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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by patboivin

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Harold: Hey guys, Right now I am in the midst of converting Gavin Take, Merzenhausen Zoo, Celles Melee, Tiger Route and Hill 621 (yes that Hill 621) and I am trying to stay as faithful to the original as possible. It is just waiting for the Russians .) Harold<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Harold, I don't care, Hill 621 was my favorite scenario. Bring it on! Maybe you can substitute Polish or basic British infantry for the Russians. You can replace the SP guns with Churchills. Heh heh.
  2. Ahh, don't worry, it's worth the wait. Heck the game took almost a month to make it across the U.S. - Canadian border. Not sure yet if U.S. Postal Service is at fault, or Canada Post. Anyway, just to drive you crazy, those trees, they are not real trees, just abstracted terrain. So they are not real trees. Lemmings could have told you that, they know about trees. Hamsters wouldn't because they are pampered little fuzzy things that have no use whatsoever. Oh yes and I have finally blown a fuse.
  3. MadMatt, I gotta say it, people are getting better and better at buildings mods. Bring them on!
  4. FYI, it seems the blast in the sub was caused by an accident in the torpedo room. http://www.sunday-times.co.uk/news/pages/sti/2000/08/27/stifgnrus01003.html
  5. When I mentioned to my PBEM oppoenents that I had installed 105, they had no idea what I was talking about. It hadn't occurred to them that there might be a 1.05 patch out so soon.
  6. If you ever find any, I'd be curious to find out who they are so we can , uh, talk sense into them.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: And the SturmTiger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I was thinking this tank would only pull off one or two shots per game, wouldn't it? Ah but what impact they could have... I have a list too, but I'm already amazed at all the vehicles they managed to put in. Thanks BTS.
  8. They look so realistic that my first thought when I saw them was: "These things need to go through a car wash." Great job, where do you find the time... ??
  9. and you know about the Beep, the amphibian version of the Jeep...
  10. Shall I say I'm *tired* of these *Ford* jokes? heh heh. Fjord would be too deep. You need viking ships to cross those. ):^) I started this thread because I know the Germans at least sometimes outfitted Tiger tanks to cross rivers (don't know if it really worked, though, imagine if they got stuck mid-way).
  11. I know it's been discussed before, but I'm bringing it up again. I would like it if at least *some* vehicles could cross fords, it would come in handy sometimes.
  12. I don't understand the appeal of that show, everyone is talking about it but I just got bored watching it. I can't get over the suspicion that the whole thing was scripted, though. This looks more like a soap opera than anything else to me!
  13. This will probably sound lame, but I would buy CM2 just so I could replay the ASL Hill 621 scenario in 3D!! That was fun, rushing across the field, hoping that some of the Russians would make it to the other side, and that #$%$^% HMG on the top floor of the stone buildings, waiting for them... And the appearance, later on, of those SP IGs that could pound the German positions from a distance, sweet revenge.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Von Brizee: As for going berserk, troops can go "Fanatic" which means they act like psychos and don't panic or surrender. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In the Cheneux scenario, I had US airborne squads rush a German position inside a heavy building, every single US squad member was wiped out. The annoying thing is... I never told them to attack that position, I had told them to just stay where they were. But enemy fire triggered something, and they rushed the German stronghold. This is a night scenario, I am developing a theory about that (squads at night don't know what's going on, so they might do anything.)
  15. Ah, guys, leaf him alone... Seriously though, it's an honest mistake, in Doom and other shooting games the sprites ARE the game. In CM the sprites are just "fluff", the real meat is in the game engine. It's better that way.
  16. Windows 2000? Ooops! And a couple of months ago I asked jokingly whether BTS was running IIS... I thought you were all Mac people? Nevertheless, it's not because a door is left open that others can tresspass legally. I hope you can track down that hacker. I agree with the previous post re. 95% of "hackers" being thieves hiding behind a noble philosophy. Thieves are thieves.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Darwin: Melta-guns and heavy stubbers should do these Volks nicely. Cant wait for "CM6 Beyond Earth" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How about CM6: Above and Beyond? Or perhaps a little lame, CM6: Next Generation
  18. I clicked on the link for German OOBs, and got the message that the tartan web site could not be accessed. Could be that the tartan server was down, or it could be that the site no longer exists.
  19. I'm stuck at work, I would have registered if I was at home...
  20. The CNN web site says that all the hatches are damaged, which might explain the failed attempts by the RN. Water got into the crew compartment in the middle of the sub, because of a gash in the hull. Jane's is wondering publicly whether there might not have been a collision between the sub at periscope depth and a surface vessel. That would have pushed the sub down, or have encouraged the crew to dive, wouldn't it? Diving in shallow waters, hitting the bottom, might explain the explosion in the front, the second explosion. We just have preliminary reports so far, everyone is just speculating at this point. I know it's not related, but a half dozen men jumped off a rusty Russian troller here in Halifax because they weren't getting paid, living conditions aboard the rusty vessel were awful, and because they weren't allowed to contact their relatives at home. If we are to believe the news reports, some of the crew (probably more than just those who jumped ship) will ask to immigrate to Canada. The Russian embassy said they were treating this as a dispute between a merchant and employees... so it doesn't look like they are keen on fixing anything. I know merchant vessels are not a good gage of working conditions overall, but it's not the first time we hear that economics in Russia are a mess, and that their military has lost some cohesion. I don't know how many documentaries I've seen of the conditions in the prisons, orphanages and hospitals in Russia, it's a mess and there just isn't enough money in their economy to satisfy basic needs. Just in the last two days the IMF released a report saying Russia is at the top of their debtor list, although their economy appears to have picked up some (projected 7% increase this year). I hope they will be able to pull out of this. The idea of being stuck inside a sub, with no escape and limited air supply, just turns my guts to mush.
  21. I think it depends on how close the units are to the HQ. I noticed sometimes though that one HQ will stop commanding a squad, while another HQ will take control of it. I don't think you can control that, it depends on HQ placement vs. squads. Sometimes too you can place a platoon HQ next to a squad that it out of command of its original HQ, or that lost its HQ, and nothing happens. Usually when that happens I give up and send the HQ elsewhere, where it can prove useful. If a squad doesn't want to listen to commands then they are on their own for morale, I treat them as independent units then. Once you receive the game in the mail, check out the 3rd party mod that changes the little icon that shows you if a unit is in command or not. I use that mod, it makes it much easier to notice when a unit falls out of command range.
  22. I'm not going to disagree with anything positive you can say about DSL. It ROCKS! Down with modems! Bring on Internet TV!!!
  23. AAA, here I come!! I have to give this a try, now.
  24. I am being a little lazy here, but if anyone has free time, and the old ASL scenario sheets, we need some of those maps combined. (e.g. mapboard 1 next to mapboard 3). There is no way to "merge" maps in CM, so abutting two ASL maps together requires physically re-drawing the second one next to the first. Maybe there are people out there willing to do that, to expand the number of possible ASL scenarios. If people are not happy with my being lazy, let me know which two maps should be combined and I'll get around to it...
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