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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. All turns have been sent First Class Air, just to p.o. 37mm. If you didn't get one, it's because Joe was flying the plane.
  2. Oh, and for you Midway guys, if you're going to suppose the Japs win it, I get to play the US refusing battle chit. Nimitz was a gambler (but then again, he was peeking at the cards). Outside of that, the smarter move would have been to refuse battle and wait for the rebuilt fleet. Japan still loses eventually, and they knew it, which is why they attacked Midway in the first place, to try to draw the US out. One of the flaws in their plan is they didn't know what to do if the US didn't show up.
  3. You guys forgot one thing. Since the UK/US had about absolute air superiority over England, they could forgo paying the price of invasion and crank up the chemical warfare machine. Sure you might lose a bit of London to V weapons with nerve gas, but most of Germany would be under a mustard gas cloud. No need to grasp for nukes when you've lots of nasty stuff left over from the last war.
  4. Got two free tickets to Cher & The Village People. Anybody want them? Hello? Class? Anyone? Is this thing on...?
  5. It's really quite simple Joe. You have to remember that these are old planes. They're not your new-fangled fancy fly-by-wire types. Throw away the joystick and just use the keyboard commands. There, isn't that better now?
  6. You might want to go try Slapdragon, Nidan. He might have a good contact.
  7. Yep. For you guys it'll be easiest to keep going on 394, get off on Hopkins Crossroad, and backtrack on the service road. Uzo and eggs, a match made in Heaven. Hmm, maybe I'll have mine flambe...
  8. Brunch. Sunday. Check. Santorini's has a great brunch and bottomless drinks. They also carry the football game. Or dalem could get us all tickets, of course.
  9. I don't know. Where the heck is the crazed Frenchman? I thought he was coming in this week.
  10. My next house is going to be a log cabin. Never have to remodel a log cabin. Or at least, when you do, you get to do it with a chainsaw, which, at this point, would suit my mood just fine.
  11. Relationship grog. Sheesh, couldn't you just say, "Hold Me"?
  12. Actually, I think they're putting Boo in charge of the recount. 20 electoral votes, 10 fingers and 10 toes. It just makes sense. And in a election surprise, the count will be declared null and void when they discover he's been putting a electoral vote up his nose.
  13. And remember, vote early, vote often!!!
  14. Yes. Yes, you are. Unlike the rest of this lot, you have now learned that Gibraltar is not an island. btw, how was the football game? ...snicker...snicker...
  15. Bestiality grog. Not surprising really. Perhaps you should look for a better grade of client? Here's a tip. Quit chasing ambulances down in front of the bus station. Oh, and send a turn. After you wash.
  16. The "Can'tWeJustAllGetAlong?" mortal enemy?
  17. Psst, dim de lights, the game warden is coming...
  18. Well, when buggery's out, what's a hedgehog supposed to do for a good time?
  19. You can bugger the bear, if you do it with care, in the winter, when he is asleep in his lair, Though I would not advise it in spring or in fall— but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all. If you're feeling quite coarse, you can bugger the horse, or the palfrey, the jennet, the stallion (with force), You can bugger the donkey, the mare, or the mule, Though to bugger the pony is needlessly cruel. You can bugger the ox (if you stand on a box) And vulpologists say you can bugger the fox, You can bugger the shrew, though it's awfully small— but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all. Herptologists gasp you can bugger the asp, Entymologists claim you can bugger the wasp. If an insects your thing, man, then just have a ball— But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all. And the elephant too, that you meet in the zoo, Can be buggered if you are sure just what to do, You will need a large mattress upon which to fall— but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all. You can bugger the bees if your down on your knees, You can bugger the termites with terminal ease you can bugger the beetle, the ladybug (bird!) too, there's no end to the buggering that you can do. You can bugger the cat if it isn't to fat You can bugger the rabbit you draw from your hat You can bugger the shark that you've chased in your yawl— but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all. You can bugger the ermine, and all other vermine, like rats, mice, and roaches, if your not discernin'. You can bugger the dog, it will come when you call— but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all. Although Mr. Tiggy is not very big, he Avoids with great ease those who fancy his arse. He just curls in a ball, shows his prickles and all— And the would-be seducer leaves him in the grass If you're that kind of fool, and you have a long tool, Do it with a giraffe, if you stand on a stool, Catch a yeti, who lives in the snows of Nepal— but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all. For the hedgehog escapes the posterior rapes Performed upon others of different shapes Those who run, swim, or slither, they get it withal— But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all. It is said, if you try, you can bugger the fly, Or the swallow as it skims so skillfully by, Use a noose or a net, or lime (if you've the gall)— but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all You can bugger the cow (I will not tell you how), Or the boar, or the piglet, the shoat or the sow, You can bugger the ass as it stands in the stall— But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all. You can order or shoo 'im, or run a knife through 'im The one thing you cannot do is stick it to 'im. If you try to seduce 'im, you'll end in a fix, His prickles defend him against rampant pricks. You can bugger the ram, you can bugger the lamb, You can bugger the ewe, though the weather's a sham, You can bugger the tiger (it may caterwaul) But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all. You can bugger the seal, you can bugger the eel, You can bugger the crab, though they say it can't feel, You can bugger the bat as the night casts its pall, But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all. You can bugger the snake (hold it down with a rake), Though to bugger the quetzal may be a mistake. You can bugger the billy, the nanny the kid, But to bugger the hedgehog just cannot be did. You can bugger the slug, though it messes the rug, You can bugger the different species of bug, Or do it with a snail, if you slow to a crawl, But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all. At the end of the day, when you've had your rough way With all of those creatures, you'll just have to say "That damned Erinaceous has been my downfall--" For the hedgehog can never be buggered at all! So just a fair warning to all SSN's. If you're not a Hedgehog, don't come in.
  20. There was also a rule for cooperative conquests, where the MPPs would be split among all the major countries that intervened when a minor fell. That might be a better way to go than having to time who captures the capital. Of course, the ideal would be a popup where you could choose how to split them. In the case of Yugoslavia, for instance, maybe the Italians would want to give all the points to the Germans, split some percentage off, or keep them all. Would add a nice touch to the diplomatic game in multiplayer. Especially when the inevitable doublecross occurs.
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