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Everything posted by Bromley

  1. hellraiser. It's an online MOO-type game from some people based in Timisoara. Just thought you might have played it as it had a stong Romanian contingent. You've got to love the mentality that gets involved in a war with the Soviets but doesn't commit everything.
  2. Did a little Google on Axis tech sharing and found the following review of Germany And the Axis Powers: From Coalition to Collapse (highlights): So, it looks like despite seeing a post about Romanian FWs elsewhere, generally an advance in German tech wouldn't be passed on to their allies. Change this by allowing "what ifs" and you fundamentally change the philosophy of the Axis. So scratch my request for Axis minor techs to be allowed, especially now that, as hellraiser points out, Axis minor armies are of some limited use on the front lines. (BTW, hellraiser, have you played WSA?) The Commonwealth and Free requests stand though. Excluding Canada, which I believe has previously been shown be be at the same tech level as the UK, even if Britain didn't historically equip its Commonwealth units decently, they could have. So one creates an incentive to not do it (increased cost etc.). Free forces snagged enough of the lend-lease equipment that they could afford to return borrowed British stuff in 1943 [wiki]. Likewise, I still think the French should get some Allied techs once liberated. If the Free French were getting Lend Lease, would that not also transfer to the liberated French? Which reminds me, are the Netherlands still coded to go French in 1.03? Regarding HQs, my point was that if a German HQ was in charge of the African front and if an Italian army was present, it only seems fair that that Italian army could benefit from the HQ if it had a spare slot. Not as much as a German unit, but still there would be an increase in combat effectiveness for the La Spezia division if Rommel was present. I know they already get the benefit of supply, which could be used to justify the status quo.
  3. It's probably been suggested in one form or another, but my Hotmail is down so I've nothing better to do. HQs I'd like the ability to attach units of any nation to an HQ, although the bonus would be reduced for units from a different country. Maybe 50%. An example might be Italian units in NA, the BEF in France or even a German force under the Finns in the north. Tech I'd really like to see Minors benefit from their Major's tech advances. I initially thought that they could have 50%, but the rounding up or down of odd tech levels would be inelegant. Better would be a tech -1 situation, as this would allow the Romanians to upgrade to at least stand a chance in the East with an INF of 2. Reinforcement costs would always be higher than with German units, so they'll still be marginal troops. Likewise, Free and Colonial units, although there's a strong argument for those to be treated as normal national units (how many Polish airmen in the UK were forced to fly (insert pants Polish biplane here)?). If that seems too easy, a x2 refit cost might still be acceptable. I assume that most games are over by the time France is liberated, but they should really (re)start with some tech levels. Perhaps the average (rounded down) of the Allied levels? At the least, the lowest level of the other Allied nations. Any thoughts (apart from "We talked about this six months ago" ). EDIT: Just thought, you'll probably end up in a situation where the Romanians can be upgraded to INF 2 and the Italians are at INF 0, which is clearly wrong. A couple of solutions: 1) Allies and minors all benefit from highest-ally-tech-minus-two (rather than just minors getting tech-minus-one). 2) Majors get a tech research bonus (a sizeable one) if an allied major has a higher tech level, whether or not they have a chit in that field. [ September 01, 2006, 02:05 PM: Message edited by: Bromley ]
  4. I can't answer that, although you can get it for $45 download only. Even at $55 it's still cheaper than store games in the UK (£30-£35). It's well worth it, IMO. EDIT: BTW, if you haven't played SC1 and your budget won't stretch to SC2's price, it's still a good game with, I believe, just as many people playing it online. It's something like $15.
  5. Fixed link: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=34;t=001961
  6. What incentive is there to push for Moscow vs. Stalingrad/Caucasuses in that scenario? Perhaps some diplomatic scripts for the fall of Moscow?
  7. Thanks. Now I wonder if I can take Stalingrad with one out-of-supply panzer .
  8. Where we last left this was with Terif saying: Okay, so I've found someone who wants me to take Moscow. All that's there is recently reinforced corps and I've got 2 crack German armies, one already next to Moscow. If I take it, does the fact that I've taken the position in the condition-trigger trigger it (i.e. will I be facing a load of Siberians a year sooner than I'd like)? [ August 26, 2006, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: Bromley ]
  9. I'm a little confused about how supply works here. Situation 1. Allied. Russians have a line of supply to the south and Brits take Iran (already own Iraq). Everyting in the Middle East, including Iran, remains at supply 5. Situation 2. Axis. Take the Caucasus from Rostov. Take Iran. Iran is at supply 8. I'm assuming that the rest of the Middle East would have followed suit if I had advanced through Iraq to Egypt (game ended though, so I didn't see it). Can someone explain why the two situations are different?
  10. Just hit a US army amphib transport that had crossed the Atlantic with an Italian sub at 8 supply. 5 for 0, which seemed fair.
