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Posts posted by Splinty

  1. Another "fact" I read about Tigers that it took on average ten hours of maintenance to get 1 hour of combat from it.

    Actually ten hours for every one hour, sounds about right for almost any AFV. My time as a modern Bradley crewman was mostly spent in the Motor Pool in garrison, and throwing track (a good deal of what "being immobilized" really is in CM)happened at least twice per two week field problem. Armored vehicles take alot of TLC and sweat to maintain.

  2. One point to make about the U.S. Army squad doctrine is the use of multiple weapon types in a single small element. The M4/M16A2 is only one type of weapon in the squad or fire team, the users of those particular weapon types are supposed to use well-aimed shots to kill OR suppress the enemy. The total high volume of suppressive fire comes from the M249 Squad Automatic Weapons that are organic to the squad or team. Each platoon also has a couple of M240B Medium Machine Guns for heavier support. Add in the squads' M203 grenade launchers to target the enemy forces crew served weapons and leadership, and the picture of the lone rifleman just pulling the trigger out of sheer panic changes dramatically. Replace the modern weapons with their WWII equivalents and the CM context is equally applicable. One final key element is the squad leader, a good one will direct the squads fire on key targets and possible cover points in order to break the enemies momentum or punch a hole in his defences.

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