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Posts posted by Loki

  1. Green troops fire at the enemy much sooner than regular or veterans do. Troops that are hiding WILL fire when they feel threatened.They don't want to let the enemy get with in grenade distance, do you blame them for that. They will usually engage at 30 meters or so. If you want better ambush capabilities then issue an ambush command with yout leader and have your troops target that.

    Hide unfortunately doesn't work well with tanks in my experience.

  2. Arty has its place on every battlefield. If the spotters are setup right you'll never see them. The best way to minimize loss's is to be in good cover and move quickly over open area's.When cover isn't possible you get massacred. Look at the Normandy invasion.Open beaches with MG's and mortars lashing down.

    Try giving your opponent a taste of arty and accept your loss's, because you will have some. PERIOD.

  3. East Front 2, West Front, Rising Sun, Close Combats, Art of War, Steel Panthers. They are all good games, but NONE compare to Combat Mission.

    No game has the excitement or heartbreak as Combat Mission. None are as realistic or offer you as true view of combat ( but without real ammo ).

    From your 1st game you will have moments you will never forget in your gaming lives. No other game is as well supported by fans with Mods and scanario's. If fan support isn't saying something, then I don't know what is.

    BUY IT.... PERIOD..........


    I just played 2 full games of TCP/IP and its fantastic.Its amazing how fun and addictive it is. Its now 6:30am and I need to go grab an hour of sleep. Give it a try, you'll enjoy it.

    2-0 at TCP/IP and will be 3-0 after a certain someone finish's a game with me.

  5. I'm not sure off hand. I am going to assume you unzipped them and placed them in the BMP directory right?

    You also need to use the correct version of the grids for the grass textures you use. If you have the high res grass from the MDMP-1 you need the hi res grid. If you don't have the hi or low res MDMP you need to get it.

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