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Posts posted by Lars

  1. [sNEER]Wind chill ... [/sNEER] ... wimp, talk to me when the TEMPERATURE gets down to -40.

    Well, that didn't take long.

    At about 8 a.m., temperatures were minus 40 in International Falls and minus 35 in Roseau. Farther south, Minneapolis hit 18 below zero with a wind chill of 32 below and black ice was blamed for numerous accidents.
    Supposed to get colder tomorrow. Probably -25F to -30F here on the outskirts of town.

    Always doing our best for you, Joe.

  2. The gods are punishing you for not playing 'Sword of Rome' lately, you daft, drunken bastard.

    Do you know that I have a whole set of friends who have met Dalem, and Papa Khann, but who regard you as a mythical creature?

    They figure I made you up to try and distract from my drinking.

    Oh, and just so you know, I did the 'Underpants Dance of Victory' at Dalem's the other night. One guy ran out into the snow, and one guy pulled his sweatshirt and coat over his head while chanting 'No, No, No!'. And, while I danced, I sang the 'Zamboanga' song.

    You need to come to Town again, man.

    Ok, but you have to promise not to sing.

    I'd try to ban the underwear dance, but we both know that's hopeless.

  3. Oh probably not ... Michael will likely sniff in disdain, toss his head and cut Lars dead ... Lars, being Lars, will be oblivious and will continue to prattle on about cylinders and connecting shafts.

    Pretty boring actually but with Michael and Lars can you really expect anything better?


    Did you hear the one about changing the dead battery at -19F?

    Good thing I have a garage, as the wind chill is -34F. Wee bit parky out today.

    Still, I hate it when the socket wrenches stick to your fingers.

  4. Btw, Emrys, if you're going to pretend to be a engine grog,

    In 1952, the Navy was impressed enough with the rugged Trojan that it contracted with NAA to build an improved version. The improved version was the T-28B. The "B" came equipped with the mighty Wright Cyclone R-1820, 1425 hp engine, Hamilton Standard 3-blade propeller, belly mounted speed brake, and many other changes and improvements.
    Get your numbers right. The A model is the one with the R-1300, which had a single row of cylinders and only put out 800hp.
  5. You're trying to be funny, right? The P-47 had the Pratt & Whitney Double Wasp R-2800 engine in various marks, a twin-row 18 cylinder engine rated upwards of 2,200 hp. The T-28 had the Wright Cyclone R-1300 single row 7 cylinder engine that in this application got no more than 1,425 hp.

    Your comparison to P-51 wings is equally amusing. There may have been a family resemblance, such as exists between the A-20 and the A-26, but as in those cases was the outgrowth of a completely new design.

    That your new signature? Good choice.


    Let's see, I can take your word for it, or the guy's who was a Navy flight instructor in them.


  6. Who wishes that they had a spousal unit as awesome as the good Lady Baroness Von Stuka?

    One who would get their gallant husband a Christmas present as thoughtful, as unexpected, as unashamedly freak'in cool as this?


    Now she didn't actually buy me an ex Air America, ex combat Trojan ground attack aircraft...

    Looks like an A model? Or did they just take the hard points off of a D?

    Next time, tell her you want the one with the big engine, and a hook on the tail. T-28C. Bit rare, but still, we must have standard here.

    Otherwise, great gift.

  7. Young people today, they have no standards. I'd pay double to avoid drinking that ****e. I wouldn't even mix it with lemonade and serve it to Papa Khann.

    It was in a plastic bottle, wasn't it? They always put vile slop like that in plastic bottles.

    Lars, were you watching so closely because that was the last bottle on the shelf?

    Actually, I use Svedka in my Bloody Mary's. No point going top shelf in a mixed drink, but it's certainly not off the bottom one either.

    Btw, try Uncle Dougie's Torpedo Juice, if you can find it, and throw in a Vlasic Zesty Pickle.

    Good for what ails you in the morning.

  8. Had a good weekend, caught my first shoplifter.

    Your typical baggy pant big jacket wearing wigger. Came in, went to the back, then walked right out 30 seconds later without buying anything. I mean, come on, who leaves a liquor store without buying anything?

    A quick review of the security camera showed it clear as day, even Boo would have been able to see him slip the bottle into his sleeve. Even the cop was amazed at how clear a picture we got. But here's the best part.

    Kamchatka Vodka – $6.99 a liter.

    Dear Lord, Jesus wept. All that lovely booze on the shelves and the lad steals from the bottom one….

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