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Pvt. Ryan

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Posts posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. Just to make it a little clearer for you Francesco, you don't have to make the mods yourself. There a plenty of wonderful mods available for you to download and paste into your BMP folder. The link coralsaw gave is a great one, but there are others as well. But if you do want to make your own mods, I'm sure Tiger can help you since he does some of the best work.

  2. Just another bit of helpful advice:

    Before defragging or scanning my hard drive I always exit out of every program except Windows by shutting them down with Alt, Crtl, Del. If I don't do that the process keeps restarting and I get a message that the contents of the drive have changed. With a 75GB HD in one partition I have to let it run overnight, so I don't want to wake up to find that defrag or scandisk stopped shortly after I went to bed.

  3. I haven't played an operation in a while, but I remember that badly beaten up units were withdrawn from the battle at the end of each round of fighting. I haven't noticed any randomly destroyed armor though. The only wrecked armor I have seen is tanks that were knocked out in the previous round. Abandoned tanks may also remain, but sometimes they are recovered for repair.

  4. Olle, you are correct, but the point I was trying to make is that the BAR looks more like a rifle than a MG to the militarily uneducated person. Hollywood could have just left the BAR out completely and used MGs, but the weapon was important enough to make the cut. Plus, I am sure plenty of ex-GIs were working in Hollywood after the war and made sure the BAR was represented.

  5. From a different perspective, the BAR must have been a very popular weapon based on its presence in most war films. If it wasn't so popular, the filmmakers would have just left them out. In "Combat," the squad never went anywhere without Kirby, the BAR man, no matter how few members of the squad went on a particular mission. In "The Sand Pebbles" the main character played by Steve McQueen manned the BAR in the firefight at the line of junks. My dad was in the US Army in the 1950s and when he told me of his experiences he always talked about the BAR even though he never fired one. These are just a few examples, but I believe they are an indication that the BAR was well liked enough to have taken its place in popular culture/history.

  6. Here is my collection:



    A Bridge Too Far

    Kelly's Heroes

    Saving Private Ryan (the reason I even got a DVD palyer)

    Casablanca (in case I have a chick over)

    You might want to seach for the favorite (and worst) war movies threads. Then go to the Best Buy site and order what you want. They have a decent selection at decent prices.

    If you are looking for movies that take advantage of DVD technology, then SPR is a great choice. The Thin Red Line is also a good DVD movie, although some people don't like it. I would think the more recent releases would make better use of DVD quality picture and sound. The older films are still nice on DVD though, because the picture quality is going to be better than VHS and DVD is usually in wide screen or letterbox format. Platoon is good and I think it was just re-released. You can watch the regular movie or the two verions with voice-over narrations by Oliver Stone and Dale Dye.

    [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 12-02-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 12-02-2000).]

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