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Everything posted by Tero

  1. Originally posted by M Hofbauer: are you saying they are not in ? :eek: At least not in the version I have. Check out for example the availability chart XXX has made.
  2. Gun tractors like RSO for the Germans and A20 Komsomolets for the Soviets.
  3. Originally posted by Shadow 1st Hussars: You mean bump? No, it is "bumb". We Finns get to use alfabets like B, W, G, X, Z and C very seldom in our language.
  4. Originally posted by Madmatt: Actually, that was a typo on the old order pages with regards to the Finnish manual. It was fixed some time ago. So instead you opted to omit the Finnish troop cathegory list from both the Finnish and the English language manual ?
  5. Indeed. In fact we never had any early models we are now being offered. Some of the late Stugs delivered came with the 360º gunshield which was removed and replaced with a shield made from BT armour. There is also a discrepency in the availability date.
  6. Originally posted by Holien: However if you took that view with the rest of your forces you would not ever engage in battles. You can lose a squad or two and still get the mileage you need. If you lose your FO then you are in big doo-doo. If you do not risk things you can not gain. In this particular scen risking the FO's was not necessary. Also with plenty of woods and cover you surely could have moved those spotters forward a tad. And get lucky and get them killed by their own barrage ? If you had a spotter on the hill above the town it would have been a different story. Setting up an out-of-LOS barrage from there would have been as good as setting it up from the position I kept them. Using command units was not in my plan as I sure as hell needed them elsewhere. Also if you used the large stuff on my forces in the woods that would have helped you big time. The problem was I was in contact with the scattered guns and the force holding the village. What you had in them woods was too vague as a target. Yes my 88's were the key to my (the Germans) Defence as it was all we were given. And you used them well. That Marder got zapped as soon as it presented itself so I would have preferred more of those and less of those damned 88's. It just seemed to me that most of your shells fell on empty ground and that to me is a waste of a precious resource. The plan was to suppress the defenders and level the village. And it would have worked if you had not had your guns cover the village so damned well. What you saw as empty ground was potentially hostile to me. Anyway when we get CMBB in the UK I will enjoy playing against you. Around October 20th then......
  7. Originally posted by Mostro: If only some textures don't work, maybe you have some of them corrupted. Seems more as a silly mod than a driver error. I'm running the demo in a PIII 450 with 512Mb memory and a 16Mb Video card and I get the same anomalies. I hope my PC is not turning into a Mac....
  8. Nothing to be sorry about. Your frigging guns would not die when fired upon and you did get some spectacular first round kills that foiled my entire plan. What can I say. Your defences were well thought out. My plan of attack was the best I could think of given the resources. You won, I lost. Still, looking back I still would not have done anything differently. And from were I was sitting I did not waste my arty. By getting the FO's to LOS I would have risked exposing them and losing my entire fire support. With 2 (even 1) minute delays I would have lost turns moving them over and still sustaining casualties. Your entire defence was dependant on those guns. Had those been 75IG's instead of 88's you would not have stood a chance. I did not count on all of them being 88. A big mistake which I paid dearly for. When I got a positive ID on the guns I was too far in to pull back and redeploy. When the writing was on the wall all I could do was stand my ground and take what I could. Pulling back was not an option at that point. Walking even one FO off the map would have ended the game then and there. I bloody well think that immobilized Sherman of mine which kept my guys afloat even when the moral was down to below 20 should have carried them over that last bloody turn. When it was killed the autosurrender was trigered instantly. A gamey game feature that. Not that I am sore or anything. You win some and you lose some. Looking at the score sheet the Fire Mountain scen went better for me. That makes up for this one. I'm not sure though how the overall score will be affacted though. I expect I get a chance for payback when the bloody CMBB ships. [ October 01, 2002, 02:54 AM: Message edited by: tero ]
  9. Originally posted by Ali: Heh, I'm talking about scorefile of 17th of September. Hopefully you have received it from TB155? Can't say I have.
  10. Originally posted by Ali: As I look at the scoreboard I can see unbeliavable victories with krauts. Where, where ?
  11. Originally posted by Battlefront.com: France is still slated for around the same time, but I have no exact date. Dare I ask when the Finnish version is due to be released. Yes. When is the Finnish version due to be released ?
  12. Is it too late for the AAR's ? I have been too busy to sit down to write them down.
  13. Originally posted by Holien: FWIIW I thought HftH really favoured the Allied Player and I await all the results to be announced to see if that was the case. Me too. Tero on the other hand might think differently. It is all in the eye of the beholder. Oh, BTW: count me in too.
