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Posts posted by Lars

  1. Lol. What are you - Fear Central?

    Woooo. "It'll happen" "Someday" "If it hasn't already" "terrorist". Be scared. Surrender all your freedoms for increased security. 'They' are out there, and they're coming to get YOU.

    Did you lift those straight out of the TSA Media Sound Bite Manual?

    About the only thing you've forgotten is the children. Think of the children, everybody. The Jihadis with Zippos are OUT THERE, and they're coming to get YOUR CHILDREN. Won't anybody think of the children?

    Ah yes, the reasoned rebuttal. :rolleyes:

    Gee, why don't you just go read the article Jons? I didn't make the thing up.

    And I don't have kids. :P

  2. Well,

    In addition to the grim death toll, about 5,000 people have been left homeless and roughly 1,351 square miles (roughly the area of Rhode Island) have burned since last week.
    That ain't a bad result out at Kilmore, it being a soft target, especially if you think like a wacko.

    So what's the economic worth of 1,351 sq miles of forest products? Not to mention 5,000 people gone from productive to homeless and on the welfare roles. A double there.

    Granted, it lacks the cachet of say, a box cutter attack, but heck, we are generating Dresden-like firestorms, without having to buy and maintain all those B-17's. ;)

    Welcome to the same desert we live in, infidel. I think I could recruit on it.

  3. If you heard it in Wisconsin it is undoubtedly true.:rolleyes:

    Lighting a bushfire as an act of deliberate destruction is pretty hit and miss - the circumstances whereby an effective result is likely don't come around all that often, certainly not often enough for the act to be politically useful with its timing.

    Actually, read it in an Aussie paper.


    Does note your point that it's hit and miss. But you got to admit, a pack of matches is pretty cheap.

    A threat is a threat, article says the Aussie intel agencies are on it.

  4. To celebrate my return, I am offering all of my countrymen (Europeans and Goober-Nationals need not apply) free breakfast.


    Until 2:00 p.m. today, go to any Denny's Restaurant in the lower forty-eight states and tell them, "MrSpkr, that sage of the Cesspool, font of wisdom, hard worker, loyal husband, and all-around fine person instructs you to provide me, without charge, one (1) free Grand Slam breakfast."

    Of course, as I am quite aware of the drinking problem running rampant amongst members of this eclectic sewer, your drinks, such as they may be, are your responsibility.

    No, no need to thank me, I'm happy to be able to give back to this fine group who has given me so much.


    Denny's got a liquor license?

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