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Everything posted by Crimguy

  1. SPOILERS > > > > > >> = = = = = = = = I got a minor victory on the first try, but all my tanks were wasted by the IL-2's. I think I could have done better too - I left a company all the way back and forgot about them till close to the end. I left my tanks back and grouped together. I sent one company left and two companies right, only a bit slower to the right. The Left company seemed to draw most of the fire, and exposed the AT guns, so I then sent the tanks to take out the AT guns and provided infantry support to the Left. By the time the Right TF made it to the far end, they were able to fairly effortlessly take Pavlov's house. I gathered them up for a final charge to the northern buildings, but didn't soften the targets too much and got a bit creamed. The boys from the left side finished the job, but my losses were heavier than needed.
  2. I have FSAA disabled, Aniso disabled. Can't seem to get coolbits working, so my tweak options are limited. CMBB looks terrible with these drivers - very pixelated, yet 3d seems to be enabled (I can see transparencies, etc.) I went back to 30.82. My setup just doesn't seem to like any of the 4x.xx series drivers. Got my best 3DMark scores with the 42.01 drivers, but scores aren't every thing I guess
  3. Anyone try these drivers? While helping in some applications, I'm finding CMBB to be a slideshow, and I've got a fairly beefy system. Asus GeForce 4 4400 Soyo Dragon Plus Athlon XP1600 512mb PC2700 [ January 14, 2003, 12:09 AM: Message edited by: Crimguy ]
  4. I've had my computer rebooting itself during odd times in CMBB. Has happened about 8 times now. In all but one instance, it rebooted exactly when I hit EXIT then YES in the confirmation dialog box. The last time it rebooted was after I was saving a PBEM move file. I got the Save As Dialog box, named the file, then hit OK. Immediate reboot, and the PBEM file got corrupted. My computer is home-built, and I've stress-tested it for overclocking purposes (I am NOT currently overclocking anything, nor was it overclocked during any of the reboots). The most demanding App I've found is Unreal Tournament 2003, and it fails to lock up my computer after hours of looping. And that's with both the video card and Proc mildly overclocked. At stock speeds, I've never experienced the problems I have with CMBB, so I'm forced to conclude that it has something to do with CMBB itself. I did notice that every time it rebooted, another application was running - either Phoenix (a mozilla-like browser) or IE 6. Otherwise I'm thinking it might be my power supply is flaking out on me. Here's the specs: Soyo Dragon+ motherboard 512mb PC2700@PC2100 Athlon XP1600 (1.4Ghz) GeForce 4 4400 (Asus) Soundblaster Live 5.1 300W power supply (AMD approved)
  5. UPDATE: My machine rebooted spontaneously again, this time while watching a turn replay. Mozilla 1.2.1was running at the time. I'm thinking it might be an issue with the two applications not playing nice together, but my computer has now only rebooted like this on 4 occasions, all of which happened while CMBB was running. Using v1.01 Anyone have a clue??
  6. Spoiler: _ = = = = = = = = == = = = Actually, no spoiler. I just tried this one today. Very tough. Not sure how to do it.
  7. Sounds weird, I know, but this has happened three times now (intermittantly). Finish up a CMBB session, hit alt-Q. Get the "Are you sure you want to quit?" dialogue box. Upon clicking "YES", it reboots the computer. I can't imagine why. Machine is otherwise very stable. Athlon XP1600 Soyo Dragon+ 512mb ram GF4 4400 (Detonator 30.82) Windows 2000 Professional with SP3.
  8. I was a bit irked by this one last night. Playing the Russians, I was moving along at a nice clip. Brought my mechanized infantry up to the german stronghold by turn 20 (1/3+ of my troops were knocked off their wagons in the beginning by the Nashorns - they were going by foot). Meanwhile, my armor went up the right edge of the map toward the nashorns, taking out all that were visible. The T34's were split up about halfway, as I noticed the German infantry were trying to take the VL's in the center of the map (what were they thinking?). After crossing the lateral side of the map, 3 t34's went to the edge of the woods to support the infantry. Meanwhile, 3-4 additional nashorns were hiding at the far side of the map, behind the hill. They took out 2 of the platoon that I had sent, and the other two ended up with gun damage. So by turn 32 I brought the remaining T34's over to get the Nashorns. All German guns destroyed. All VL's except one in the woods were taken. Only about 3 platoons of troops left on the German side, and I was awarded a draw. I thought it would have been at least a tactical victory.
