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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. All ye need to know about ROW
  2. Guys, The original deadline has passed, but we are still awaiting a few scores, so I am extending the deadline by one week. This is the only extension I am granting. The new deadline is now October 9th. The list of completed games as of October 2nd is: Methode Champenois mPisi vs Heavy Drop Deadly 88 vs Enoch Walpurgis Night vs The Capt Boris Balaban vs Londoner Bryce Baker vs Melnibone Mick OZ vs Capt T ************** PittPanther31 vs Victor Charlie Cuzn vs Tabpub Levitacus vs Tychus SlicerW vs BigMik1 Combined arms vs Stoneage Malakovski vs AC Paul Atreides vs Ankulin Ted vs Herbixx GG vs Steve McClaire Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Deadly 88 vs mPisi Enoch vs Heavy Drop Londoner vs Walpurgis night The Capt vs Boris Balaban Mick OZ vs Melnibone ************* Victor Charlie vs a1 Steaks Tabpub vs Tychus Cuzn vs Levitacus SlicerW vs Combined Arms AC vs Ankulin Herbixx vs Steve McClaire Ted vs GG Proof of Honor Heavy Drop vs Deadly 88 Walpurgis night vs Boris Balaban Melnibone vs Capt T ************** Green as Jade vs Victor Charlie Tychus vs Cuzn Levitacus vs Tabpub Combined arms vs BigMik1 Ankulin vs Malakovski Steve McClaire vs Ted Don't forget about those AARs. You have until Sunday evening (Oct 10th) to submit these.
  3. ...emerges from under a pile of palm fronds and roof tiles... WHO SAID YOU LOSERS CAN SLACK OFF?!?!? GET BACK TO YOUR GAMES!! THE DEADLINE HAS NOW BEEN CHANGED...THE NEW DATE IS...TOMORROW!!!
  4. Hey guys! Guess what? Yes, once again, the fish is staring down the barrel of another cat-3. Of course, we all know what that means, don't we? Yep, the deadline is hereby extended until further notice. Very sorry for the inconvinence, but 100+ MPH winds have a tendency to put most plans on hold. As I have done before, I will e-mail Holien and Spanish Bombs the latest spreadsheet, so please submit any new scores to them. Tabpub, I have entered the correct score for Wolf. SlicerW & Combined arms, I haven't forgotten about you, but I also haven't been able to look into the discrepency in your game. I promise to the first chance I get.
  5. You watch the ammo loadout of the spotter for a reduction. As soon as the number of availible rounds drops that means a salvo is enroute. In CMBO offboard artillery always fires in 4-round salvos, unless of course the remaining ammo is less than 4 rounds. An exception to this is hte spotter rounds, which precede the main barrage by 30 seconds and is always a one round shot. If the spotter is killed with the timer still counting down then you lose contact with the offboard artillery, and thus all fire support from said battery. The exception I mentioned earlier occurs very rarely, and only when the actual barrage is well underway. In your example you were still waiting for the first rounds to fall, so the exception wouldn't apply. This I am not sure of. Your barrage may suffer an accuracy and/or response penalty if the spotter loses LOS at any time during the barrage (like running away after calling in the barrage). I've always kept my spotter in LOS to the target so it could re-adjust to a new target with minimal delay.
  6. If the spotter is killed the barrage will stop. The only exception is when the spotter is killed and a salvo is already enroute to the target. Otherwise all fire support from the battery the spotter controlled is lost for the duration of the game.
  7. There is 'Blood and Bocage' and 'Bloody Hedgerows' at the depot. The first is designed by Wild Bill, the second by LAH. No listing for 'Bloody Bocage'. A check of Der Kessel shows 'A long and bloody mile' by Berli. There is also 'Bocage at St. Lo' by Greg Mudry, which is a CMBO byte battle.
  8. The averages for the ROW IV scenarios are as follows: South of Vevi 35 scores Axis - 45.83 Allies - 54.17 Things go bump in the night 35 scores Axis - 52.2 Allies - 47.8 Squeezing the Melon 37 scores Axis - 37.43 Allies - 62.57 Frontier Firefight '40 33 scores Axis - 69.70 Allies - 30.30 Retreat from Metemma 37 scores Axis - 45.49 Allies - 54.51 Edit: I should add my favorites as well. For CMBO: Cintheaux-Totalize 49th Recce Village les Moulins Anything from Wild Bill Anything from McAuliffe See how they run Too little too late Hello second Armored For CMBB: Hitler's son Tank Warning Boriskova station Tatinskaya raid The bitter end Battle for the Reichstag Our backs to the Volga For CMAK: A Polish Finish 2 pdrs and Tigers Brits at Anzio The last offensive Totensonntag Little Stalingrad Counterattack to Galatas [ September 18, 2004, 03:19 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  9. Depends on many things. What are the terrain and weather conditions? Dawn / day / night? Is the Ostwind alone, or does it have infantry support? How many Para squads do you have? Are they armed with any rifle grenades or gammon bombs? What are their experience levels? Is taking it out worth the loss of several units?
  10. I've editted the list to seperate the finalists from the rest. There are a total of 12 finalists, so 6 games for each scenario. According to the list, "Methode" is complete, "Wolf" is 5 of 6 and "Honor" 3 of 6. No idea if it will end early.