  14. Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO: There's no "racism" in CDV behavior ... They only go for the $$$$money$$$$, all their decisions (CD protection, sanitization, cut of manual, German market priority) went that way. What kind of a proportion does Germany make in the CMBB market, Europe-wide ? How do German €uros differ from the rest of them ? To inexplicably hold back the release of the original language product while getting the translated version out on time does indicate at least to me there is something fishy in the state of Germany. At least in CVD. It seems to me CDV is excersising "positive racism" towards the German speaking minority in Europe. That's no surprise, Not really. But still.... and BTS don't seem to get really bothered by it either . I hope there is something going on behind closed doors.
  15. Originally posted by Grisha: Says nothing about the German ground forces. I do have to say the Soviet Airforce did almost criminally neglect the interdiction task, at least when it comes to the summer of 1944 assault against the Finns. They failed to interdict trains (running some 100km behind the front line) which were transporting troops from the North of lake Ladoga to assembly areas around Viipuri; the only Finnish armoured formation could regroup and move around to the hot spots which were never more than 50 km's from each other and always in the focal point of the Soviet main axis of advance. The Soviets used them for tactical operations and they did fail to use the full potential of their air superiority in debth. Not being totally dependant on motorized transports and radio transmitted commands the Finnish army may have rendered some of the air superiority redundant since they would normally only attack visible targets like transports moving on the roads just behind the front line or artillery positions. In the open steppes using a radio must have invited some unpleasant guests for a look-see.
  16. Just wondering: How much longer CAN it take to release the sanitized, original language version of the game than it takes to release the sanitized and translated version ? [ September 24, 2002, 06:02 AM: Message edited by: tero ]
  17. BTW: what was the date of this QB ? Just wondering what kind of AT assets that überBattalion had at its disposal, since it seems there were no organig 20mm ATR's present. Or at least you did not mention any.
  18. I would imagine even a few (20mm) ATR's will be enough to send these beasts packing.
  19. Originally posted by Nabla: Eh, perhaps I should have emphasized the "fairly easily"-part... So no, no data on that important issue. Damn ! That's true, and we all know that armor is pretty sexy in this forum too. So although I'm sure that the TO&E of the Finnish armored forces is standard stuff to you, I think it may have some appeal to the non-Finnish non-historians. Very true.
  20. Originally posted by Nabla: However, I've described smaller formations when I've found the information fairly easily, or when it has seemed particularly important. Any data on the variance of the small arms within squads/platoons ? So far I have never seen anything concrete other than the usual "more SMG's and LMG's per squad" and the like. For example, the TO&E of the tank division is described in detail, which I'm sure you'll find pretty interesting. The armoured divisions TOE has been described in detail ad nauseam over the years and in the latest books (Marskin panssarintuhoajat etc). Books by the fellow who wrote Veitsen Terällä are artillery heavy. It seems vanilla infantry has not been as sexy in the minds of the historians, especially lately.
  21. Originally posted by Juha Ahoniemi: This is what I could dig up at this notice: http://www.pp.htv.fi/jveijala/tankit/tank013.html and in Finnish http://www.ilmatorjunta.fi/itupseeri/3_99/teksti/panssari.htm In that finnish text is told that the leader of the FLAK-unit was wounded at Syväri. They also KNOCKED OUT SOME BUNKER/ENEMY DUG-IN POSITIONS. They also provided covering fire, resulting retrieving of downed enemy "Jabo". Enemy also noticed their effectiveness against their aircraft (guessing it was because of a good success at Kuuterselkä) , and it gave some breathing room to the armoured brigade. Enemy aircrafts seemed to avoid the Landsverk II anti vehicles now. In summer -44 the unit was at Karelian isthmus, still covering Finnish armoured brigade. So they had their share of combat!</font>
  22. So where is the damned A20 Komsomoletsk tractor ?
  23. Originally posted by Prinz Eugen: BTW, any Finns more in the know than I am on the subject of paint jobs ? I mean, is that the way the painting was done in the pics Mike8g posted ? From where did the grey come ? I thought it was light and dark green, plus brown ? Or am I completely, utterly wrong in here ? The camo is valid as of April 1943 according to Esa Muikku.
  24. Originally posted by ParaBellum: IIRC I bought it (January '43) with rarity on, price was +30%, and it was a StuG IIIG (early). If early means box type gun shield with loaders MG shield it is OK. If not then it is simply incorrect. Anyways, the Finnish army never had it available at the timeframe you chose. Could you try and see if there are earlier versions (D, F) available for Finns during 1941-1942 ? BTS/BFC better fix or somefink.
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