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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. I got past mission one, but mission 2 is physically unplayable for me, on any settings. It runs at a few fps at various times. I think it's a memory leak from my experience. Empire Total War had a similar problem. The only way round it (prior the patch to fix it) was to restart the pc, as just restarting the game had no effect. It's definitely not a problem with my pc, as it is stable with everything else, including TOW2 Africa.
  2. I didn't think that it could have been a minefield! You may be right. Next time I will press F4 to see if it shows up on the hit indicator. I lost two of my scouts the same way, over the same or similar ground, by one of the crossings across the anti-tank ditch. I couldn't see how it could have been fire directed at them because one, they were scouts, hidden, and two they were crawling. Nobody had direct line of sight, so I put it down to indirect mortar fire, but then, these were small explosions. Mines probably is correct!
  3. You make some very good points, I hope those that be can answer them. I just won an unconditional victory on the same scenario, playing normal with morale. I lost one PzIII but all the crew survived, 33 infantry KIA and 1 aircraft shot down. I had one Panther lose a track. I had the same problem with artillery support. In the demo you could stop and start at your convenience which seems about right - now, you lose the ability to replan the mission unless you have 500 points to spare. This needs fixing. Infantry get mowed down quickly unless you can find cover. You have to sneak them everywhere. I lost my entire scout team to possible mortar fire. Out of interest what has happened to all those hit point identifiers that were in the demo? You could see what hit you, and where.
  4. See in the 'bug list' thread - accounts of tanks firing at aircraft. My PzIII shot an IL2 down.
  5. I can't edit my original post which is somewhat annoying. Knokke, I think I pulled some of your complaints originally and put them in the list - I haven't run into the crew abandoning their vehicles yet but that doesn't sound too good. I've definitely seen PzIII and PzIV firing the main gun at aircraft which is really funny. In fact, my PzIII shot down a IL2 which was awesome I've also experienced the go-slow bug which is really annoying. I think that could be a memory leak - I've seen the same thing in Empire Total War. # Artillery support mission re-planning needs some work.
  6. haha.. That's quite funny You need to do more than press stop - you need to click the icon with the target, so that it stops targetting.
  7. I've not been able to spot AT guns, unless I'm very close, in trenches or dugouts post patch. Having said that, the tanks fire by themselves so something must be working here. It does seem odd that your tank can spot a single soldier sticking his head over the trench, but as you say, you don't see the AT guns firing at you.
  8. Erm I restarted from scratch - and must have saved over it, as it has the same filename. For what it's worth I went back to an autosave which I saved a few minutes prior and it carried on fine. The only thing I noticed when it crashed to desktop - I pressed the space bar when it said 'PAUSE' on screen. If I press P it works okay. Might be coincidence.
  9. Right, I started a fresh campaign and the same thing has happened. This time I have kept a copy of the log file. This is the last entry pointing to a java runtime error? It's the only error listed by the looks of things. ================== START LOADED MISSION missions/germany/cherkasskoe_south/mission.xml===================== java.lang.RuntimeException: Structure handled exception arized, see cppcrash at com.maddox.core.SpeedTree.GetTreeCollCount(Unknown Source) at com.maddox.core.SpeedTree.tick(Unknown Source) at com.ic.ww.core.EngineWW.tickApp(Unknown Source) at com.maddox.core.InterpolateAdapter.msgTimeOut(Unknown Source) at com.maddox.rts.MsgTimeOut.invokeListener(Unknown Source) at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Unknown Source) at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Unknown Source) at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Unknown Source) at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Unknown Source) at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Unknown Source) at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(Unknown Source) at com.ic.ww.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(Unknown Source) at com.ic.ww.game.Main.exec(Unknown Source) at com.ic.ww.game.GameWin3D.main(Unknown Source) java.lang.Error: Structure handled exception arized, see cppcrash at com.ic.ww.core.EngineWW.tickApp(Unknown Source) at com.maddox.core.InterpolateAdapter.msgTimeOut(Unknown Source) at com.maddox.rts.MsgTimeOut.invokeListener(Unknown Source) at com.maddox.rts.Message._send(Unknown Source) at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendToObject(Unknown Source) at com.maddox.rts.Message.sendTo(Unknown Source) at com.maddox.rts.Message.trySend(Unknown Source) at com.maddox.rts.Time.loopMessages(Unknown Source) at com.maddox.rts.RTSConf.loopMsgs(Unknown Source) at com.ic.ww.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(Unknown Source) at com.ic.ww.game.Main.exec(Unknown Source) at com.ic.ww.game.GameWin3D.main(Unknown Source) ================== DESTROY GAME ===================== PFS recalculate missionDestroy for Normal: nodeNum= 55643, availNodeNum=5800 PFS recalculate missionDestroy for Normal: nodeNum= 55643, availNodeNum=20590 ================== DESTROY GAME IS DONE===================== WWThreadPool.destroy(): Thread pool is destroyed [Mar 11, 2010 2:25:43 PM] -------------- END log session
  10. It's a pity smoke launchers aren't modelled. Could I ask what was the reason behind this? Also, why can't crews 'unbutton'?
