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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. You were gone? ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  2. Henri, Yes, once a surrender is submitted (or a ceasefire is agreed on by both players) you then get the AAR screen. At the bottom is a "Map" button which allows you to see the entire map with units of both sides displayed. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If, therefore, I chose to play someone and I do something that I find perfectly reasonable, they might choose not to play me again because they think it's gamey! Not a big deal really, except that in their next post to Jim Beam (I love playing Jim, he keeps making these dumb mistakes) they mention that Joe sure is a "gamey" player. Next thing you know my reputation (OK, work with me on this and pretend that I have one) is shot and I don't know why<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Joe, Just for the record, I would never play someone that said "This guy plays gamey". The opinion a player makes about another's style should be kept to themselves, because that's all it is - an opinion. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  4. A follow up to ACTORS question: What was his morale state? Was he under fire? Pinned? Did he have the dreaded "!"? Also, was he able to retreat under cover? Vickers teams are very slow, and if their only choice was surrender or stroll across that wide, open field behind them... ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"You men! Reveal yourself so that the enemy can kill you and waste valuable ammunition<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I have done this (although not the "get yourselves killed" part) and do not find it gamey in any way. I frequently move units around to trick my opponent into bombarding areas he thinks I'm hiding in. Doesn't work all the time, but when it does... ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Henri: Some of my opponents ask me for my password after the game so they can see everything, and this "burns out" the password for this opponent. Henri<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Perhaps I am missing something here, but what are they looking for that they can't get from the AAR's map? ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Wanna go to war!?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Are you asking for a PBEM game? ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So, BTS..yes thats you Steve and Charles! Pls create a new forum for the all the wives and girlfriends out there who would like somewhere to chat, possibly even work out ways to improve our relationships whilst letting the guys get their CM buzz<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You know Steve, she's right. I think this should be implemented ahead of TCP/IP. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  9. But what's to stop a player, after seeing the map, from picking a force that is totally unrealistic and out of proportions? You see a map with wide open fields and very little cover you are going to go heavy on the KT/Jumbos. Likewise, thick forests or cities will produce a boatload of SMG squads. The system we have right now rewards the player who chooses the well-rounded force. You are covering all the bases. And it has the potential to severly penalize the player that goes for the fantasy force. You certainly have the option to buy 5 KTs, but you might find yourself playing in heavily forested terrain in mud. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>In QB, I would very much like to see the map before buying my equipment. Doesn't it make more sense? Wouldn't a commander know the terrain upfront before committing resources<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Granted, he might know the terrain but It's not like the commanders had a wharehouse of men and machines to choose from. They made do with what they had at the time. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  11. Pham, You bonehead! This topic has been discussed before. Do a search! ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Someone posted a message not too long ago about there being a possible bug introduced in 1.05 that would always award the target hull down status if the firer had it too<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What happens if the target is a Mark IV and the firer is a Jabo? ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  13. Full FOW. I could understand it if the Stuart manuevered or fired. At least one could get a better *feel* for an opponent's experience by watching how he performs in battle. But like I said earlier, this guy just appeared out of nowhere, motionless, and immiediatley I knew how good he was. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  14. Your thoughts please, QB PBEM, I am the Germans. Several turns into the game I make a positive ID on a Stuart that appears about 30 meters away from one of my units. It's not moving nor firing. Instead it justs sits inside a clump of scattered trees. I click on it and am told the crew is *crack*. Too much info? Just right? What do you think? Just curious. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  15. The range of detection / engagements are shorter, thus you usually get the full firepower benefit. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>the move time info would be more realistic, as from experience each commander should know approximately how long it would take them per leg (in los) moving fast, or hunting.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't see how that is possible. Like I said in my previous post, in order for someone to know how long it takes to get from A to B he must know what lies in between A & B. In a realistic situation a TC wouldn't have that detailed of a layout. He might have a general idea (ridge here, road there, bridge there, etc...) but he won't know every patch of woods or small marsh along the way.
  17. To do so would imply that the TC has detailed info of the terrain ahead of him, which goes against FOW. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I just killed a "light tank" and 2 20mm flaks which remained unidentified until my infantry advanced much closer. For several turns, the dead and burning tank in an open field remained identified as "light tank" until it was finally labeled as an armored car. The 2 flaks remained identified as "light gun" even longer, on the crest of a hill, even though I knew what they were by the sound. They were dead for 5 turns before the infantry got close enough for the generic icon and label to change to the flak guns<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's not the same thing as what DOF is trying to point out. In your example you had at least limited LOS to the enemy units. In his example the German squads were hidden within the pines, with no units having LOS at the time they died <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Well, squads that are "eliminated" aren't necessarily all dead... maybe the survivors are just being a little too noisy yelling out "MEDIC!!!" and you're just hearing them<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I disagree. Granted, the arty barrage will cause some casualties, but what you see when the dead man icon appears is confirmation of an entire unit being eliminated. DOF pointed out that his nearest unit was 330 meters away, with no LOS.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I mean time spent in front of a computer playing CM, basically nonstop. Bathroom and snack breaks are ok.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> A good while back I started a PBEM game with JuJu. I sent him my first file at 10:30am EST and kept playing until after midnight. We averaged a file every half hour or so. In between files I played small (500 pt) AI games or surfed the BBS. What's really remarkable is that JuJu lives in Eindhoven, so he was up past 3am. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  20. Are you talking about against the AI or PBEM?
  21. Send me your set-up. Any side, any game. You'll find my address in my profile. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  22. One trick that has worked for me, When trying to "un-bog" vehicles, is to delete the existing orders and issue a short reverese order. Works for me about 75% of the time. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  23. Hello Steve, <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What does BBS stand for... please! I'm dying to know<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's the discussion forums for BTS. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  24. I just opened the Mortain Op and noticed something odd. Normally I get nice, thick fog in the first battle, but instead it was clear and sunny. I then closed the game and re-opened it, and got rain and thunder! repeating once again I got morning skies and chirping birds!! Has anyone experienced this before? Is there anything I can do to get it back to it's original settings? Thanks in advance. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  25. Hello Steve, You can plot the entire course for the vehicle, although I wouldn't recommend it. You might outpace your infantry and find yourself in Shreck alley. Picture how tankers manuevered in real life (in a combat situation). They would scoot from one patch of cover to another, stopping each time to: a) cover the advance of fellow units and, to get a better "feel" for their surroundings If you are confident that their is little risk in a non-stop advance, then you can plot continuos, multiple-turn movements. Otherwise the safest way to go is just like how the grunts move, short hops from A to B to C, stopping long enough each time to cover your buddies. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And when and how do I find out about the new news about CM? When is the follow command due? In a patch, a new version of the game? Thanks again...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Keep tuned to the BBS. This is where I go to find out about patches, progress on follow up games, etc... Also, your PBEM friends will share any news once it comes out (I had 6 e-mails when the 1.05 patch was released, 2 of them within minutes of the official BTS announcement). And one more place (he'd be pissed if I didn't mention it) always drop by Madmatt's site. It is the candy store of CM stuff. News, Mods, POTD, scenarios, it's all there. As to the follow command's release date, I don't know. I'm pretty sure it won't be added to CM1 because it will require all new coding, and CM1's code was locked up a while back. The patches we've been seeing were tweaks to existing code. CM2 is a better bet. BTW, You owe me a cold beer for each response. Do you have any more questions? ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
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