  11. Is Spain a problem because the Axis get 10 chits to the UK's 5 for so long? If so, why not allow the USA and USSR to invest in diplo prior to entry. They both have restricted MMPs, especially early on, but the US could choose to dump some into Spain rather than Industrial tech. That might help avoid introducing more detailed events.
  12. Damn straight. Perhaps they fixed it in the add-ons, but that strategic map in RTW + save/reload bug was the pits. Oh, and if we're voting, mine is that SC3 ditches the tiles.
  13. Thanks Terif . So that means I can attack Moscow with just 2 ground units and not trigger the Siberians. That's better than I had hoped for.
  14. I've cut out the relevent bits from the unit script and highlighted the specific instruction for range & unit numbers. That says that the bracketed figures [2,4] and [3,5] represent [min_range, max_range] [min_enemy_units, max_enemy_units] for Moscow. So there's a min range, a max range, a min unit, a max unit, a trigger % of 40% and a 100% date at 01/01/42. I assume that if I put no units within the max range then the Siberians won't arrive until 01.01.42. There does seem to be some scope to encircle Smolensk without triggering the 40% from the Moscow condition, I'm just not too sure about exactly how to do it. Sombra. The 4 range, 5 units represent max limits. Are you saying that I could put 4 units east of Smolensk (as long as they're not 2 squares from Moscow)? Because I'm pretty sure that I've triggered them before with only 4 units there. INSTRUCTIONS ; USAGE: ; ; Basic structure for a unit event: ; { ; #NAME= Event name (this will be shown as a selectable event under an options menu within the game) ; #POPUP= Event popup text (this will be displayed when the event occurs) ; #FLAG= Will this be a default event for the campaign? (values range [0, 1]; True= 1; False= 0) ; #TYPE= With all other factors satisfied will this be a (values range [0, 2]): ; A) Single check regardless if trigger is satisfied= 0 ; Multiple check until trigger is satisfied= 1 ; C) Reoccuring check until end of game= 2 ; #COUNTRY_ID= Country ID that will be owner of unit's in the event ; #TRIGGER= Trigger percentage that the event will occur (values range [0, 100]) ; #DATE= Failsafe date for the event to occur, i.e. regardless if #CONDITION_POSITION checks have been satisfied (format yyyy/mm/dd) ; #DESTINATION_RESOURCE= Resource destination position for units listed by #UNIT_ID ; #CONDITION_POSITION= Map positions that will serve to trigger the event as well as distance and ; number of enemy unit ranges. ; Format: x,y [min_range, max_range] [min_enemy_units, max_enemy_units] [alignment] ; #UNIT= Units to be created as well as a name (optional). ; Format: unit_id [strength] [experience] [name] SIBERIANS (Moscow Only) #NAME= USSR Siberian Reserves #POPUP= USSR Transfers Siberian Troops #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 1 #COUNTRY_ID= 4 #TRIGGER= 40 #DATE=1942/01/01 #DESTINATION_RESOURCE= 135,5 #CONDITION_POSITION= 112,10 [2,4] [3,5] [1] [ August 11, 2006, 04:03 AM: Message edited by: Bromley ]
  15. I'm trying to get my head around condition position triggers. Specifically, I'd quite like to avoid having the Siberians turn up. Can someone explain exactly what the Moscow condition means? Range 2min, 4max Units 3min, 5max The question I have is how the min/max elements work. If I only attack Moscow with 2 units, will that prevent the Siberian arrival? Or, once those 2 units move within the min range, will that set the trigger to 100%? Even more important, what about when you're skirting around the hills SE of Leningrad. Do I have to keep the units within 4 squares of Moscow to 2 or less to avoid even the 40% chance of Siberians? Should that be 3 units ot less there? Thanks.
  16. I doubt it. Last time I checked out .war-historical, Giftzwerg was still going stong seven years after I first saw him. There really are people like that out there .
  17. IIRC, that's what I did the previous turn with no problems. This time I loaded the top one. After I'd finished and saved the turn the duplicate had disappeared from the saved games list. So it looks like nothing untoward happens because of it.
  18. When I detatch the two .sav files (we're playing two games concurrently) to my Multiplayer/E-mail directory, I get (as you'd expect) just two .sav files in the directory. When I fire up SC2, there are four listed. It lists two copies of each file. What's up? Is this normal? Does it matter which of the duplicates I fire up? [ July 06, 2006, 03:21 PM: Message edited by: Bromley ]
  19. I think the theory is that when we kill a unit in SC2, in most cases the majority of the men (and minority of the equipment) survive. They're just destroyed as a fighting unit, but can form the core of a new unit. @Blashy. Thanks. I take it the * is seen in the purchase/build screen? Also, does it only apply to ground units or are air and naval included?
  20. I keep seeing that when you've lost a unit that wasn't surrounded, you can buy it back at a reduced rate. I've never noticed this in vs. AI games. Is it a MP-only feature and how does it work?
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