  11. List of completed games as of 09/16/04 Methode Champenois mPisi vs Heavy Drop Deadly 88 vs Enoch Walpurgis Night vs The Capt Boris Balaban vs Londoner Bryce Baker vs Melnibone Mick OZ vs Capt T ************** PittPanther31 vs Victor Charlie Cuzn vs Tabpub Levitacus vs Tychus SlicerW vs BigMik1 Combined arms vs Stoneage Malakovski vs AC Paul Atreides vs Ankulin Ted vs Herbixx GG vs Steve McClaire Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Deadly 88 vs mPisi Enoch vs Heavy Drop Londoner vs Walpurgis night The Capt vs Boris Balaban Mick OZ vs Melnibone ************* Victor Charlie vs a1 Steaks Tabpub vs Tychus Cuzn vs Levitacus AC vs Ankulin Herbixx vs Steve McClaire Ted vs GG Proof of Honor Heavy Drop vs Deadly 88 Walpurgis night vs Boris Balaban Melnibone vs Capt T ************** Green as Jade vs Victor Charlie Tychus vs Cuzn Levitacus vs Tabpub Combined arms vs BigMik1 mPisi, I would like to see all the AARs submitted no later than one week after the end of the finals. Remember that the finals can end either on the deadline, or when the last of the finalist's scores are submitted, whichever comes first. [ September 16, 2004, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  12. Just making sure you were paying attention According to this site, 503rd schwere Panzer Abteilung had King Tigers as part of their TO&E. This unit arrived in Normandy on July 10th, but I can't tell if the KTs were part of that initial batch. I do know that a KT was captured by the 5th Duke of Cornwall light infantry during the battle for Le Plessis Grimoult on August 7th, so they did at least make it to Normandy.
  13. I would ditch the 25pdr battery, since most of the battle was fought beyond the range of the artillery. Only the Sexton equipped regiments were able to keep up with the advance. I would also have the majority of the tank crews as reg, with the remainder a mix of green / vets.
  14. I'm back, and more importantly, with power restored. I have e-mailed my partners in crime for the latest spreadsheet, and once I get it I will post an updated list of games completed.
  15. Just wanted to let everyone know that I made it thru hurricane Frances OK, but am without power and may be for quite a while. I am at my in-laws, who do have power, so can still monitor the boards and answer e-mails. However, I cannot register any scores (send these to either Spanish Bombs or Holien), nor help with replacements or related problems. As soon as I am up and running I'll let you know.
  16. "The guns are rumbling...the war is on" Wild Bill Wilder
  17. Guys, Until further notice, please send your scores to either Holien or Spanish Bombs. They have the latest spreadsheets and will take over for me. I will be offline from Friday afternoon on, and have no idea of when I will be back. For now keep plugging away as normal. First chance I get I will drop you all a line. Sergio
  18. I'm not sure how to edit a post and would have if I knew how, but if you can give some some insight? </font>
  19. You may want to add a spoiler warning to your first post. There are a few who haven't played that scenario yet. Just a suggestions. As for the scenario in question, IIRC, the 17 pdr's default setting is atop an open slope (really just a RR embankment). Like Panzerman said, if it knows it is discovered, and threatened, then it will disregard its covered arc command and fire in self defense.
  20. Speed is the Russian's best weapon. Use it to get into position quickly, and force the German player into knife-fighting range, where their weak side armor is vunerable. Charge every T34 / T70 into the gully at high speed. Make sure to plot each tank so that they have a clear path for their entire run. The first wave should make it with minimal losses. Subsequent waves will suffer, especially the last wave. Disregard your losses (like a true Russian). If all goes well you will have 20-30 tanks in the gully. All other tanks / SP guns should wait behind hills, with an occasional shoot and scoot to draw the Germans attention, and force them to waste precious AP ammo, while the T34s make their runs. When the German tanks finally do approach the lip of the gully you can bring your overwatch tanks up to engage, while the gully force emerges to flank the cats.
  21. List of completed games as of 08/27/04 Methode Champenois mPisi vs Heavy Drop Walpurgis Night vs The Capt Boris Balaban vs Londoner Bryce Baker vs Melnibone Mick OZ vs Capt T PittPanther31 vs Victor Charlie Cuzn vs Tabpub Levitacus vs Tychus SlicerW vs BigMik1 Malakovski vs AC Paul Atreides vs Ankulin GG vs Steve McClaire Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Enoch vs Heavy Drop The Capt vs Boris Balaban Victor Charlie vs a1 Steaks Cuzn vs Levitacus AC vs Ankulin Herbixx vs Steve McClaire Proof of Honor Melnibone vs Capt T Tychus vs Cuzn
  22. Not intentional, nor a bug per se, but having to do with the version of the beta code used when the scenario was designed.
  23. "There has to be a better way to drain the oil pan"
  24. One thing to keep in mind is that mortars that had pre-registered a TRP during setup will no longer be able to target it if they move.
  25. Have you made any changes to the game in general since the last time you were able to open the files? Downloaded any mods, or changed any of the prefs? If the answer is yes, then backtrack and convert the game to its original state. If the answer is no, then post your problem in the tech forum and wait for Schullrenhaft to respond. Make sure not to compromise FOW! BTW, where are you in that game turn wise? One more thing, ask your opponent to send me the file. If I can't open it then its a funked-up file, and you'll have to replay the turn.
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