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Posts posted by Loki

  1. I have seen this too. I did an Op as you describe and had 1 night combat where I didn't lose a single man,yet the report listed that I lost 4 vehicles and I believe 9 men.

    Have you thought of opening the Op in the editor and seeing how many vehicles the enemy had to find out how accurate or inaccuate the report was?

  2. It all depends on the type of OP. I feel an advance or attack situation works best. You need some goal to work up to while you move across the map. Long Ops where the front line tends to remain the same can drag after the 2nd or 3rd battle, then again I am sure that the men who fought the war felt a dragging feeling as well.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cardinal Fang:

    I quick search on the web came up with that Walpurgis (as it's called in Germany) is also called Beltaine and is a Pagan/Wiccan holiday.

    <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>That is true.I left out the fact that it is also a Pagan/Wiccan holiday because I have several Wiccan friends and would never lump them in with anything Satanic.Just because a few religions share a holiday is no reason to lump them all together.Sorry if you took offense

    [This message has been edited by Loki (edited 08-10-2000).]

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dallas:

    As to the significance of the day Hitler killed himself, I think it was because the Russians were in the streets above, killing everyone in sight

    <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>That is true and correct,but it also happened to fall on Walpurgis day (April 30th).That is a satanic holiday.I know its just coincidence, but its still an interesting coincidence given the subject.

    Before anyone asks.... No I am not a Satanist, nor am I a member of any religion for that matter.

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Andre76:

    Is this for real!?!?! Are you Loki saying that if we don't belive in astrology we haven't read on Hitler?!

    And Hitler sure won WWII with help of astrology, oh, no he didn't! Go figure. I've read about Hitler and his occult fascination, just one more idiotic idea of his. I belive astrology is crap. Where is the evidence? All prediction is double edged and everything can be read into it.

    Loki, here's a prediction for you:

    tomorrow you'll find a need, and it will be important for you to fulfill this need.

    Ok, maybe I'm a bit harsh (sorry), but I can't really understand people who just have this need for something greater then themselfs, somtehing that can guide and protect them. I think they live in a dream world.

    Just my 2 øre (cents)....

    André<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>You don't make much sense Andre. If you re-read my post you'd see I never once said " Are you Loki saying that if we don't belive in astrology we haven't read on Hitler?!"

    I was just stating what I have read on the subject.I also stated that I don't believe in ½ that stuff I posted,but there is evidence that Hitler and other key nazi's did. I never once stated that if you don't believe in astrology you never read on Hitler.

    I did say "If they are making fun of you then they haven't read on Hitler that much".

    You admit to reading about Hitler and his occult fascination just as I have. Does that mean your saying "that if we don't belive in astrology we haven't read on Hitler?!"

    It sounds like we've read some of the same stuff.It just don't think you fully read my post.

    I too have a prediction for you Andre.

    Tomorrow you'll learn to read more carefully or your put your foot in your mouth.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KeyserSoze:

    I can't open it for some reason. It says that it is not a valid form of Microsoft excel. I think that mine is out of date, maybe. anyone have any ideas on the problem?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Could be 1 of 2 things. There is an issue with using Office 97 to view some items made in Office 2000 but thats mainly an issue with Access.It is also possible that the file extention got changed when you downloaded it. Did you unzip it 1st?

    [This message has been edited by Loki (edited 08-09-2000).]

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ski:

    It seems like every time I play as the Free French all my forces surrender as soon as the battle starts without any input from me. tongue.gif (joke!)

    <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Maybe the game gets confused and thinks its 1940 when you play as the French (another joke)

  8. I would like a roster that just lists your units so you could click on a unit and pop to it instantly. Thats alot faster in large games.

    For those of you who call it gamey.Let me remind you it is a GAME. Its not real.You tend to get a few gamey things in games.The LOS tool is gamey.The + and - to move to units is gamey.So why not add a roster.If you don't want anything gamey then join the army and stop playing a game. rolleyes.gif

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Flipper:

    I hope thier's a Title on how to get the new grass bmp's to work!...by the way do you know

    to get them in I did everything right an it does'nt seem to work..thnks<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Your not doing something right Flipper.Unzip the BMP and move them into your BMP directory.If you installed to the default directory the it will be C:\program Files\CMBO\BMP. Once you have the files you want to use you should be good to go.

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dallas:

    I'm not calling anyone here ignorant because I am not sure whether you are making fun of me or having fun with me.

    <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think most people here are just having fun with you. Don't take it personnally. If they are making fun of you then they haven't read on Hitler that much.


    A lot of people still aren't aware of the extent that Hitler ,Hess , and Himmler used astrology to help them judge what to do. Hitler even had all fortune seers rounded up and killed any that gave readings of a German loss in the war.

    Himmler also pushed some of his SS to have sex in Nordic graveyards. It was though that by doing so any children conceived would inherit souls of ancient Nordic warriors.

    The swastika has been found on every continent on the planet. It dates back thousands of years and is a symbol of good fortune.

    The holocaust has its roots in the occult. It was believed that the German ancestors were a race of giants and that a few mixed with Jews. The result was the bloodline became impure and the race was driven down to mere mortals. By exterminating the Jews it was believed the ancient gods would return cause the bloodline would get cleansed.

    I'm not saying I believe ½ of this, but I have read on the subject. There are many good books and videos on Hitler and the Occult. Its pretty interesting.

    Anyone know the significance of the day Hitler killed himself on?

  11. Campaigns are great,to an extent.

    The idea of units gowing with experience is a bit of a myth.Troops rotate to the back lines.Troops die in small skirmishes between the larger battles.Units get broken up and shipped to where they are needed to fill lose's.Some will be there and become crack veterans,but think of all those green replacements coming in.

    Also a campaign can't take into account play balance.If you get drunk one night and lose ½ your force what do you do? You could be up against 3 Tigers and planes in yout next battle and you have no "prestige points" left to replace them.

    That happened in CC3 and it turned alot of people off. I like CC and liked Panzer General in its day,but those are kinda gamey aspicks.

    A short term campaign could work.Talonsoft does that pretty well I think,but thats kinda what the operations are.I am sure there will be larger operations in CM2 that should please you.

  12. Thats a good question. It comes down to your preferance and tactics.Everyone plays differently. I love having lots of armor,but realisticly if you have lots of infantry with anti tank capabilities they can devestate armor.

    Just try a few and determine what works best for you.But if you must know,I usually use roughly 2 tanks per infantry company and 2 or 3 spotters regardless of the size of the game.

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