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Everything posted by jpinard

  1. I'm in the editor and want to be able to assign TRP's, but I cannot find anything anywhere on how to do it. Same as in the game... Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  2. My scenario "Fireman's Brigade", keeps disappearing from the Scenario Depot. Anyone know why that could be happening? My previously uploaded scenario "Fiery Advance" uploaded just fine.
  3. A scenario I had posted, which I had put a lot of work into and advertised here on the forum, was deleted off the Scenario Depot website. The name of the scenario is "Fireman's Brigade", and maybe someone didn't like the fact that I said I thought it was quite good because of the many interesting tactical options and creativity needed to accomplish the mission. At any rate, does anyone know how a scenario could be deleted off the scenario depot website? Thanks for the help.
  4. That's odd and VERY disappointing, someone removed it. I'll add it back.
  5. Your new whitewash looks good. However I'm wondering if you could do a bit more shading? They look like they're out of a black and white movie, whereas some of the orginal colors should show through a little more.
  6. Right now it's the 4th from the top. After you let the entire page load (can take up to 1-2 minutes), it'll be one of the unrated versions...
  7. Good! Now you'll have a tactical reason to burn... Can you comment here on what you think of the scenario?
  8. I fixed the download. I had an apostrophe in the title of the zip, and it would not download correctly. Try it out!
  9. It will be at this scenario depot: http://combathq.thegamers.net/depot.html I'll post a couple of pics below when I figure out how...
  10. Hi. I just finished my fourth fully complete custom scenario, and I must say it may be a battle everyone should try at least once. Usually I don't like to play my own creations as there is nothing fun in knowing everything before-hand, but this scenario has so many tactical options it's amazing. The basis is this: Germans are pushed back to a little pocket of land where their HQ's are, and he area is primarily surrounded by pine forests and wheat fields. The Germans are waiting for reinforements, but in the meantime they must find a way to stall the Allies who have a large firepower advanatage. This is where you can get SUPER creative. From setting controlled fires to... well please download and you'll see! It'll be at the scenario depot (whenever thet put it up). I wouldn't direct you to this, if I wasn't so proud of this custom battle...
  11. I'm not sure that the readme actually covers the changes. I know for sure it does not cover the incorrect entries in the manual.
  12. After reading the note from BTS about the revamped manual, I'm wondering where those changes are for those of us that have v1.00 of the manual. BTA can you post the changes and additions for us?
  13. Just wondering if someone would take the time to do Mod Ratings? I don't feel qualified to rate the different mods as I do not know what to look for, but I'm sure there ar plenty of you out there that have a real good feel for CM and could help guide us to the best mods... I'd like to see this on one of the COmbat Mission websites.
  14. Aproximately how many copies have sold? Just curious. Or better yet, how many copies does your warehouse hold?
  15. Matt, You had talked about this great new update pack 2 weeks ago, and still we haven't seen it. I saw the work of some of the new tank textures, and really wanted to employ them in the game. Can you please give us an ETA? Thanks.
  16. All you mod-makers: I have a challenge... Can you work on the fire animations and smoke animations to try and make them better? I tried myself, but could not make a noticeabe difference. I did find something out... The fire effects (from flamethrowers) are simply randomd sequences of the the fire .bmp files. I tries to make a better spray by triangulating out the flames that are nearet a flamethrowers spout, but that was not possible because of the above mentioned...
  17. Big Time Software: Would you please post the manual corrections and additions to your site or someone elses site so those of us with the first edition of the manual can benefit from the updates included in the "newer" manual? Thank you.
  18. How many copies of Combat Mission have sold? Just a rough approximation?
  19. Is there any way we can get any of these?????????
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