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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Actually, I believe someone did immobilize one of my heavies with an onboard mortar not that long ago.
  2. Panzerman, What is the .DS-Store file in the zipped pack? Thanks.
  3. Yeah, but you lost and said I had to wait until you had more room left in your sig line for us to start another. </font>
  4. My eyes!!! They burn!!!! That is one of the most horrible pictures I've ever seen. The guy has camel toes, for chrissake. Send the picture to Persephone and let her put Seanachai's head on it for posting there. Why should they not suffer as well?
  5. Socialized medicine. Crap!!! 8 months! Got my MRI the same day I saw the doctor. Hope it's nothing serious. Not because we care, mind your non turn sending hide, but because it prevents you from editing CMAK double time, amigo. CMAK, election. Election, CMAK. What on God's green earth is wrong with your priorities, you non TNT chucking,non CMAK editing, election covering maggot! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: - for good measure.
  6. And I want to know the tri in the second at Aquaduct tomorrow. 1)When will MasterGoodale finish his renovations? Never. His house is the New Hampshire equivalent of the Winchester Mansion. Do a search. 2)When will New Hampshire gets its first snowfall? That's easy. Long before I get cable internet. :mad: 3)When will CMAK be out? Also long before I get cable internet. :mad: :mad: 4)How long after CMAK is released will MasterGoodale complete his first PBEM with it? Unfortunately, long before I get cable internet. :mad: :mad: :mad: But I'm not bitter.
  7. Ack! Nothing to see here... [ October 02, 2003, 03:20 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  8. Good to know. I still have dial-up (and don't you think the Wafflers and Pengers go easy on us hill billies!!!) so it's much easier to get the mods and scenarios on a disk.
  9. Whoo hoo! My phone company switched my office, so I've gone from 46.6 to a blazing 52.0!!!!!! Kinda like going from watching grass grow to watching someone cut it - with a scissor. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  10. Moon, If I have RAR, will I be able to just grab the new scenarios off the first disk? I'm asking because I'm going to assume the retail version is using the CDV copy protection scheme. If I'm wrong, the reinstall is no big deal.
  11. California probably makes him wear a grounding strap lest he pull a Hindenberg on them!!!
  12. Feckin dial-up? Who the feck has dial-up? What bass-ackwards, Third-world, sand country are you living in? Pennsillytucky? Oh...can't you get visa to a better part of the US? Hell, even Canada has to be looking good to you now. :eek: </font>
  13. Maggots! 'tention me! Get stuck with feckin' dial-up, then have XP not disconnect you properly so you run out of hours 2 days short of the month end. GRRRAAAAAARGHGHHHGGRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: On a bright note, you all seem to be poking each other with pointed sticks rather nicely. I see MGA even stopped in to cut and paste Axe's parody from page one before lighting his siding on fire for heat.
  14. See Soddball's description of our last game. Quoted in the 'Waffle' thread.
  15. Gamey, am I? Feh and bah!!! Your armor tactics smack of Longshanks v Wallace; nay, Monty Python v the French Castle. Seriously, enjoy your vacation. May a thousand Corfufians pluck the hairs off your arse and weave them into a mustache and glue it upon your lip. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  16. Time to move on to bigger and more important things. Like this all important question.
  17. But, as always, 100% rule free. Two posts from MGA out of 285 in the last go 'round. I think he imploded... :mad: :mad: :mad: [ September 28, 2003, 07:28 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  18. It's worse than you think - RL hit ME hard this feckin' weekend also. Damn it's eyes! So let me get this straight - you lot let this thread slide and Boo had to save it from page two? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: and (this hurts) thanks, Boo. I never believed it when Seanachai said you weren't worth the piss to put you out if you were aflame.
  19. *Grue wanders in Looks at list of Grogs, and doesn't find Axe2121 listed. Grue then Picks up Axe2121 and rams him into a discarded and empty soda pop can.* Grue likes clean cesspool! Cesspool and mad faces and waffle people clash. Grue do cesspoolers community service and return animals back to the wild. Grue will pay wild a visit. *Grue trundles off* Grue </font>
  20. Who puts the "Cheery" in "Cheery Waffle"? Abbott, that's who. I'm guessing he moved in next to the Cleavers and Gidget... and more importantly all is well with his family. Now, drop and growl me plenty - we still need massive amounts of totally bogus anger here. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  21. Well, we will see. If you didn't know, there is Free Assessment for Canadian Citizenship . I looked all over the site and it didn't say anything about the country being full. I will keep you posted on the results. </font>
  22. I've found the Tigers Becket. In Axe's game, unfortunately for him. But one of his T-34s has Annie Oakski for a gunner, unfortunately for me. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
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