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Pvt. Ryan

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Posts posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. If you use "rough" to simulate the beach, you can't have any armor on the beach. I think it was Desert Fox, or maybe just Fox, who created a nice Omaha Beach map. It isn't based on a specific section of the beach, but more of a representation of a typical section of the beach. I think his map is quite nice and I have only modified it a little; however, I completely redid units as I felt he had too few on both sides. What I wound up with is a nice scenario to watch, but not necessarily to play. When playing the Germans all you do is hit GO and watch the Americans die. The German MGs and bunkers eventually run out of ammo and the surviving US troops can then march up the beach exit. I haven't tried playing it from the US side yet, but it looks like it would be a nightmare. All you would do is keep moving your troops towards the exit and hope enough survive to overwhelm the defenses. It is more fun to build an Omaha Beach scenario than it is to play it.

  2. Stuka, I saw the movie when it first came out but I wasn't a big fan because I hated all the gore. SPOILER**********

    In fact, I walked out when they cut off the cop's ear. I am an insurance agent for the entertainment industry and one of our clients is A Band Apart Commercials. They have three divisions called Mr. Brown, Mr. White, and Mr. Pink. I never knew what those names were supposed to mean until I saw Reservoir Dogs on TV the other day. Then I remembered that Steve Buscemi and Quentin Tarantino (not Harvey Keitel) are directors at A Band Apart. Anyway, having just seen the movie, I recognized your sig.


  3. Madmatt, I made a scenario that started with clear weather and had aircraft in the force selection. Then I switched the weather to light fog and when I play the scenario the planes still fly. It seems that you can't purchase air units when the weather is less than clear, but that if purchased when clear, they remain in the force selection when the weather is changed. Perhaps this is a bug and the designer of the scenario did the same thing I did.

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