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Pvt. Ryan

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Posts posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. Gernot, also be aware that CM will only run at a resolution as high as your desktop. If you run your desktop at 800x600 then CM won't run at a higher resolution. If your desktop runs at 1024x768 then CM should be capable of that too. I wasn't sure what desktop resolution you use. Just be sure to delete the file that Loki mentioned each time you want to raise the CM resolution.

  2. First you have to know in which directory your desired sound file is saved. Then go to the sounds properties in the Windows control panel. Scroll down the list a bit till you see "new mail notification" and click on it. Then browse to find the wav file you want and click on it. The name of that file should now appear as the file that will be played when you get a new e-mail. You can test the sound with the preview button. You can set any wav file on your computer to play as your e-mail notification.

    P.S. If you specifically want "Incoming!" to play as your e-mail notification you can copy the file off the Close Combat 1 disk, or you can use the CMBO wav file. I prefer the CC1 sound. I can e-mail it to you if you don't have it.

    [This message has been edited by Pvt. Ryan (edited 01-05-2001).]

  3. Towsend, congratulations, but there will be no box to rip open. CMBO comes in an evelope that is about the size of the manual - about 9"x6". I didn't even know I had received it until I went through all the mail that day. Then of course I started freaking out when I didn't see a CD in the envelope. However, it was safely tucked away inside the manual so it wouldn't get damaged in transit. And the manual is so thick it would have taken an 88 to pierce that much pulp. Have fun. And you have to play for 1 week before you can ask any questions. smile.gif

  4. I suggested the same thing a while ago and I was told to reduce the volume in the wav file. I haven't bothered to do it, but if you do, I am sure a lot of people will want your mod. I find the howling wind noise way too loud. The rain isn't so bad. The snow could use some crunch.

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