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Mr. Johnson--

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Everything posted by Mr. Johnson--

  1. Ok guys, I got a river battle with the Russians (Brits and US tanks) on one side and the Germans on the other. There is like 5 road bridges, 2 rail bridges and like 7 fords. The map is based off a world war 2 sized Gronzy. Both sides even at 3500 with 6 Superpershings (no tungsten) vs. 5 King Tigers, few guns, battalion or so of infantry per side. Both sides start very close so I made it pretty short at 30 turns, dawn, clear, damp ground. But most action takes place on the city streets with the tanks dropping buildings and playing cat and mouse with each other. Seems pretty fair, need some playtesters to try it out pbem. Any ideas? Anyone want to like a look and give me opionions?
  2. Thanks for sending them my way. That JadgTiger looks really really good on my system. Whoever did it, did a great job.
  3. Go to http://www.Combat-missions.net and click on "allies" then click on scenario depot
  4. I'm using all of those righ tnow except the Hetzer, Jadgtiger, and your Tiger. Those all look pretty good. I was using that Pz-IV, and Stugs...but I'm using the folige covered Stug, and Fernando's Pz-IV. I might pick up the Pz-IV in Panzer grey from CMWorld. That Hetzer and Jadgtiger I want. Could you make a copy of them and send a zip over. Pretty please. Great site. Can't wait to see you expand it. mmmmm CMBB terrain mods....
  5. http://terraserver.homeadvisor.msn.com/default.asp
  6. Yup my buddy 109 Gustav made a cool set of linked battles that take place where he grew up in Kodiak Alaska. Fun stuff cuz I spent some time there. Could recognizen numerous landmarks. Cool area that was built up with bunkers during WW2 to defend against Japanese attack. And some Britsh guy made a cool little village from where he grew up. It would have made a good 2 person scenario.
  7. tight man. Very nice looking church. I'll take them.
  8. You should see some of my battles. I've got Panzers being used in platoon, battalion, brigade, and divisional strength. Moving in a giant wedge just waiting for someone to mess with them. Got one with the whole paper strength of the 503 scwhere, june 44. 21st Panzer 44. My Prokorovka scenario has a hefty chunk of the 2nd SS Panzer korps with Grossdutshland division. Of course when I have lots of tanks, I got lots of AT guns too. Nothing like riding on the back of a Panther as 40 tanks crest a hill as a group.
  9. I wonder if my Tigers will have a better chance at nailing those damn speedy damilers if I put a big bright circle on the turret. Then we can't miss!!!
  10. I'd like to test it, JC, send it my way. I love the idea of using a security battlaion for a VG battalion, to get rid of those massive numbers of SMGs. Wish I had thought of that.
  11. I figured it out. In a amazing attempt at pleasing the CM community, BTS is going to release CMBB as is, and fix it over the next few months. The release date is Patton's Birtday, Amistance day, the day World War One ended, Vetreans Day...Mr-Johnson's birthday: November 11th.
  12. I'm using Frontovik Russian lend lease Shermans. Not as nice as Tiger's beautiful beat up tanks, but getting me ready for CMBB. Black camo shermans were nice to use for something diffrent.
  13. I don't want to bother with registering with someone to post pics of my little mod. Sunglasses. All my soldiers have shades, my tank commander just had to have them so I made it myself. Goes great with the desert terrian. Anyways, Could you hook me up with that Skull mod Mike8g? Thats tight and I could use something new.
  14. We would make the indivduals in the squad mixed if we could. But we have to think of a squad's experiance as an average.
  15. Crap, well we finnally got the bad news. We won't be able to use CMBO maps in CMBB. Guess we could have guessed.
  16. NO NO NO!!! Don't do this MANX! Try getting rid of old mods, and only hosting new mods for a month or something, then move on to new stuff. Or hand off your scenario section to the Scenario Archive and just stick with mods and tactical types. You can make this still work, while I would like it if you could play more combat missions, I think you can still find some work around. Make sure you are not hosting mods that are already hosted elsewhere, just provide a link from your mod list. Try something, anything man. We can't lose the soul of the CMBO commmunity!! What will happen to the body and mind!!???
  17. For you information guys, CMBB will have some cool sort of randomization of infantry formations. Just click the option button before you buy your troops for 10%, 25% or 50% and when you get into the game you will see your company missing a few squads or a few platoons to represent battle damage. Not sure if we can use it in pre-made scenarios yet, we might have to go that manually, but our QBs should have some more randomness to them.
  18. I agree, I'm sure they are losing some business because it does not look that great. I do buy some books by their covers. But I don't want lots of Flash movies or anything, although a quick and easy link on the side might be cool. Showing an exciting 60secs of a battle or 2.
  19. Pud's dirt roads go great with the Frontovik russian front mod. Although I'm using the Normandy country lane roads right now. kind of cool with the strip of grass in the middle of the road. Like its a freshly built road with ruts forming.
  20. Why does it have to be one or the other? Why not train citizens for 2 or 3 years after the end of public school and then let them leave. Some will stay but you can call up those who already know how to clean, load, and fire rifles. Always group green troops with pros when the crap hitting the fan is immient. Same thing with officers, do what the Germans did for awhile. Send your good officers back to a staff college that plans for the unexpected and give the generals extra options, but they all have to get rotated to the front. And you could make sure that new officers always started their service assisting an officer who has already spent time at the staff college.
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