yes. If you're up for a small PBEM game I would cheerfully accept. Edit: Umm, I have put a new system together running Vista 64 bit...I don't know if CMAK or CMBB will run in a 64 bit environment. I will make a post on the Forum and ask.. [ June 06, 2008, 03:14 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]
  12. Lars you weren't kidding. I stopped and looked at a used Ranger bass boat. A very nice looking boat until I got up close and looked at the plywood. Lot's of rot!
  13. Yeah, I am betting it's caught up in my ISP's spam filter, it will show up.
  14. Good idea Scipio! I am awaiting my confirmation e-mail to take a look around.
  15. Heh, I could care less. I am just waiting for him and Seanachai to stop acting like drama queens. They both started cackling like a couple of hens the minute he showed up. *shrug* [ June 04, 2008, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]
  16. Yeah, I tried SF as well. I even sent a copy to a long time PBEM friend and he didn't care for it much either. I have a second unopened copy sitting here on my desk. I am planning on hanging around to see what the gang comes up with for WWII. I imagine with everything that SF has taught them we may be in for another Combat Mission that can rival their previous WWII releases.
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