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Everything posted by Lars

  1. For the rest of the forum members who might have missed it. JAMES BOGGS, 51 Ok, you've seen the news. Now sod off unless you can match his level of wit. Or work in a brewery.
  2. Once again, further evidence of advanced senility. Wasn't it you who sent me some abomination of a scenario filled with assault boats?
  3. Shaw, you are truly slipping to miss such an obvious loophole. The decree making Papa Kahn a Senior Kanigget was posted by dalem. Now, we can't be sure that Seanachai actually meant to elevate Papa Kahn. Perhaps dalem was just teasing him with a full bottle of Scotch till he would say anything. I demand that all the t's be crossed in this case.
  4. Nice tribute Joe. You need to add it and him to the Squires page. Boo, thanks again for the update on Boggs. It was much appreciated.
  5. Bad news lads. JAMES BOGGS, 51 Rest in peace good buddy. You will be missed.
  6. Correction. Dalem, Seanachai and I spent our time squabbling amongst ourselves until southern Italy was totally spent. Meanwhile, that bastiche Papa Kahn happily raided away as the Goths until he won. If nothing else, it was a pretty good historical re-enactment. However, I must say poisoning Seanachai's best General was the most fun I've had in a long time. And somebody really needs to ask him about his leet Greek seige raising skills. Ah Carthage, how we miss you.
  7. Just as long as we get to hit you on the head with the hammer at some point.
  8. You don't have to tell us you have no principals. We knew that.
  9. Ah, a premature smoker. You're supposed to wait for afters, you cad.
  10. Ya know, it never really occurred to me that somewhere out there, there's a real Aussie Cardinal. Must have been just too horrible a thought to contemplate. Meet George Pell, Australia's Newest Cardinal Dear God, they even gave the bugger the vote! {...glares at Berli...}
  11. Geez, goes to Chicago once and he's already doing the gangsta bit. Nothing more horrible to see than an old gnome loaded down with bling and his pants hanging down to his *ss... ***Cue Persephone***
  12. At about this point in the show, the tornado would be a blessing.
  13. The Tripartite Pact grew out of the Comintern Pact of 1936 which was aimed at the Soviets. Even though the Germans violated the agreement when they signed a separate secret deal with the Soviets, the Japanese decided to sign the Tripartite anyway. What the heck, the Germans were winning at that point and Japan was getting so military tech from the Germans. And of course, the Japanese violated the Tripartite in spirit when they failed to declare war on France and Britain. Double dealing all around by all parties and not a very well run alliance. For what they got out of it, the Japanese would have been better off to sign a iron clad deal with the Soviets over Manchuria to settle that issue, get Dutch oil by hook or by crook, continue with the Chinese invasion, and then dealt with whoever was left standing in Europe later. But that's hindsight for you ;^)
  14. Dear God Nooooo!!!.... Could you imagine Patton andMacArther running around the same theater? Heh, think you'd have to spot the Germans a few mass confusion points there.
  15. JerseyJohn, you missed one other Japanese option. Repudiate the alliance with Germany and Italy and sign a sweetheart deal with the Dutch government in exile for the oil.
  16. Well, let's just take this laugher for starters... Why would you be repeatedly stating that you want it put off if you didn't know it was going on? These things are so funny. Hitler was the kinda guy who would keep up on minutia like what gun was fitted to what tank. You really think he was going to miss a program the size of the Holocaust?
  17. Have you tried lighting up a cigar instead? Then again, maybe a pipe is more your thing. A crack pipe, that is. No tobacco involved and you're not paying those high taxes. Pretty much the perfect substitute for smoking and much more socially acceptable these days. And honestly, your social life needs the help.
  18. All turns out. If you didn't get one, well, it's kinda your own dang fault, now ain't it?
  19. Hmm, think Clapton was skinnier. In any case, trying to pick up Phil Collins to beat either one of the others to death would be a poor choice.
  20. Or us we in the more civilised 1st world countries might call it... 160 kph tape. </font>
  21. Duck tape, duct tape, feh. All us right thinking folk buy the 100 mph tape.
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