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Posts posted by Loki

  1. I've been reading this thread since Wednesday but held comment untill I had a good chance to play. Now that I've played several battles I have no problem with the 1.1 patch

    I have played several scenarios and have found the rotation to be as expected. In one all tank scenario I had a Stuart on hunt orders stop, turn its turret on a Tiger, fire, and then keep moving on. Rather than turn its hull and NOT have a chance of surviving, it did the correct thing, kept its hull in a position to move fast afterwards.

    I also played a scenario where only 1 side had armour, and found the tanks to act intelligently with regard to hull turning. No units kept tuning 1 way then an other like a previous post had said. Most of the time the tanks only turned their turrets due to the fact they were surrounded.

    I did NOT notice a trend of hull turning that could be exploited in 2 player games. The hull turning issue is dead IMO.

    The AI seemed more intelligent on this build. Once scenario I have been testing actually did flanking manuvers just as I had done a dozen times. I hadn't seen the AI react with flanks on the beta exe's.

    Is it me or are buildings more likely to get destroyed now? I have seen alot more building crumble and more fire's from ricochets in woods. This is more realistic IMO.

    Thanks BTS

  2. Just finished "Tanks in the Street" as the Allies. I think it is a better game with the Allies. I scored a major victory, but it was a closer game than as the Germans.

    The map made for some close fighting.The only thing I might change would be to add a few turns to see if the Americans could hold out longer. Other than that its pretty good.

    Like groundpounder said, it does have a good pucker factor involved. I wish I had played as the Allies 1st, but thats hind site.

    Thanks for the feedback groundpounder. Once Across the Rhine was designed to be a good 2 player game. I had to make the map rough in a few area's to keep the LOS down and provide those suprise encounters in it.I found that AI played aggressively in this one and didn't want to change a thing.

  3. I just finished Tanks In the Streets.

    I played as the Axis and recieved a major victory. This looks like it may best be played as the Allies. Only 2 Americans were OK after the battle. I will try as the Allies and let you know how it goes. I am also going to e-mail you some details so I won't spoil it for others.

    Overall I enjoyed it. I had to make some interesting tactical decisions in it. The map was well done and the scenario interesting. I voted 3 stars vs human and 4 vs computer.

    I played on the 1.1 exe and the AI is inproved IMO. Buildings also seem to get leveled more often, that really helped in this battle.

  4. David Stone and Groundpounder

    Thanks for trying them guys. Feel free to post comments here. I can take the tomato's being thrown in my direction along with the boo's.

    I downloaded "Tanks in the Street" and will be trying that and "Hell on Horseshoe Hill" soon. Would you guys like feed back here or through mail? As for my address, I check vidar2992 everyday, and loki_loki a few times a week, so feel free to use either.

  5. Welcome aboard. In some ways I hope you don't go through the agony I did. I began getting NO sleep, wasn't eating, getting slack at work. Even when my friends dropped by with BEER I said no just to play.

    Because of all the agony I think we should start a 12 step program and ban the sale of the game. It is more addictive than crack.

    P.S Its just a joke,crack is more addictive. Got that Benny... ooppssss I mean kids. eek.gif

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