  11. hehe okay! I'll start a fresh campaign. I was getting slaughtered anyway!
  12. Can we produce some sort of list with 'potential' bugs, and perhaps keep it updated for Sneaksie. # SPA firing at air targets # infantry in trenches in continuous fighting loop (hand to hand) # CTDs in campaign missions # German light-wheeled vehicles bogging too easily in fields # Infantry not facing the desired direction even when forced
  13. Win 7 Home, x64 4gb ram 9800GT System is 100% stable and not overclocked. It was running flawlessly for around half hour or so, went to re-save over my existing saved game and now it wont load. Something has corrupted the file. My log file is full of generic error messages.
  14. Repeatable CTD here. Saved my mission as I am going along, obviously. Saved again, and it crashed to desktop . Now I can't reload it. Latest patch by the way.
  15. I see! Well I've just had a look at that LST file and sure enough, it reads: Direct sound audio device initialized successfully : DX Version : 7 Hardware - disabled [buffers : 0] Extensions - disabled : EAX ver. 1 [ ] - disabled EAX ver. 2 [ ] - disabled EAX ver. 3 [ ] - disabled I3D ver. 2 [ ] - disabled ZoomFX [ ] - disabled MacroFX [ ] - disabled SIMD render [X] num channels 32 I'm using onboard 5.1 via Nvidia HDA apparently. But I don't think it's particularly good. I mean, the sound effects in game are superb, and really add to the atmosphere, but I'm having a few issues with they way they are rendered on my Shuttle.
  16. Hi Alan, I was actually talking about a different mission so forgive me. I am playing that one too, but I get so stuck that I find them pretty frustrating and move on. I can't get past "Stop the Gap" in the Centauro US campaign. I also remember winning that mission you are talking about - once. I kept three of my best tanks, M10's if I recall, on the far right flank, at distance and almost hull-down. I packed the barracks with everything else and hid all my men. I also removed the howitzers from the front line, and kept them right at the back, (there is a dip in the terrain that offers some cover). I think I had a single Lee at the rear as well, and he dealt with the tanks/vehicles on the right flank. The M10s dealt with the attacks on the left flank. The remaining infantry took care of everything else. I think it was as much a fluke as tactics however. That's part of the problem with this game - sound tactics will rarely win. Combat Mission in that respect is far superior. I didn't lose a single tank however, but i had played it and lost it many, many times. The problem with "Stop the gap" is I cannot progress due to the nature of the campaign, and I cannot change my roster either. I'm stuck with a single Stuart and I cannot work out how to deal with the enemy.
  17. Question about EAX - it can be selected even if your sound card does NOT support it - so does this mean something is broken? Other games (in fact every other EAX game I have seen) will only allow you to select EAX if it is available via hardware.
  18. I'm trying to get past that mission too! I tried 14 times yesterday Both AI stuarts are crap and get toasted almost immediately, so you need to work out where to plonk your one. I've tried all different things. Keeping him in the village, keeping him way back, and keeping him in defilade. It doesn't make a jot of difference as the Germans steam roller their way across the map as quickly as possible. I can't even turn my turret quick enough in most cases to catch that single german soldier who is making a mad dash for the finish line. It's a bit poor to say the least. I didn't realise 'ignore campaign loss' meant that - I guess I will have to try it. I thought that was for the units roster throughout the campaign. I will continue with TOW2 Africa for now until Kursk is patched!
  19. I just tried it - I sent my very first tank across the middle route (it said it was marsh) - i clicked the opposite side of the ditch and it went over fine. This was a lighter PzIII though I think. I didnt try the Panthers.
  20. Well that would be why then.. Shame though I love playing with the big cats. An interesting read: http://www.achtungpanzer.com/pz6.htm
  21. What's up with that? The Ferdinands are mentioned in the video footage at the beginning of the campaign yet they don't appear to be in the game? Weren't they introduced at Kursk?
  22. If you check the stats on the infantry squads they generally do not have 'spotting' ability to start with. Only commanders do. Furthermore, I don't understand why tanks cant unbutton. You try spotting a hidden AT gun through a small viewing hole at distance. You dont need to purchase a separate unit per se - the 'extra' commander units are mainly for morale purposes I believe. Each infantry squad has a commander. Use that single unit for spotting.
  23. When you sent your infantry to the hill did they have a commander unit? This seems to be essential for decent, accurate spotting. Also, make sure the tanks are hull down if possible. I tend to use two tanks, one in an over-watch type of position, with both hull-down where possible. I use a single commander and use him to spot, but I keep him prone and hidden. The guns tend to target a single tank rather than both, so one is bait. The commander will eventually spot the gun, or at least a rough location.
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