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Posts posted by Loki

  1. I don't understand why people don't vote on scenario's.I have designed a few that have been down loaded several hundred times, yet there are about 10 votes on them.

    I never once had any feed back on one if someone thought a scenario was good or not.Hence I might make good ones, or I may make pieces of krap just because no one wants to give me feed back on what they like in a scenario.

    I geuss the bottom line is, if you like ****ty scenario's then shut up.If you want good ones then speak up by rating them and giving input to the author.

  2. I didn't include Steel Panther World At War simple because it updates 1 to the standards of 2 and makes it fully windows compatible.If it came out in place of Steel Panthers 3 it may have made my list.Steel 2 was a ground breaker at the time IMO.

    I tried to stick to ground breaking games, or ones that totally sucked you into the game like EAW did.

  3. I have a friend who is a text problem where you can't read the text. He has a TNT and is running W2K.I have done everything I know and can't solve the issue. I have tried various Detonator drivers going as far back as 9 months. Even found a set that solved the issue but with no 3d.

    I run on W2K using a Geforce card with no problems using the same drivers I tried on my friends machine.It must be a problem specific to the TNT cards and not the TNT2 or Geforce.

  4. I don't get into FPS too much these days. The last one that I felt was reall good was Hidden and Dangerous. Most of the FPS seem to mainly push graphics on CPUs. Thats a good thing, it helps drive the industry and paves the way for good 3D games like CM.Unfortunately asside from graphics they don't add much.

    I get into a few RTS games. Seven Kings is a great one with lots of strategy. Unfortunately most are just clones and do not push the limit of imaginative programming.They simple focus on rapid clicking and selecting massed troops for a single mad melee.

    I have seen alot of CM players bashed here for being fans of the CC series. I must admitt at one point I liked the series also. The game engine however is unrealistic. For the past 20 years us wargammers have played games that just haven't evolved. Who remembers countless hours of Kampfgruppe, Mechbrigade or Crusade in Europe? Untill CM the current crop have not advanced much. Steel Panthers, Campaign Serires etc are just graphicly beefed up versions of the games we played in the 80's.

    I guess IMO the bottom line is, RTS and FPS games come and go, but wargammers tend to stay for life.By nature we don't jump on bandwagons, but can most RTS or FPS gamers say the same?

    I hope no one takes any of this the wrong way. Its just how I feel. I try to be kind and help newcomers.If the genre doesn't grow, then we'll be stuck with Kampfgruppe clones for another 20 years and while there will be a demand for cutting edge wargames, it just wouldn't be worth gaming company's time or money to produce them.

    So welcome RTS and FPS fans to CM,noe lets make all company's produce superior games, of any genre.

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