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Posts posted by Splinty

  1. A quick update on the battle between Def Bungis and my self. We've hit turn 9, with no changes in the battle lines, he holds the VL, but my forces are upping the pressure on him,bringing more firepower on his positions.

    As far as Round 2 goes, I vote yes for more points, and no for more turns. I kind of like short and intense.


    Nicht Schiessen!!

  2. I've ridden in an actual M3A1 (my battalion used one for parades)and they are rather cramped with six people standing up in the back without all the combat gear and ammo a normal team carries. That's without any MG's mounted and all their ammo,so I can imagine how tightly packed they with a crew and a fully combat loaded infantry team jammed inside.


    Nicht Schiessen!!

  3. Def Bungis and I have reached Turn 7 with out too many changes,he holds the VL while I'm pounding the crap out of it with arty, I managed to chase his troops out of one building while he broke up a flanking attack by some of my infantry.

    On the 1.1 switch,I have it DB so if you want to try to change versions go ahead.


    Nicht Schiessen!!

  4. Quick update on the fight between Def Bungis and myself, after a bloody first contact between our forces, it looked like my boys were in some trouble. The shock of night contact at close range caused a couple of my squads to panic,but their officers have got them back under control and I am now manuvering for advantage and have a few suprises in store for the Allies.


    Nicht Schiessen!!

    [This message has been edited by Splinty (edited 11-29-2000).]

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