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Pvt. Ryan

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Posts posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. JuJu, do you have those numbers backwards? You say you are running CM at a lower resolution than your desktop. That is easy to do. You probably loaded CM when your desktop was at 1024x768 and then increased your desktop resolution afterwards. CM will run at a resolution no greater than your desktop resolution, but it will run at a lower resolution. If you do have your numbers reversed, then you have somehow gotten around this problem.

  2. I can run my Dell (Sony) 19" (17.9" viewable, .24 -.25AG) P991 FD Trinitron® Monitor with a64 MB DDR NVidia GeForce2 GTS at 1600x1200. At least my display properties control panel says it is. CM looks great at this resolution, but of course the desktop text is difficult to read. You can increase the font size in Windows to make the text easier to read, and you can also increase the font size in your web brower. It does take some getting used to though. I decided to switch my desktop back to whatever the next setting is above 1024x768 because the refresh rate outside of CM was too slow. But as I noted above, you can set your desktop to 1600x1200, delete the CM prefs file, load CM at 1600x1200, then ESC out of CM and reduce your desktop resolution. CM will stay at 1600x1200 until you reboot your computer even though your desktop is at 1024x768.

  3. My experience with pillboxes is that mine die easily while my enemy's are more resilient. smile.gif

    In one scenario I was defending against a US assault and I had several pillboxes of various types. In most cases the AI moved engineers or infantry and bazookas behind or next to the pillbox, then pound it with demo charges, grenades, and zook rounds until the crew was killed or the pillbox was destroyed. Sometimes it took one turn, other times it would take 2 or 3 turns.

    As far as the MG bunkers, the AI took them out with empty C-ration boxes. frown.gif

  4. I experienced a similar situation. I had a 60mm mortar riding in a half track. The 60mm was ordered to disembark and move to its position. When the mortar disembarked it showed it as "time to unlimber: 1 minute" (or something to that effect). I was going to take a snapshot and report it as a bug, but on the next turn (in less than 1 minute) its status changed to reloading (what a mortar normally says when it is moving) and proceeded on its way. Sorry I can't help you with your problem, though.

  5. I find that success on defense is significantly determined by the terrain. If there a lot of trees and the terrain is hilly, the attacker can advance under cover and assault the defender from close range and with intact infantry support. When the terrain provides little cover the defender can pummel the attacker from long range and attrit his forces so that they are weak when and if they finally reach their objectives. It also depends on which side you are playing. A close range battle is better for the Allies while a long range slug fest benefits the Axis, at least where armor is concerned.

  6. I seem to remember that the black zones could contain units that were left over from the previous battle. Those units could either be deployed back with the reinforcements or could be placed in any of the forward deployment (black) zones.










    I remember seing this in the Villers Bocage operation. The surviving tanks from the first battle were placed in the black zones, and IIRC could be moved among the black zones. The reinforcements could only be placed in the green zone.

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