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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. This is what I am talking about - not having to rely on someone else for bandwidth. It is much more complicated than setting up a server and registering a domain? I know I can't do it with my cable ISP because they don't allow servers. Do you still connect via an internet service provider, or how else do you connect to the net? How exepnsive and how much knowledge does it take to do this?
  2. I guess if it had a decent sound track you would have given CMBB 100%, no?
  3. What does it take to get unlimited bandwidth? How high up the internet ladder do you have to go where you can control the bandwidth?
  4. Yeah, I was thinking of donating the cash to pay for the necessary bandwidth, but that is just too much. The subscription idea seems the best, but it seems a bit unfair to those modsluts who can barely scrape enough cash together to buy the game. Plus, someone could subscribe and then pass the mods around freely, which wouldn't be fair to those who paid. Or would anyone even care if that happened? I'm willing to pay more than my fair share because it would be for the good of the whole CM community and we might get a good site would otherwise be too costly for any one person to support. I suppose CMHQ will again be a useful resource once the patches for CMBB are done. Matt would obviously need some help keeping things organized and updated. Perhaps someone who would otherwise be willing to do this on his own but for lack of bandwidth could volunteer his services to Matt.
  5. Maybe he doesn't like being called the Bald pimp?
  6. von Lucke has updated the mod. You can get it at the link above.
  7. How much bandwidth is needed for a useful site? 50 GB/month? more?
  8. The Peng Thread is that nice place where everyone sits in a comfy chair by the fire sipping wine coolers. Everyone is polite and giggly.
  9. I'm played a game where the German planes took out 7 of 9 tanks. The AAR showed that two German planes and one Soviet plane were shot down. Those M17s are deadly against aircraft, even moreso against infantry.
  10. Don't forget that those of us who preordered were in the system and our packages went out on 9/20. New orders have to be processed before they can be shipped and that might add a few days.
  11. Maybe the real reviewers are actually going to play CMBB first. Give them a chance.
  12. I zipped these up. I have no idea how my ISP will deal with this, so please be gentle. When someone with a CMBB site hosts these please let me know so I can take them down. t34-85-43 mod t34-85-44 mod [ October 18, 2002, 10:31 PM: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  13. The 251/10 wasn't in CMBO so you got four 251/1s and had no trouble transporting a whole platoon. Do you get extra transport if you buy a whole company?
  14. They use USPS priority mail if you odered a single copy. They usually use UPS for multiple copies. It usually takes 1 to 3 days to arrive by mail from the time it is shipped, depending where you live. It ships from New Hampshire. I would give it 7 to 10 days between placing your order and receipt of the game. [ October 18, 2002, 07:41 PM: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  15. Buy the game because of peer pressure. Play the game nonstop because of pure enjoyment.
  16. Here's your flamethrower. Would you like fires with that? Thank you, please pull up to the second window. BFC. Over 1 Billion Served.
  17. The review didn't even mention the new armor shields as indicated in the interface. How can I possible take the author seriously if he missed that?
  18. * Corrected a problem where a tank, abandoned between battles in an operation, sometimes continued to move under its original momentum in the first game turn. Yay, I might not be insane afterall! Yay! So, how much will this patch cost? You mean it's free???? Hot damn!!!
  19. The problem the AI has when attacking is that it tends to lead with its tanks since they are faster than the infantry. This enables the defending human player to wipe out the AI's armor and then deal with the infantry piecemeal. Some of us have come to the conclusion that there are times in CMBB where the attacked has to lead with armor because conscript infantry can't spot as well and will break too easily under fire. In this regard the AI is more suited to CMBB's style than CMBO's. However, if the AI were smarter it would lead with its tanks, provoke a response from the defender's armor and AT assets, and then pull back and pound the defender with artillery until the infantry can come up and support. But the AI isn't that smart and marches its armor to its death, especially when the human defender can patiently wait for the Soviet armor to come within killing range. This mostly holds true for Soviet attacks against a German defender, but it basically works both ways. The AI is a much tougher opponent on defense and will usually set up a defense in depth with infantry in front and AT in the rear. Armor, if it has any, is more of a variable since you can't really predict where it will show up and whether it will have local superiority of numbers. I mostly play against the AI because all human players fear me ( ), and I have yet to grow tired of it.
  20. In my experience with the JS-2 so far, it seem s the JS-2 gets off a first shot (usually hull down on defense), but the Panther quickly swings its turret and gets 2 or 3 penetrations on the JS-2 before it can reload. The JS-2 either bails or is shocked and almost never gets off a second shot.
  21. If they were involved in hand to hand fighting they might have taken a few of the bastards with them.
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