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Posts posted by Loki

  1. I think he is trying to suggest moving the whole squad by double clicking on the commander, then while holding shift click the squad you want to deselect. THEN issue the move command you wish to give.

    You could then click on the move icon ( I don't know what to call it) and change the order issued for that squad if you want it to get there a different way.

    I could be totally off on what he is suggesting, but I'll have a few more beers and see if his spelling makes sense then. eek.gif

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Major Tom:

    Whenever a QB is being set up, the German player would be shown the maximum numbers of Tiger I tanks they could purchase. Possibly it could be 4, or maybe 0, depends on the time of year, battle points rating (smaller battles would have an even less chance of a Tiger appearing) as well as some random chance.


    You beat me to the post Tom.Had I read your idea prior to mine I would have agree'd on this fully. Hopefully BTS will consider this.Even though I would stick to history I would still like it to be optional.Less whining from players that way.

  3. I would like to see historicly accuate units on the field as well, but not at the expense of play balance.I can see both sides of increasing the cost based on rarity.

    By increasing the cost say 25 %, you won't face an army of Pershings.You wouldn't have just Panthers and Tigers. The scenario designer would still have the ultimate say in what they include in a scenario and could balance it with testing.

    The down side would be for QB's with players who don't know what other units may be of equal quality, or when 2 foes agree to do fantasy scenario's with dozens of rare units.

    I guess the best opion would be to include an "option" to stick to historical availability. If you enable this option and buy a rare unit, then you should pay more for it.

    Thats my 2 cents worth.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 420:

    Anyone heard of a game from some time ago called "X-COM: Ufo Defense" ? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I'm trying to forget it. I just about quit my job to sit and play that game. There is a new one in the works using 3D graphics. Guess I'll lose a few more months of my life when it comes out.

    CM still holds the record for no life. over 6 months now.

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Benny Manieri:

    Yeah, they're all saying it sucks. But see, the thing is, it's different than that hex ****. I TOTALLY hate those hex games with a number and an icon, those games totally suck and I don't know how anyone can have any fun playing that crap. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Those games probally think you suck too.You have to remember that if it won't for those hex games CM wouldn't exist today. Everything has a heritage and history.Hex based games ARE wargames history.

    [This message has been edited by Loki (edited 01-07-2001).]

  6. Thank you Stone

    You can find 2 of my old ones from last summer at The Combat Mission HQ at thegamers.net.

    I'm sure you've been there hundreds of times just like the rest of us.The ones there are Once Across the Rhine, and Scouting a Crossing.

    I also have 3 new ones that I haven't posted yet if your interested in trying those just e-mail me.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KAding:

    Well, I have the problem with both my TNT2 Pro and Geforce 2 MX card. But like said, this is only in Win2k. It is very annoying though, because alt+tab doesn't seem to work for me. I haven't had any problems with other games, just CM.

    KAding <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    My friend only has the problem with CM as well. What kind of processor do you use and what version of Direct X ?

  8. Once you have downloaded the the .zip file you need to unzip it.Once its unzipped the next step depends on what you downloaded.

    If you down loaded graphic mods, you need to put the BMP's into the BMP directory located in the CMBO folder.

    If it was a sound mod, you need to place the wav files in the wave directory

    Scenario's go into the scenario directory. I have 3 scenario directory and I simply rename the one I am currently using.

    If you need more help feel free to mail me.

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