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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Just discovered this by accident. Go into the unit editor, pick any side and set the headcount to less than 100%. Now go into the the support screen and glide the cursor over any unit that normally has more than 3 men in it's TO&E (for instance: Feb 44, German infantry, 75mm IG). Below the unit list will appear a description of that unit (# of men, ammo, transport class, etc.) Now glide the cursor off that unit, then glide it back on several times, making the unit description below appear and disappear each time. You will see the number of men changes when you bring the cursor back on. What this means is that you can set the headcount for less than 100% (thus saving a few points in cost) yet be able to maximize the number of crew (and thus the unit's efficiency) for each selection.
  2. ...Confucious says "A laughing fool will not send pbem turns"...
  3. ...Confucious says "A laughing fool will not send pbem turns"...
  4. ...Confucious says "A laughing fool will not send pbem turns"...
  5. Click on my sig to d/l CMAK remakes of Wild Bill's Chambois, Death of the Titans, To the last man, and Team Desorby. I am also converting the ROW I scenarios.
  6. Final update, and one with a happy ending... On the advice of a friend (thanks Phillip) I reinstalled CMBO. Voila, problem solved. Schrullenhaft, Thanks for helping me out as well
  7. Thanks to all for explaining, and especially the Pics, which helped a lot. Of course, this all leads me to ask another question: Given how bad the interior was laid out, why go ahead with the production, when other SPGs worked just as well and had a better internal arrangment? The StuG in particular had been in production far longer than the Hetzer, and its potential as a tank killer was well known, not to mention how it performed in its intended role as an Assault gun. Why not ramp up StuG production?
  8. What exactly is the interior layout of the Hetzer? The reason I ask is in CM it shows the TC behind the gun, with a viewport to the right of the gun's barrel. That I assume is the Driver's location. So where do the gunner and loader go? According to Achtung Panzer: Hetzer's interior was cramped for the four-man crew (commander, gunner, loader and driver), because of its sloped armour and low silhouette. Interior was divided into two compartments - engine and fighting/crews compartment. Gunner and loader were located on the left side of the gun; commander was in the rear on the right side of the gun, while the driver in front of the vehicle on the left side of the gun. 3 of 4 crewmen seated to the left of the gun? Doesn't sound right to me. That would mean the gunner sat behind the driver, with the loader behind him.
  9. Update on this continuing problem. I have tried to uninstall my Nvidia drivers from my PC, but apparently some residue stays behind, and the when I reboot (as it asks to do when removing any programs) the computer finds this residue, and it automatically updates the drivers. I have tried to d/l a program called Detonator R.I.P. to remove the residue, but when I try to launch the exec. it gives me the following error message: A required .DLL file, MSCOREE.DLL, was not found. I d/l the program from 3 different sites, but none work. Any suggestions? BTW, I do not have any mods install, and have the game patched to 1.12. The smoke looks fine in both 'fast and compatible' and 'High quality'. Its only the explosions that are white blocks.
  10. Set the parameters to either March or April 1944. Those are the only two months that have the '44 para TO&E.
  11. I prefer both do. You would be surprised as to how many regular scores I got litterally at the last second because both players thought the other sent it in.
  12. I prefer both do. You would be surprised as to how many regular scores I got litterally at the last second because both players thought the other sent it in.
  13. I prefer both do. You would be surprised as to how many regular scores I got litterally at the last second because both players thought the other sent it in.
  14. So, how are we all doing so far? All the games underway? Has anyone's processor melted from playing "Wolf in sheep's clothing"? Anyone care to share a movie file or two with the designers? My address is in my profile. Edit: I should add that if you do send me a movie file pleae zip it first. [ July 18, 2004, 06:10 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  15. So, how are we all doing so far? All the games underway? Has anyone's processor melted from playing "Wolf in sheep's clothing"? Anyone care to share a movie file or two with the designers? My address is in my profile. Edit: I should add that if you do send me a movie file pleae zip it first. [ July 18, 2004, 06:10 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  16. So, how are we all doing so far? All the games underway? Has anyone's processor melted from playing "Wolf in sheep's clothing"? Anyone care to share a movie file or two with the designers? My address is in my profile. Edit: I should add that if you do send me a movie file pleae zip it first. [ July 18, 2004, 06:10 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  17. Both Ops are now availible for download at the Proving grounds
  18. I should mention that I didn't follow Rune's instructions and begin each new battle from the AT ditch, but instead took advantage of the deep penetration to shift the deployments zones forward enough so that I could surround the Omar. I especially wanted to get my numerous 2" mortars within range. The deep penetration group was to cover the flank and rear, and spot whatever they could for my main force. Meanwhile I positioned a dozen or so HQs on the edges of dunes and small hills, with one or more 2" mortars behind the rise but in command. They were the gun killers. When the second battle opened up I scooted forward with several ACs / Carriers to get the guns to reveal their positions, and then started to mortar each one. The ones which I concentrated on the most were the 88s. Even if the symbol is of a generic gun due to FOW The sound is unmistakable. Whatever gun survived the mortars would then get a barrage of 3" / 25pdr on their heads. By the end of the second battle I had killed all of the 88S, plus 2 more guns. The ducks then rolled forward thru the previously breached minefield and MG'd the garrison. I think I lost 5-6 tanks, two of which fell to mines. The rest overran the defenders in conjunction with a general infantry assault. Mind you, it was a bloody assault. Ironically, the units which suffered the most were from the deep penetration group. For all of battle 2 and most of battle 3 they hid in the brush at the back edge spotting for the main force. When I finally ordered them forward they were cut to pieces by a force of Italian defenders whom were hiding 200 meters away in the same brush.
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