  9. The only issue I have with it being on retail shelves is the fact that it will be sans printed manual. Having a manual included is a welcome change from the rest of the titles out there (see, e.g. Uncommon Valor - a great game that has gone through one $80 toner cartrage). With the current situation at BFC, how are these people to get a printed manual? I would loved to have been able to go to Fry's or CompUSA to get a copy to satisfy my instant gratification urges.
  10. Or perhaps a typo on the part of the poster? Clark knew his stuff, IMHO, and Barbarossa just wasn't meant to be a treatise on military weaponry.
  11. Had to add my stupidity from last night. Playing a QB in mixed terrain. Turned out to be hilly as hell, with fairly dense pines and woods on my side. Since it was so forrested I turned off the trees to see my infantry. Purchased 2 T34/85's and 2 SU122's. Set them up behind a treeline for cover, noticing a nice route to flank the central objective. Planned my 1st moves and . . . Doh! I had unwittingly placed all my vehicles in a pocket where they couldn't drive out. Trapped by nature!! I tried feebly to play for 10 turns and promply quit after a panther tore up my infantry.
  12. I agree about the mousewheel. No sense in not making use of it. Also, more and more people (in both the pc and mac worlds) have mice with multiple buttons. It would be nice to be able to make use of them. Otherwise, I finally got my copy of CMBB and am loving every minute of it. Improvements are in all the right places, and the AI Germans are presenting a real challenge.
  13. I agree about the mousewheel. No sense in not making use of it. Also, more and more people (in both the pc and mac worlds) have mice with multiple buttons. It would be nice to be able to make use of them. Otherwise, I finally got my copy of CMBB and am loving every minute of it. Improvements are in all the right places, and the AI Germans are presenting a real challenge.
  14. Go figure. Probably using FrontPage Extensions. While the scumbags couldn't have picked a more innocuous victim, this is a gentle reminder to be wary of Microsoft products in terms of security- at least be mindful of their known vulnerabilities. I'm not saying the grass is necessarily greener in the linux world, but issues are generally patched up pretty quick there, and there aren't as many people trying to destroy non-MS servers.
  15. Scripting is done in SteelBeasts (highly recommended by tankheads everywhere) to great effect, but it takes a lot of skill to utilize scripting tools properly. As a result, a lot of mediocre scenarios are created that are relatively easy to beat. I think AI needs to be told more clearly by the mission designers what is important in terms of terrain as well as what the most likely paths of advance/contact exist for any given map, in addition of course to it's knowledge of VL's. It might be a bit too much to ask the AI to figure that out for itself.
  16. Ditto on the Lagavulin. My favorite smoky, peaty scotch. Glenmorangie is OK as well, but I just got a bottle of Lismore and was very pleased. While I usually do not go in for the blends, I do dip into my dad's Johnny Blue when I'm visiting, and must say it's really good stuff, but hardly worth the $150+ price tag.
  17. I don't suppose you'll want it, but once I get the game I will be creating my infamous (to me only!) Battle of Rydal, PA. I did it in CMBO, and it actually was a great tactical map of my old neighborhood. Two tall, opposing hillsides, on rather steep with pines along the slope, the other a more gradual, less tall, grade, covered with residential housing. Of no historical significance, but those in my old hood might have wondered what we'd do when the Huns came marching out of Rosslyn! Sorry to disrupt the conversation
  18. I do remember them selling out of the first batch. It took considerably longer if I remember, but once word of mouth spread about CMBO they were in a bit of a logjam. I'll wait. All the more people to blow up Anyone remember how long it took for them to sell out of CMBO the first time? Hmm... didn't CMBO sell out twice?</font>
  19. I just want the scroll wheel to change camera zoom levels. Didn't do it in the demo. Is that a possibility? If not, anyone know a way to map my mouse wheel?
  20. Whoops, maybe I posted too quickly. Must have been because I was looking through my bookshelf for something to read and Panzer Battles caught my eye. Perhaps he means Panzer Leader by Guderian?</font>
  21. I also recommend Barbarossa. Terrific read, IMHO. I also enjoyed a book called Panzer Attacks. Can't remember the author (retired German staff general), but caught the mood of the battles, despite giving the germans too much credit at times.
  22. NEVER MIND, I FIGURED IT OUT ------------------ Crimguy (the Wargamer Formerly Known As MaddMatt)
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