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Everything posted by GriffinCheng+

  1. Heck! The title says "no spoilers" but it is the othe r way round down here. Okay, spoilers as usual: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Anyway, this is also my first date. The Russian AI was quite "brave" for they just keep coming towards my forces on the road! If the German player is flexible enough -- e.g. forget about the flag and find another way out, victory is not such a problem. I am still trying this as Russian.
  2. Ahh, CDIC, I feel more potential members for starting up a CM Far East Chapter .
  3. Sorry for off-topic. From my observations through a number of QB against AI, some how "it" tends to move almost all the infantry units inside a small area which makes your FO very decorated. It happends when I was playing as German, I am not sure if it happens the other way around.
  4. Possilbe spoilers: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : The behavior of Allied AI tends to make its troops a juicy target for your FO. Also, there is a place where it is great spot for PaKs and tanks for ambush and the AI can never come close to the tree line halfway across. But don't try that when against human. During a hotseat against myself, I lost them all real quick... Griffin.
  5. Paul, sorry to hear that you missed all the great fun playing as Axis!!! Your mood will go bungie on this one. One of the best SL conversions to date. How about a PBEM?
  6. Send me, if you don't mind. I am testing it after GreyHound and SL13.
  7. MrSpkr, I have sent you my initial comments and would continue testing it for me-vs-myself. If it is posted, please let us know the URL. Thx. Griffin.
  8. Or just "order" one from me? Let me put the final word on my extra copy -- sorry this one is not for sale. I guess we could set up a "Far East" club and get our orders in a batch. Griffin.
  9. Send me! Please! To be frank, I am running "Hill 621" right now and it will take another day or two before I can summit my reviews on yours. Griffin.
  10. LOL nice to see your webserver has a sense of humour </font>
  11. Send me! Tell me what aspects we should be looking for. TIA.
  12. How about full TO&E plus variety factor? I know I am asking too much. I don't want to stripe you from enjoying your game. BUMP!
  13. Congradulations to getting yours! BTW, check out the thread on installation error and hope you will be fine. Just keep us posted on the progress. I guess you were just unlucky. Griffin.
  14. This May I had two cans of YinKing beer and they are smooth to take and I don't have any allergic reactions afterwards. Looks like it is fine for me. Any chance of a PBEM with CMBB -- my email address is still intact! Griffin.
  15. WWB, is this one a good/fun scenario? Griffin.
  16. Moon, I run through the manual but I cannot find it. I mean, apart from defining the "damage level" of the map, can I place indvidiually damaged building on the map, other than those on fire? One more question: how much better, quantatively speaking, would trench be benefit to the defenders? Is the "benefit" directional, ie. does the trench provide better cover from attacks from the longer side of the trench? TIA.
  17. Hello, I have got a couple newbie questions (who isn't ): 1. The manual says if the defending unit does not move after the initial setup, it is treated as camoflauged. Does it mean the unit much not be moved during the setup phrase or the unit should not be moved after the setup? 2. In the editor, how could I make a building/house damaged? TIA.
  18. I dunno but there is only ONE shipping option available. BTW, please send an email to BFC...
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